College Education Rajasthan Swami Vivekanand Scholarship For Academic Excellence Scheme 2024-25

Organisation : Department of College Education Rajasthan
Scholarship Name : Swami Vivekanand Scholarship For Academic Excellence Scheme 2024-25 SVSAES
Applicable For : PG, PhD and Post Doc students
Applicable State/UT : Rajasthan
Application Last Date : 15th January 2025
Website :

What is Swami Vivekanand Scholarship For Academic Excellence?

Swami Vivekanand Scholarship For Academic Excellence Scheme 2024 is sponsored by Department of College Education Rajasthan. Students of Rajasthan State domicile. Candidate must have scored 60% marks in the last exam passed. The age of the applicant must be less than 35 years as on 1st July of the respective financial year related to the allotment of scholarship. Only PG, PhD and Post Doc students are eligible for this. Last Date of Scholarship is 15th January 2025.

Who can Apply in the SVSAES Scheme?

** Students of Rajasthan State domicile.
** Less than 35 years as on 1st July of the financial year.
** Offer letter from one of the top world 1-150 Universities (Times Higher Education Rankings) for 300 seats.
** Offer letter from one of the top Indian 1-50 Universities (NIRF Rankings) for 200 seats (only for E1 category)
** For Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry and Architecture Courses at Under Graduate level : Offer letter from one of the top 1-150 Times Higher Education University Rankings which shall also be included in top 25 Times Higher Education Rankings subject wise (for 300 seats)
** E1 category students will be allowed to apply simultaneously for both national as well as international institutes.
** Basic minimum percentage to be considered is overall 60% in the qualifying exam passed (If in case the candidate is appearing in the final examination, he/she can upload the mark-sheet of the previous exam qualified)
** Candidate must have scored 60% marks in the last exam passed.

Documents Required for Swami Vivekanand Scholarship For Academic Excellence

a. Jan Aadhar Number
b. Offer letter of the applicable foreign university
c. Bonafide/ Domicile certificate
d. Gross family Income certificate (authenticated by executive magistrate and witnessed by two gazetted officers)
e. ITRs of last 3 years will be assessed of Mother, Father and candidate (ITR of F.Y 2020-21 Aessesment Year- 2021-22; F.Y. 2021-22, Assesment Year- 2022-23; and F.Y. 2022-23, Assesment Year- 2023-24) (No ITR required for E3 category candidates)
f. Affidavit for not filing ITR (given format)
g. 10th marksheet
h. Qualifying Degree, Mark sheet/Certificate of last passed exam
i. Self Declaration for Scholarships/ financial help etc.from other sources.
j. Passport, if any
k. Visa, if any
l. Aadhar Number

How to Apply for Swami Vivekanand Scholarship?
** All applications for scholarship will be received on the RGS portal/ website (htesajasthan [dot] gov [dot] in) of Government of Rajasthan through Janaadhar card.
** The entire exercise from receiving application to selection of the student shall be done through portal only. All information regarding scholarship will be sent to the applicant from time to time through the portal itself.

(i) The portal will remain open from 1st April till the final phase of evaluation for applying for scholarship award for the respective financial year or until the completion of 500 selections, whichever is earlier and after that the portal will be closed. The evaluation for selection for the scholarship awards will be done in specified phases as per the income category only.

From the financial year 2024-25, the evaluation will be done in four phases, on 1st May, 15′ June, 15th November and 15th January, respectively, according to the prevailing guidelines. The portal will remain closed from 16th January to 31st March.

(ii) In reference to the point (i), dates for first and second evaluation for the current financial year 2024-25 will be decided by the administrative department. The evaluation of third and final phase will be done on 15′ November and 15th January.

Selection Criteria For Swami Vivekanand Scholarship For Academic Excellence

** There will be four evaluation phases for selection (30th June-2023, 21st July-2023, 15th November-2024 & 15th January-2025).
** Applications received till evaluation dates, will be processed for selection in the scheme.
** Maximum 500 new seats are allocated for financial year 2024-25.
** Portal will remain open till 15th January 2025 for accepting applications, provided seats are lying vacant. Portal will remain close from 16th January-2025 to 31st March, 2025.
** In first phase, only E1 category students will be considered, in second and third phase priority for selection will be in order of E1, E2 category.
** In the last phase, priority for selection will be in order of E1, E2 and E3 category. E3 category will be considered in the last phase only, if seats are lying vacant.
** The merit of the student will be determined on the basis of top 150 Times Higher Education universities ranking. (irrespective of the course applied for)
** In case of equality of merit, preference will be given to the students of Post Doc, PhD, PG and UG courses respectively. Even after this, in case of equal merit, the student older in age on the basis of date of birth will be given preference.
** 30% seats (90) of 300 seats are earmarked for E1 and E2 category female students only. This will not apply to E3 category female students. Preference will be given to E1 category female students over E2 category female students for these earmarked seats. 30% seats (60) of 200 seats are earmarked for E1 category female students only.
** There will be two types of merit list (a) General merit List ( b) Female merit list

FAQs on Swami Vivekanand Scholarship For Academic Excellence

Which courses are allowed in the Scheme?
** Post Doc ( Max Course Duration: 1.5 Years )
** Ph. D. ( Max Course Duration: 3 Years )
** PG ( Max Course Duration: 2 Years )
** UG ( Max Course Duration: 4Years )

Which subjects are allowed in the Scheme?

** For Post Doc/ PhD/PG/ UG, all subjects as prescribed by the top 1-150 Times Higher Education University rankings are allowed (For 300 seats for E1, E2 & E3).
** However, for Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry and Architecture at UG level top 1-150 Times Higher Education University Rankings should also be included in top 1-25 Times Higher Education Rankings subject wise.
** For Post Doc/ PhD/PG/ UG, all subjects as prescribed by the top 1-50 NIRF ranked Indian Universities (For 200 seats; only for E1 category)

Which Universities are allowed in this scheme?

Top 150 Times Higher Education ranked universities for 300 seats and top 1-50 NIRF ranked Indian universities/ institutions available latest as on 1st April of that financial year are allowed.

Will the list of applicable universities change during opening to closing of the portal?

No, university list available as on 1st April of a financial year and as decided by the government will be applicable for the whole financial year.

Will this scholarship help me in getting admission in foreign universities?

No, this scholarship scheme only provides financial assistance after getting admission in foreign university. For admission you will have to make efforts on your own. You are advised to visit the websites of the respective universities for admission details.

What will be the closing dates for portal?

Portal will remain open till 15th Jan 2025 provided seats are lying vacant and will remain closed from 16th January 2025 to 31st March 2025 for financial year 2024-25. It will open on 1st April 2025 for next financial year.

Will selections in one evaluation phase are dependent on other phase?
No, selections in each phase are independent from all other phases.

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