Goonj Setu Fellowship 2024-25

Organization : Goonj
Scholarship Exam : Goonj Setu Fellowship 2024-25
Applicable For : Graduate Students
Last Date : 22nd April 2024
Website :

What is Goonj Setu Fellowship?

Goonj Setu Fellowship 2024-25 is an opportunity offered by Goonj (a non-profit organisation) to graduates aged between 21 to 30 years old by 31st July 2024. This programme provides an opportunity for individuals to understand themselves but also the larger social ecosystem, the dynamics, innovations, and how small things can bring about significant changes. The selected candidates will receive a fixed monthly stipend ranging between ₹20,000 – ₹22,000 depending on the city along with other benefits. Last Date Of Scholarship is 22nd April 2024.

Eligibility Criteria of Goonj Setu Fellowship

Age : you ought to be 21 to 30 years by 31st December, 2024
Education : we expect you to have graduated by 31st July, 2024
Languages known : basic understanding of English / Hindi
Adept with technology : basic computer knowledge: Ms Office and other tools

Selection Process of Goonj Setu Fellowship

** Start by filling out the online application form
** If your application is shortlisted, you will be called for an assessment and the panel interview at the nearest Goonj office
** Upon selection, you will receive an invitation to join the Goonj Setu Fellowship program

How to Apply for Goonj Setu Fellowship?

Eligible candidates can apply for the fellowship by following the steps below:-
Step 1: Click on the ‘Apply Now’ button below.
Step 2: Click on the ‘Register’ button on the right-hand side of the dashboard and fill in the required details to ‘Register’. (Note – If already registered, log in using the registered email ID.)
Step 3: Navigate to the ‘Apply Now’ button and click on it.
Step 4: Select the preferred language.
Step 5: Fill in the required details and submit the application.

FAQ on Goonj Setu Fellowship

How will the fellowship function?
** Fellowship is for 12 months and a tough one!
** Fellows will be given 20 leaves a year + regular national holidays
** The fellowship stipend will be a fixed amount ranging between Rs 20000 – Rs 22000 per month, depending on the city.
** City & Field travel allowances will be reimbursed based on actual

How will rural exposure work? Are we expected to go and work on our own in villages? What about our safety?

Your rural visits will be well-coordinated to be in the areas where Goonj is directly or indirectly working through its pan India network of grassroots organizations. At no point will you be left on your own. The safety of our fellows and team members is our priority.

Our teams will be taking care, but if you still have any specific concerns, you can let us know at the interview level.

What sort of rural exposure will the fellow have?
The rural experience is broadly divided into two phases. At first instance, Fellows will have an exposure visit to get deeper insights into the impact areas Goonj works on, i.e., water, sanitation, infrastructure, education, menstrual hygiene, and livelihood. In the next phase, Fellows will prepare a project based on the insights from Goonj’s work, and the same will be presented to a panel of experts who will help fine-tune it, after which Fellows will get a chance to implement it, working closely with the Goonj team.

What if I have to leave the program in the middle due to various reasons?

If you leave at any point before the completion of the fellowship, you will not be given a certificate. Additionally, there is a lock-in period of the first 6 months in which if you leave, you will not get a fellowship certificate, and a month’s stipend will be held back. This is only open to consideration in cases of health emergencies.

Is this a residential program?
No, this is not a residential program.

What is the applicant selection process?

** Start by filling out the online application form.
** If your application is shortlisted, you will be called for an assessment and panel interview at the nearest Goonj office.
** Upon selection, you will receive an offer to join the Goonj Setu Fellowship program.

What if I have already done a fellowship like the Gandhi Fellowship, the Teach for India Fellowship, YIFs, or any other liberal studies program, Can I still apply?
Applicants from social work, liberal arts, entrepreneurship studies, and people who have done other prestigious fellowships like the Gandhi Fellowship, Teach for India Fellowship, YIFs, and Jagriti Yatra can definitely apply but will not be given any extra preference or advantage.

What are the locations where I can be placed for this fellowship?
Goonj works in parts of the 27 states and UTs in deeper rural pockets and has city offices in Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Rishikesh, Chennai, Kochi, Patna, and Mumbai. Based on the need, you will be placed in any of these locations.

Important Points to Note :
** A Goonj Fellow cannot pursue any online/offline course during the Fellowship period
** A Fellow can be placed in any city/rural setting for a short/long time during the Fellowship
** The issues and ideas you will be working on during the Fellowship will be aligned with Goonj’s ongoing work/projects
** If you have a specific passion/idea that you want to work on in life, please bring it up in the application and interview, Goonj will look into the possibility of support
For any queries, please write to us at fellowship[AT]

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