Tripura Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students 2023-24 : Social Justice & Empowerment

Organisation : Department Of Social Justice & Empowerment
Scholarship Name : Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students 2023-24
Applicable For : Scheduled Castes Students
Applicable State/UTs : Tripura
Application Last Date : 31st January 2024
Website :

What is Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students?

Post Matric Scholarships to the students belonging to Scheduled Castes for studies in india is sponsored by Government Of India Ministry Of Social Justice & Empowerment. The objective of the scheme is to appreciably increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio of SC students in higher education with a focus on those from the poorest households, by providing financial assistance at post-matriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education. Last Date of Scholarship is 31st January 2024.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Tripura Pre-Matric Scholarship for ST Students 2024

Eligibility of Educational Institutions for Post Matric Scholarship

Only such educational Institutions which maintain the laid down academic standards shall be covered under the scheme. The following conditions regarding the courses offered, performance of the institution, Aadhaar based attendance system are also required to be adhered to by the Institutions/Universities/Colleges in order to be eligible under the scheme:
i. Only Institutions/Colleges with the ‘AISHE Code’/UDISE’ Code’ shall be eligible for the scholarship scheme. Based on the AISHE/UDISE-Code of the institution, all details of the institution such as registration, affiliation and accreditation, courses being offered and number of seats approved for each course – will be pulled from the AISHE/UDISE server on to the scholarship portal automatically.

ii. All participating higher education institutions shall get NAAC/NBA accreditation before 2024, for continuation in the scheme from 2025-26 onwards.
iii. The scholarship benefits shall be linked with Aadhaar based attendance system. Therefore, the college/institution will maintain Aadhaar based attendance on a daily basis and will submit attendance details on the portal.
iv. The institutions will submit half-yearly self-audited reports to the State Governments in a prescribed format which shall be separately issued.

v. The institutions should be willing to honour the FREESHIP CARD issued by the State/District Authority through the scholarship portal and admit the student without insisting on pre-payment of the college/tuition fee or hostel fee. This would be paid by the student on release of the scholarship amount by the Government as per the provisions of this scheme. In this regard, the State Governments will coordinate with the institutions located in their respective States.

Eligibility of Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students

1. The scholarships are open to Nationals of India only.

2. Only those candidates who belong to Scheduled Castes so specified in relation to the State/Union Territory to which the applicant actually belongs /domiciled as determined by the State/UT and who have passed the Matriculation or Higher Secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education will be eligible.

3. Scholarships will be paid to the students whose parents’/guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2,50,000/- (Rupees Two lakh Fifty thousand only) during the last Financial Year.

Income certificate is required to be taken once only i.e. at the time of admission only to courses which are continuing for more than one year. The income certificate shall be issued by the Authority as decided by the State Government.

4. The ceiling on age limit for admission as regular student in different classes should be decided by concerned Institutions.

5. Candidates who, after passing one stage of education are studying in the same stage of education in a different subject e.g. Intermediate Science after Intermediate Arts or B.Com after B.A. or M.A in one subject after M.A in other subjects will not be eligible.

6. Students, who pursue their studies through correspondence/online courses, are also eligible. The term correspondence includes distant and continuous education for courses in Central/ State Universities only. Non-refundable fees shall be paid and no academic allowance will be paid.

7. All the children of any parent/guardian will be entitled to receive benefits of the scheme.

8. A scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other scholarship/stipend. If awarded any other scholarship/stipend, the student can exercise his/her option for either of the two scholarships/stipends, whichever is more beneficial to him/her, and should inform the awarding authority through the Head of the Institution about the option made.

No scholarship will be paid to the students under this scheme from the date he/she accepts another scholarship/stipend. The student can however, accept free lodging or a grant or ad-hoc monetary help from the State Government or any other source for the purchase of books, equipment or for meeting the expenses on board and lodging in addition to the scholarship amount paid under this scheme.

How to Apply for Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students?

Students applying for scholarship for the first time (Fresh Students) need to “Register” on the portal as fresh applicant by providing accurate and authenticated information as printed on their documents in the “Student Registration Form”.

The registration form is required to be filled by parents / guardian of students who are below the age of 18 years on the date of registration.

Before initiating registration process, students / Parents / guardian are advised to keep the following documents handy:
1. Educational documents of student.
2(a). For major applicants – Aadhaar will be mandatory for the applicants who have attained 18 years of age on the date of registration. Applicant, who have not yet been assigned Aadhaar will be required to enroll for Aadhaar and then register using Enrolment Identification (EID). However, her registration will be provisional and attain final status on submission of Aadhaar and completion of Aadhaar based eKYC, which will be a prerequisite for release of her scholarship.
2(b). For minor applicants – All applicants, who have not attained the age of 18 years on the date of registration, shall register using Aadhaar with the consent of their parents/legal guardians on voluntary basis. In case Aadhaar has not been assigned to such applicants, they can register using EID. However, in all cases, where Aadhaar/EID of the minor applicant is not provided, Aadhaar of at least one parent/legal guardian will be required. In such cases, the parent/legal guardian will be treated as the Beneficiary. Further, it will be mandatory for students, who register without Aadhaar, to complete their Aadhaar based eKYC on completion of 18 years of age for continuation of registration/ scholarship.
3. In case of EID, no disbursal of scholarship would happen till Aadhaar is submitted in a given timeframe.
4. Payment will be made in Aadhaar Seeded account.
5. If Institute/School is different from domicile state of the applicant, then Bonafide student certificate from Institute / School.
6. Name, gender, DoB must be same as in student’s Aadhaar.
7. Name, gender must be same as in parent’s Aadhaar.
8. After filling the application form Student must do their eKYC.

Important Dates of Post Matric Scholarship for SC Students

Scheme Closing Date 31-01-2024
Defective Application Verification Date 10-02-2024
Institute Verification 10-02-2024
DNO/SNO/MNO Verification Open till 2024-02-28

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