dbtindia.gov.in DBT M K Bhan Young Researcher Fellowship Programme MKB-YRFP 2023-24

Organisation : Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India,
Scholarship Name : M K Bhan Young Researcher Fellowship Programme MKB-YRFP 2023-24
Applicable For : Indian National
Application Last Date : 30th November 2023
Website : https://www.dbtindia.gov.in/latest-announcement

What is DBT M K Bhan Young Researcher Fellowship Programme?

The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, had launched a new grant opportunity in 2020-21, the M K BHAN – YOUNG RESEARCHER FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME (MKB-YRFP). The scheme is to offer an independent research grant to young Post-Doctoral Fellows, so as to enable them to emerge as future leaders and take up cutting edge research focused on issues of national relevance. This fellowship will be awarded for Research work to be carried out at DBT-Autonomous Institutes only. Last Date of Fellowship is 30th November 2023.

Related / Similar Fellowship : JNCASR Summer Research Fellowship Programme SRFP 2024

Aim Of The Fellowship

(i) To provide attractive opportunities to young researchers for developing them as independent investigators.
(ii) This will enable young researchers to pursue their research interests within the country and also develop a critical mass of trained scientists for the country’s research institutions, universities and major new initiative.

Eligibility for M K Bhan Young Researcher Fellowship

(i) The applicant should be Indian National and possess a Ph.D. in any branch of Life Sciences/ Biotechnology/allied areas.
(ii) Applicant should not be holding a permanent position in any institute/university.

(iii) The applicant should have an excellent track record as evident by peer reviewed publications, technologies developed, patent (if any). Those who have submitted their Ph.D. are also eligible to apply; however, fellowship can be implemented only after award of the degree. Applicant should not take-up fellowship at the Institute where he/she has done his/her Ph.D.

(iv) Each applicant must identify a host institute and a mentor.
(v) The upper age limit will be 35 years as on the closing date of the submission of the application.
(vi) Applicants cannot have more than one fellowship at a given point of time.
(vii) The application has to be endorsed by the mentor and the head of the host institute (DBT Autonomous Institute) chosen by the applicant to take up the fellowship in the prescribed format.

(viii) In case a fellow is accepted a regular position in the DBT autonomous institute, salary component of the fellowship will be discontinued from the date of joining the position, however, other components of fellowship will be continued for the remaining tenure of the fellowship.

(ix) The fellowship is co-terminus with the project duration.

Nature Of Support for M K Bhan Young Researcher Fellowship Programme

(i) The scheme provides a consolidated monthly remuneration of Rs. 75,000/- p.m.

(ii) MKB-YRFP fellows in addition will receive a research/contingency grant of Rs. 20.00 lakh per year for hiring manpower, purchase of consumables, minor equipment, domestic travel and other contingent expenditure to be incurred for the implementation of research proposal selected for the fellowship.

(iii) MK Bhan fellow can engage one manpower (JRF/SRF/Project Assistant/Project Associate) under him/her. Capital equipment will be procured in the name of the institute where the fellow proposes to work and value of the whole set of the equipment should not exceed Rs.10.00 lakh during the whole tenure of the project.

(iv) MKB-YRFP fellows will be eligible for regular research grant through extra mural and other schemes of various S&T agencies of the Govt. of India, provided that Co-PI is a regular faculty. However, they can take research grant from anywhere but salary from only one source.

How To Apply for M K Bhan Young Researcher Fellowship Programme?

(i) Eligible applicants should submit application as per prescribed proforma to DBT duly forwarded by the Host Institute (DBT AIs only) where they intend to take up fellowship.

Attachments Needed :
1. Proof for date of birth.
2. Proof of Master’s degree, and PhD Certificate.
3. One copy of each publication mentioned in column 13 and 14.
4. One copy of recognition/award details mentioned in column 16
5. Consent form from mentor (as case may be) and host institute

Detailed Notification Download here : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/pdf2023/60328-fe.pdf

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