IMSC NBHM Scholarship Schemes 2024 : National Board for Higher Mathematics

Organisation : National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM)
Scholarship Name : NBHM Scholarship Schemes 2024
Applicable For : Students who have completed B.S./M.A./M.Sc
Application Last Date : 10th December 2023
Exam Date : 20th January 2024
Website :

What is NBHM Scholarship Schemes?

National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) announces the 2024 edition of its Master’s and Doctoral Scholarship Schemes. The scholarships are meant ONLY for pursuing programmes “in Mathematics”. The test means the NBHM “Combined” Scholarship Written Test scheduled for Saturday, 20 January 2024. Last Date of Scholarship is 10th December 2023.

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Amount of NBHM Scholarship Schemes

NBHM is happy to announce that the monthly stipend for the Doctoral Scholarship has been revised upwards to ₹ 37,000 (for the first two years) and ₹ 42,000 (for subsequent years) with effect from 01 January 2023. (The corresponding amounts ₹ 31,000 and ₹ 35,000 mentioned in the advertisement stand modified.) HRA is payable in addition as per GoI norms, as mentioned in the advertisement.

How to Apply for NBHM Scholarship Schemes?

To apply online, you must create an account using a valid email-id. This account will remain valid from the time of account creation till one month after the date of declaration of results for that year. Email-ids are linked to the created account as well as to the application, and will be used for all communications. Therefore, the email-id should be active and must not be changed during this period.

The steps for submission of the ON-LINE application form are:
Registration :
** Registration: To create an account, click on the “Register” link on this page. You will receive an email with your account information after registering with a valid email-id. Follow the instructions given in the email for resetting your password and further login.

** This email address will act as a username for all activities, including login, on this portal, as well as all further communication.
** Login to this portal using the credentials you have set. Fill in the form and save it, or, modify an already saved form. Once you are done with entering all the required information, press the “Submit and Pay” button.
** This will redirect you to the payment gateway page. Complete the payment by choosing payment method convenient to you.

Form Filling :
** All fields on this application form are mandatory.
** Scholarship Type Option: You may opt to be considered only for the Master’s Scholarship, only for the Doctoral Scholarship, or for both. This option cannot be changed later once the application is completed. For details of how the interview shortlists shall be drawn up, refer to the advertisement.

** Enter your name as in the Identity card you will be carrying on the day of the examination. Enter the details of the same at appropriate field on this form.
** Enter the other address details. Note that this address will be used for all future communication from NBHM.
** PIN Code should be numeric, SIX digits. In case you do not have a PIN Code, enter “999999”.
** Under Contact Number enter your mobile number. The SMS communication from the payment gateway Enter your “Alternate Contact Number”.

** Identity:
You need to fill out details of a photo identity card that you carry. This card can only be one of the following five: Aadhar, Passport, PAN, Voter ID, Driver’s License. (Identity cards issued by colleges or universities are not acceptable.) The name, date of birth, and other details on the card must match what you fill out on the application form.

On the day of the examination, you will be required to carry this same identity card in original with you to the test centre. Select the Government issued Identity Card that you will be carrying (in original) on the day of the examination. Please ensure the validity of the same on the day of the examination.
** Select your preference for the exam centers.

Form Submission :
** Verify before submitting: Once the application fee is paid and the application is submitted, the entries cannot be changed. So care should be exercised in filling out the application form. Satisfy yourself that all fields have been correctly entered before submitting.

Payment :
** The payment gateway provides four ways to make the payment, namely credit/Debit card, UPI Payment, scanning the QR code using any UPI app and NetBanking.
** Note that the “Convenience Fee” depends upon the mode of payment.
** You will get an SMS from the Payment Gateway confirming the payment details.
** It is strongly recommended to use QR code or netbanking as primary payment method.
** In case your payment is failed and you are redirected to the portal, use the Apply button from the menu, instead of “Try Payment again” button.

Important Dates of NBHM Scholarship Schemes

10 Nov 2023 Online application portal scheduled to open
30 Nov 2023 Last date for applications with fee of ₹ 400 (single scholarship)/ ₹ 600 (both scholarships)
01 Dec 2023 Application fee changes to ₹ 500 (single scholarship)/ ₹ 750 (both scholarships)
02 Dec 2023 Application fee changes to ₹ 750 (single scholarship)/ ₹ 1000 (both scholarships)
10 Dec 2023 Deadline for applications; end of the day (23:59 hrs, IST)
25 Dec 2023 Admit Cards to be ready for download from the portal
20 Jan 2024 Written Test to be held, 10:30 am to 1:30 pm, IST
15 Feb 2024 Interview Shortlists published on the web page and test scores uploaded to the portal
March 2024 Interviews to be held (exact dates to be decided later)
15 Apr 2024 Final selection results for the Scholarships to be announced

FAQ on NBHM Scholarship Schemes

Can I qualify for the NBHM Scholarship this year but defer availing it until next year or later?
No. The qualification cannot be deferred. However, candidates selected in the present round of selection for the Doctoral Scholarship have time until January 2025 to enrol in a PhD programme “in Mathematics” and claim the scholarship. Candidates selected in the present round of selection for the Master’s Scholarship must enrol in a “Master’s programme in Mathematics” for the academic year 2024–25 (or be already enrolled in such a programme) to claim the scholarship.

I was selected for the NBHM (Doctoral / Master’s) Scholarship last year (or some years ago) but opted not to receive it. Am I eligible for selection this year?
The fact that you have been selected for a scholarship in the past (by qualifying in both the test and interview) does not by itself disqualify you from this year’s selection to that scholarship.

If, however, you have opted anytime in the past to receive a scholarship, then you are disqualified from selection this year for that scholarship. Let us make it clear that those who have enjoyed the NBHM Master’s Scholarship (but have not drawn the NBHM Doctoral Scholarship) in the past are welcome—even encouraged—to apply for the Doctoral Scholarship this year.

I am in the second year of a PhD programme in Mathematics. Am I eligible for the Doctoral Scholarship? Can I appear for the test?
The fact that you are already in the second year of a doctoral programme is by itself no disqualification for selection to the scholarship. However, be advised that the fact that you are already well into your PhD programme may have some influence on the final selection decision.

I am pursuing an MSc (Mathematics) degree and am currently in the 2nd year. Would it make sense for me to apply for both the Master’s and Doctoral Scholarships?
Yes, in so far as someone in that situation would, subject to selection and other conditions being met, be able to get the Master’s Scholarship for the academic year 2023–24 and also the Doctoral Scholarship from the year 2024–25.

Can I avail the NBHM Scholarship while enrolled in a part-time (not full-time) programme?
No. Those registered in part time programmes are NOT eligible.

I am enrolled in an integrated PhD programme “in Mathematics” which leads on the way to a master’s degree. Am I eligible for the NBHM Doctoral Scholarship?

Yes and no. You are eligible for the Doctoral Scholarship during the “PhD part” of the integrated programme. In other words, you are eligible for that scholarship only after receipt of your master’s degree (or suitable certificate) as part of the integrated PhD programme. During the “Master’s part” of the Integrated PhD programme, you are eligible only for the NBHM Master’s Scholarship and not the NBHM Doctoral Scholarship.

Can I get the scholarship while enrolled in a Master’s / PhD programme in Mathematical Finance?

The scholarships are meant ONLY for pursuing programmes “in Mathematics” (see the advertisement for the definition of “in Mathematics”).

I am enrolled in a 2-year “Mathematics and Computing” Master’s programme. Am I eligible for the Master’s Scholarship?

Yes. As the advertisement explains clearly, by virtue of the name of the degree it leads to containing the word “Mathematics” in it, your programme is deemed to be “in Mathematics”.

I want to do research in cryptology for my PhD. Can I avail the NBHM Doctoral Scholarship in pursuit of that goal?

The answer depends on the name of the PhD degree. The Doctoral Scholarship is tenable for pursuit of a PhD degree “in Mathematics”, with no restriction being placed on the area of research. It is NOT tenable for pursuit of a PhD degree in, say, “Computer Science” (or, more precisely, one that is not “in Mathematics”), even if the area of research happens to be a very mathematical one (e.g., cryptology).

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