ISTSE 2024 Indian School Talent Search Scholarship Olympiad Examination : Educational Excellentia

Organization : Educational Excellentia
Scholarship Name : Indian School Talent Search Scholarship Olympiad Examination ISTSE 2024
Applicable For : Students from Class 1 to 10
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Website : https://istse.org/

What is Indian School Talent Search Scholarship Olympiad Exam?

ISTSE 2024 Scholarship Olympiad is conducted by Educational Excellentia. International level talent search scholarship olympiad examination for Indian Schools. Examination is designed to assess the overall intellectual potential of the students from class 1 to 10. It is a single paper exam comprising of Mental & Logical Ability, Mathematics, Science and English. The ISTSE Scholarship Olympiad – 2024 will be conducted on 12th, 18th and 19th May 2024. There are limited seats for each class. So, please hurry us before seats get over.

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Olympiad Exam Dates of ISTSE

ISTSE Online Scholarship Olympiad – Summer 2024 (For Direct Candidates):
For Class 1-3: May 19th 2024
For Class 4-6: May 18th 2024
For Class 7-10: May 12th 2024

Paper-based Scholarship Olympiad Exam (Only through School):
Exam Date: 3rd Feb 2025
Registration Last Date: 15th Oct 2024

Benefits of Participating in ISTSE Scholarship Olympiad

Scholarship Potential: Top scorers can qualify for scholarships.
Skill Assessment: Identify your strengths and weaknesses in different subjects.
Academic Challenge: Push your boundaries with thought-provoking questions.
Recognition: Earn medals and certificates for outstanding performance.

** ISTSE Scholarship Olympiad is a valuable opportunity to showcase your academic talent and potentially earn scholarships. Register today and embark on your journey to excellence!

Format of ISTSE Scholarship Olympiad Exam

Single Paper Exam: Covers all four subjects(Mental and Logical Ability, Maths, Science and English)
Multiple Choice Questions: Test your conceptual understanding.
Online or Paper-Based: Choose the format that suits you (availability depends on participation method).
Video Interview (Top 10 Scorer): A 30-minute video interview worth 100 points will be held for the top 10 scorers to determine the top 10 ranks.

How to Participate in ISTSE Scholarship Olympiad?

Individual/Direct Candidates (Online) :
** Open to all students in grades 1-10.
** Register online for the ISTSE exam. Click Here https://istse.org/Register.aspx to register.
** Take the exam from the comfort of your home using a webcam-enabled device and internet connection.

School-Based Participation (Paper-Based):
** Register through your school. Request an ISTSE exam form from your teacher.
** Online Scholarship Exam for class 1 to 10 students. Take test from home using a desktop/laptop/tablet with web-camera and internet connection(speed >= 512 kbps).
** 1-hour exam. Questions from Mental and Logical ability, Math, Science and English.
** There will be negative marking for the wrong answer.
** Registered student will receive 3 mock tests for practice. Mock tests will not be available on and after the exam date.
** Registration fee is ₹399/-, With Late Fee 449/-

Recognition & Awards of ISTSE Scholarship

Recognition is the best form of appreciation. Each participating student will get a certificate. The student who scores
** 95% or above will get a Scholar Certificate along with a Gold Medal
** 90% to 94.99% will get an Outstanding Performance Certificate along with a Silver Medal
** 80% to 89.99% will get a Distinguished Performance Certificate along with a Bronze Medal
** 60% to 79.99% will get a Participation Certificate
** below 60% will get a digital Participation Certificate

Scholarship :
** The top 3 students from each class will be awarded
** International Rank 1 – Scholarship of ₹1500/month for 12 months + Topper Shield
** International Rank 2 – Scholarship of ₹1000/month for 12 months + First Runner Up Shield
** International Rank 3 – Scholarship of ₹500/month for 12 months + Second Runner Up Shield
** Thirty minutes video interview of 100 marks will be conducted for top 10 marks holders to decide the top 10 ranks.

A minimum of 60% marks in the ISTSE-Online Schoalrship Olympiad examination is required to get a scholarship. If none of the students s cores 60% marks, then the scholarship will not be awarded to any student.
In case of any confusion, the decision of the Academic Council will be final & binding.

** The student is not eligible to receive the scholarship for the same class again. For example, if a student is getting a scholarship for class 4(through Winter Online Exam), she/he will not be eligible for the Class 4 Summer online exam scholarship.

Note: Appearing in the next exam is a student’s choice. They can appear in the exam to evaluate their preparation, but they are not eligible for the top 10 Interviews or Scholarships.

Ranking Criteria :
In case two or more students score the same number of marks, ranks will be determined based on the following criteria (weightage will be given from top to bottom)
Rule 1 – The student who will get more marks in the Scholars’ Section will get a higher rank.
Rule 2 – The student who will get more marks in Maths will get a higher rank.
Rule 3 – The student who will get more marks in Science will get a higher rank.
Rule 4 – Students who will get more marks in Mental & Logical Ability will get a higher rank.
Rule 5 – Students who will get more marks in English will get a higher rank.
Rule 6 – Time taken by a student in completing the exam paper. The student who has taken lesser time will get a higher rank.
Rule 7 – If two students get the same marks, the younger student will be given preference.
Thirty minutes video interview of 100 marks will be conducted for top 10 marks holders to decide the top 10 ranks.

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