DHE Haryana Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Girls Students 2023-24 : Higher Education

Organisation :  Department of Higher Education, Haryana DHE
Scholarship Name : Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Girls Students 2023-24
Applicable For : Under Graduate Girls Students
Applicable State/UTs : Haryana
Application Last Date : 31st January 2024
Website : https://harchhatravratti.highereduhry.ac.in/

What is Haryana Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Girls Students?

Merit Scholarship To Under Graduate Girls Students 2023-24 is sponsored by Department of Higher Education, Haryana. The awards will be given only to the students pursuing general degree courses. This Scholarship will be given to the girl students who after passing 10+2 class with at least 60% marks are studying in any Govt. College. The value of the Scholarship awarded will be Rs. 3000/- per student per annum. Last Date of Scholarship is 31st January 2024.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Har-Chhatravratti State Merit Scholarship To UG/PG Students 2023-24

Eligibility of Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Girls

I) This Scholarship will be given to the girl students who after passing 10+2 class with at least 60% marks are studying in any Govt. College.
II) The awards will be given only to the students pursuing general degree courses.
III) Candidates who pursue their studies through correspondence course/open universities will not be eligible for the award.
IV) A Scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other Scholarship/Stipend. However, they may accept a grant of minority help from the State Govt. or any other source for the purchase of books, equipments or for meeting the expenses of boarding and lodging.
V) There is no income limit for this scheme.

Value Of Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Girls Students

i) No. of fresh Scholarships to be awarded are for ten girl students per College.
ii) The value of the Scholarship awarded will be Rs. 3000/- per student per annum.
iii) The Scholarships are tenable for pursuing general academic course in the Govt. Colleges only.

Duration And Renewal Of Awards :
i) The awards will be tenable for three years. It will be renewed from year to year provided that the candidate secures at least 55% marks in the qualifying examination.
ii) If a Candidate is unable to appear in the annual examination owing to illness, the awards may be renewed for the next academic year on submission of a Medical Certificate to the satisfaction of the Head of the Institution.

Mode Of Selection for Merit Scholarship to UG Girls Students

1) The award shall be made strictly on merit basis. In case more than one student secure equal marks / percentage of the marks to be worked out upto three decimal places. The Candidate junior most in age shall get the first priority.
2) The Scholarship will be awarded on the recommendation of the Head of the institution, forwarded with the complete documents on the prescribed Proforma. In respect of the eligible Candidate the awarding authority prescribed it before due/prescribed date every year.
3) The Scholarship shall be cancelled if the particulars furnished in the declaration/application form is found to be incomplete/incorrect.
4) If the Scholar is found to be ineligible at any stage due to any reason, the Scholarship renewal will not be given.
5) The Scholarship is depended on the satisfactory progress and conduct of the Candidate.
6) The Scholarship can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Govt.
7) The Principals will send the list of awardee students to the Directorate alongwith the receipt as a proof of amount paid.

How to Apply for Merit Scholarship to UG Girls Students?

** To Register and Apply the Scholarship
** Eligible students need to follow the below given steps:
** Click Registration link at the portal, if you are new user. Existing user can click on the login button.
** Enter the Parivar Pehchaan Patra (Family Id), a List of members will be displayed, Select your Name and Click on “Generate OTP” button.
** Enter the OTP received on your registered Mobile No. and Click on “Verify OTP” button.
** After OTP Verification, all the details get auto filled in the Registration Form, cross check your information.
** Select Your Department and College, and create your Password and Click on “Register” Button.
** Click login link at the portal and enter User ID and password to apply the scholarship.
** Provide all necessary details like Course, Roll No., Eligibility etc.
** Click on the “Apply” button to save your application.

What is the Last Date of Scholarship?

Last Date of Merit Scholarship to Under Graduate Girls Students 2023-24 is 31st January 2024.

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