higheredn.delhi.gov.in Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme Higher Education

Organisation : Directorate of Higher Education, Delhi
Scholarship Name : Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme for Pursuing Higher Education in State Universities in Delhi
Applicable For : UG students
Applicable State/UT : Delhi
Website : https://higheredn.delhi.gov.in/higher-education/merit-cum-means-linked-financial-assistance-scheme-pursuing-higher-education-0

What is Delhi Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme?

“Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme” for Pursuing Higher Education in State Universities in Delh is sponsored by Directorate of Higher Education.
The student should have been enrolled for under graduate programme in any of the Delhi State Public Universities or colleges/ institutes affiliated to Delhi State Public Universities. A student shall submit application for each year of the Course / Program as per prescribed format of the concerned institution.

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Objective of Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme

** The objective of the Scheme is to extend financial assistance to the meritorious and needy students pursuing higher education in NCT of Delhi.
** Under this Scheme the Delhi Higher Education Trust through Directorate of Higher Education (DHE), GNCTD will fully or partially reimburse the tuition fee paid by the students.
** The extent of reimbursement will be
(i)100% tuition fee of the meritorious students belonging to economically weaker section i.e. wards of parent/s who are beneficiaries and possess relevant card issued under the National Food Security Scheme
(ii) 50%of the tuition fee to meritorious students having annual family income up to Rs.2.50 Lakh and not covered under the National Food Security Scheme
(iii) 25% reimbursement of tuition fee to meritorious students having annual income above Rs.2.50 Lakh but below Rs.6 Lakh.

** It is anticipated that the Scheme will lead to participation of meritorious economically weaker sections of the society in gaining access to quality higher education of which they were deprived till now due to financial constraints. It will also help attract meritorious students to Delhi State Universities.

Eligibility Criteria of Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme

Eligibility criteria for applying under this scheme shall be as follows:
(1) The student should have been enrolled for under graduate programme in any of the Delhi State Public Universities or colleges/ institutes affiliated to Delhi State Public Universities.

(2) The student should fulfill the income/ economic and academic performance criteria as specified for each category mentioned below:
Eligibility (Gross Annual Family Income of Student from all Sources) Qualifying Aggregate Percentage (Marks in All Subjects) Percentage of Financial Assistance
** Category 1 Beneficiary under National Food Security Scheme & possess the Card issued under the Scheme 60% 100%
** Category 2 Not covered under category 1 but whose family income is upto Rs.2.50 Lakh p.a. 60% 50%
** Category 3 Family income above Rs.2.50 Lakh p.a. but not exceeding Rs.6 Lakh p.a. 60% 25%

A relaxation of 5% in qualifying aggregate percentage of marks will be allowed to SC/ST Category students.

List of Documents for Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme

A student shall submit application for each year of the Course / Program as per prescribed format of the concerned institution with the following self certified documents:
For All Category of Students:
(i) Copy of Mark sheet / Certificate of having passed class XII or qualifying examination.
(ii) Certificate related to SC/ST Category issued by competent authority
(iii)Copy of PassBook / EStatement of the student bank account which should be Aadhaar seeded.
(iv)All previous mark sheets/certificate from concerned University/institution of current programme.
(v) A declaration, as per Format at Annexure“A”, by the student affirming that no financial support has been availed / is being availed from any other Scheme for meeting the cost of education for the course / program.

Additional Documents for Students Requesting Financial Assistance of 100%:
Copy of valid card issued under the National Food Security Scheme

Additional Documents for Students Requesting Financial Assistance of 50% :
Copy of valid annual family income certificate issued by the SDM/competent authority.

Additional Documents for Students Requesting Financial Assistance of 25%:
Copy of the full Income Tax Return (including the acknowledgement page) for both parents filed with Income Tax Department for the previous financial year. In the case of a nonworking parent, an affidavit affirming non employment certified by the office of SDM/competent authority and family income certificate issued by the SDM/competent authority.

FAQs on Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme

Whether all Courses / Programs & all Universities/Institutions/Colleges of Delhi covered under this scheme?
Ans. All approved undergraduate programs offered by any of the Delhi State Public Universities or colleges/ institutes affiliated to Delhi State Public Universities.

Whether all Universities/Institutions/Colleges located OUT-Side Delhi are covered under this scheme?
Ans. NO, Only Delhi State Public Universities or colleges/ institutes affiliated to Delhi State Public Universities.

Is a student resident of Delhi, who pursuing higher education from Central /State Govt. Universities /Institutions located outside Delhi within India, Eligible or Not Eligible under this scheme?
Ans. NO, Only the student should have been enrolled for under graduate programme in any of the Delhi State Public Universities or colleges/ institutes affiliated to Delhi State Public Universities.

Is a student resident of Delhi, who passed either class 10th or 12th from outside Delhi, Eligible or Not Eligible under this scheme?

Eligible, but the student should have been enrolled for under graduate programme in any of the Delhi State Public Universities or colleges/ institutes affiliated to Delhi State Public Universities.

Whom to contact for any problem for the scheme?

Nodal Officer, for the scheme (Nominated in the College/Institute/University)
*Nominated by the Delhi State Public Universities or colleges/ institutes affiliated to Delhi State Public Universities.

Detailed Notification Download here : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/pdf2024/61133-s.pdf

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