SCSTDD Kerala Unnathi Scholarship For Overseas Studies :

Organisation : Government of Kerala ODEPC SCSTDD
Scholarship Name : Unnathi Scholarship For Overseas Studies
Applicable State : Kerala
Last Date : June
Website :

What is SCSTDD Kerala Unnathi Scholarship?

Unnathi Scholarship For Overseas Studies is sponsored by Government of Kerala. UNNATHI Scholarship to students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes communities for overseas studies abroad. This programme is envisaged to help the talented and meritorious students to pursue post- graduate level (or above) courses which will facilitate access to a broader area of knowledge and widen their career prospects.

Eligibility of UNNATHI Scholarship

In order to be eligible to apply for the scholarship, the applicant should satisfy the following conditions:
i. Must be a resident of Kerala and belong to the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes of Kerala.
ii. Must have secured at least 55% mark as per the University criteria in the qualifying examination.
iii. Must be below 35 years of age as on the date of application.
iv. The applicant shall not be a government employee or an employee of a public sector G.O.(Ms)No.22/2023/SCSTD entity.
v. The scholarship shall be granted to a student for only ONE programme/course of study and shall be limited to the period for which it is sanctioned.

vi. Applications submitted after taking admission other than through the procedure laid down herein to any foreign university/institution will not be considered under any circumstances. The scholarship and assistance is limited to those students who apply under this scheme, following the procedures laid down herein.

vii. All candidates after having availed of the award under the scheme are normally expected to return to India. However, the candidates are free to stay back abroad after completion of the course, without any financial support from the government, if the candidate is able to obtain any employment and appropriate visa for his/her stay in the foreign country.

Pattern of UNNATHI Scholarship

Three slabs are fixed for students from the Scheduled Castes community based on the annual family income of the student. For this purpose, the income of parents and the applicant, taken together, shall be considered. The slabs and the scholarship entitlements are as follows:
i. Students hailing from Scheduled Castes community, with an annual family income up to ₹12,00,000/- (Rupees Twelve Lakhs only) will be awarded full scholarship to meet all the expenses certified by the authorities concerned including accommodation, living expenses, visa charges, health insurance and air travel expenses in economy class, limited in total to an amount of ₹25,00,000 (Rupees Twenty Five Lakhs only) for the entire course period, subject to the condition that the living expense component within the total will be limited to ₹10 Lakhs for the entire course.

** The total entitlement shall be ₹25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five lakh only). Total number of awardees will be 175.

ii. Students hailing from Scheduled Castes community, with an annual family income between Rs. ₹12,00,001/- and ₹20,00,000/- will be entitled to get the tuition fee component, limited to ₹15,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen lakh only) certified by the authorities concerned.

** Accommodation and living expenses, visa charges, air fare admissible and health insurance premium component shall be limited to ₹ 5,00,000 (Rupees Five lakh only). The total entitlement shall be ₹20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty lakh only). Total number of awardees will be 25.

iii. Students hailing from Scheduled Castes community, with an annual family income G.O.(Ms)No.22/2023/SCSTD more than ₹ 20,00,000/- will be entitled to get the tuition fee component only, limited to ₹15,00,000/- (Fifteen lakh) certified by the authorities concerned.

** The total entitlement therefore shall be ₹15,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen lakh only). Total number of awardees will be 25.

Procedure of UNNATHI Scholarship

** ODEPC (Overseas Development and Employment Promotion Consultants – a government of Kerala Undertaking) shall function as the specialised nodal agency and give expert consultancy, advice and service to the respective Directors in operationalising this scheme.

** The Directors shall enter into a detailed agreement with ODEPC and avail necessary professional and technical services, including setting up a portal, call centre, mobilisation, selection, admission, travel, ground-handling and ancillary services in the country of study.

** ODEPC shall operate UNNATHI OVERSEAS SCHOLARSHIPS separately and distinctly from their other overseas study services and maintain a distinct identity under this Department.
** All communications and IEC material shall prominently display UNNATHI OVERSEAS SCHOLARSHIP and a dedicated hotline number to facilitate the students shall be established to guide the students throughout the year.

i. The selection of students under this scheme shall be done thrice a year, i.e., Fall season (August to September) , Spring Season (February to March) & May –June intake.

ii. All such students desirous of applying for financial assistance for studies abroad shall apply online from 1 August to 30th September for Fall season and again from 1st February to 31 March for Spring Season of the year and 1st of May to 30th June for May–June intake.

iii. The mobilisation and selection of students under this scheme shall be done by the Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe Development Departments led by the respective Directors, utilising the services of ODEPC.

iv. An online application system shall be displayed on the official pages of both these Departments and Unnathi (Kerala Empowerment Society). The technical team from ODEPC shall ensure data integrity and ensure that the application form access point is not displayed elsewhere.

v. Being of a younger age, being a girl child, being a child of a single parent, physical disability and academic merit shall be given weightage in selection. The marking criteria adopted for ranking shall be published in advance, on the application portal itself.

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