Goa Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship For ST Students 2023-24 : Tribal Welfare

Organisation : Directorate of Tribal Welfare Government of Goa
Scholarship Name : Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship For ST Students 2023-24
Applicable For : ST Students studying in class IX and X
Applicable State/ UT : Goa
Application Last Date : 31st January 2023
Website : https://www.goa.gov.in/press-releases/

What is Goa Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship For ST Students?

The Directorate of Tribal Welfare is implementing centrally sponsored Scheme i.e. Pre-Matric (Std. IX & X) and Post-Matric Scholarship for ST students by inviting online applications on the National Scholarship Portal. To support ST children studying in classes IX and X so that the incidence of drop- out, especially in transition from elementary to secondary stage is minimized, and ST students can have a better chance of progressing to the post-matric stage of education. Last date for application submission is January 31, 2024.

Related / Similar Scholarship : DHE Goa Sant Sohirobanath Ambiye Dnyanvrudhhi Shishyavrutti Bursary Scheme 2024

Timelines of Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship For ST Students

The Directorate of Tribal Welfare has extended the timelines on the National Scholarship Portal for pre-Matric and Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for the current AY 2023-24. Last date for application submission is January 31, 2024, last date for INO Level Verification is February 15, 2024 and last date for District Level Verification is March 01, 2024.

Eligibility of Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship For ST Students

I. Applicant student should belong to the Scheduled Tribe, so specified in relation to the State/Union Territory to which he/she actually belongs (Domicile State).
II. The student should be studying in a Government School or in a School recognized by Government or a Central/State Board of Secondary Education.
III. The family income of student from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2.5 lakh per annum.
IV. The student should have a valid account in a Scheduled Bank, linked with Aadhaar and mobile number.
V. The student should not be getting any other scholarship.
VI. Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year. If a student has to repeat a class, he/she would not get scholarship for the same class twice. The student can renew scholarship for the next class when he/she is promoted.

Selection Of Candidates for Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship

I. All States/UTs are required to develop an online platform for inviting online application and disbursement of scholarship through DBT mode into the bank account of student. The States/UTs can opt for National Scholarship Portal for inviting such applications.

II. The States/UTs would obtain necessary documents from the student as mentioned in para 3 above. Any student found to have stated wrong facts or given misrepresented facts would become ineligible and will be liable to be debarred from the scheme.

III. Before initiating registration process, students are advised to carefully go through the instructions of State /NSP portal and should have all documents mentioned in para 3 above. The applicant while applying should take care of the following.
a. Candidates belonging to one State (Domicile State) but studying in other State will be awarded scholarships by the State to which they belong (domicile State) and will submit their applications to the competent authorities in their domicile State.

b. Bank account details (A/c Number, IFSC Code) given in applications need to be correct and the account should remain active (i.e. non-dormant). The account should be held in the name of student/parent and linked with Aadhaar and mobile to ensure timely DBT.

c. The resolution/quality of documents and photo uploaded should be adequate and document should be legible and clear.

d. The mobile number provided in the application should be correct, active and should belong to the applicant or the parent. The student should continue the same mobile number linked with the bank account for entire period of scholarship. In case of any change, the student needs to get the changed number incorporated in the records.

e. The applicant student should take timely action on the SMS received from State owned portal/NSP.
f. The applicant should follow up with institutes for application verification before the deadline.
g. The applicant should rectify the error(s) and comply with the remarks made in the application, in case the application is marked as defective in State owned portal/NSP.
h. The applicant shall note that applications marked as rejected by the nodal officer during verification process will not be considered for further processing on NSP, in respect of those States which are on NSP.

Documents Required for Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship

Students need to carefully go through State/ NSP portal for required documents to be uploaded with the application form as mentioned in clause 3 of guidelines.
a. Aadhar Number
b. Domicile certificate
c. ST certificate issued by competent authority of State.
d. Family Income Certificate.
e. Disability certificate.
f. Scanned copy of the passport size photograph

The State/UT may specify the procedure for issuing ST certificate, family Income Certificate and Disability certificate and the competent authority to issue such certificate. If the State has online system of issuing such certificate including certificate of examination passed, State/UT may link the portal through Digilocker so that the certificates placed in Digilocker can be fetched automatically.

How to Apply for Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship?

** Candidates must read the instruction carefully before registration.
** Candidates are advised to fill all the requisite details carefully and check properly before submission. As no correction/ editing is allowed after submission.
** Any wrong/ false information may lead to rejection.
** Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active mobile number and e-mail address in the online application. All Correspondence/ communication will be made through mobile/ e-mail only.
** Candidates are also advised to refer to National Scholarship Portal for regular updates.
** Aadhaar will be mandatory for registration on NSP
➤ Major applicants – If Aadhaar not assigned, candidate will be required to enroll for Aadhaar and register using Aadhaar Enrolment Identification (EID)
➤ Minor applicants – If Aadhaar assigned, candidate is advised to enroll using Aadhaar. Where Aadhaar/EID of the minor applicant is not assigned, Aadhaar of parent/legal guardian will be mandatorily required.
** For applications with EID, Scholarship to be disbursed only on furnishing of Aadhaar.
** Aadhaar based eKYC will be performed to verify credential of candidates.
** All scholarship payments will be made using Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB) only.
** Candidates requested to ensure that demographic details in Aadhaar shall be same as in school/ institute records. If any difference found, same should be corrected in Aadhaar.
** Registration made through parents’ Aadhaar will be valid only till student is minor, once candidate turns to major it will be his/her responsibility to update Aadhaar on NSP.
** Candidates are advised to ensure that his/her mobile number is linked to Aadhaar for receiving OTP from UIDAI. To check the mobile linking status please visit https://myaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/verify-email-mobile .
** Candidates are advised to ensure that bank account must be seeded with Aadhaar. To check the seeding status kindly visit https://resident.uidai.gov.in/bank-mapper.
** Candidates are advised to activate and update their DigiLocker account for automated verification.

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Tags goa.gov.in
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