UGC National Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies 2023-24 : University Grants Commission

Organisation : UGC University Grants Commission
Scheme Name : National Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies 2023-24
Applicable For : 1st year PG students
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Last Date : 31st December 2023
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What is National Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies?

National Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies 2023-24 is sponsored by University Grants Commission. Ten thousand (10000) National Scholarships or as may be decided by the Commission, at the rate of Rs.15,000/- per month for 10 months in a year, are available for Indian students for two years to pursue higher studies, within India, leading to award of Postgraduate Degree under the scheme ‘National Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies’. Last Date of Scholarship is 31st December 2023.

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Eligibility of National Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies

1. The scholarship is available to the students for the first PG Degree programme only. Students, who have already acquired any postgraduate degree, are not eligible to apply.
2. Only the students, who are already admitted in the first year of PG degree programme in an eligible university/college/institution, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Institution’), are eligible to apply.
3. In case of integrated programmes, the scholarship shall be given for PG component only.
4. Only students who are below the age of 30 years of age as on the date of admission in the first semester/year of a PG programme are eligible to apply under these schemes.
5. The scholarship is available only for students who are admitted to PG degree programme through ‘Regular/Full Time’ mode. The students, who are pursuing any PG programme through open/distance/correspondence mode, private or part-time mode, are not eligible to apply.

6. The scholarship is available only for students who are pursuing recognized PG degree programmes leading to specified PG degrees notified by UGC from time to time i.e. the nomenclature and duration of course should be as per UGC Notification on Specification of Degrees, 2014, as amended from time to time.

How to Apply for National Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies?

(I) Applications will be invited once in a year on the National e-Scholarship Portal of the Government of India. Short notification will also be uploaded on the UGC website.

(II) Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. Only verified online applications will be considered for award of scholarship.

(III) Students are not required to upload any certificate/affidavit on NSP while submitting their online applications. However, as per requirement of scheme they have to submit necessary documents to their institutions to enable them to verify their online applications.

(IV) In case, a student does not have a separate KYC compliant bank account in their name, he/she should open a KYC compliant bank account in his/her name and give its correct information in the online application. Even if a student is selected for scholarship, the payment of scholarship may not be generated due to mis-match of name of student, bank account number, IFSC code etc.

(V) Students are advised to fill the online application on NSP very carefully. The application may be rejected or payment may be stopped due to the wrong information in the online application No correspondence will be entertained in this regard after the application is verified by their institution.

(VI) The institutions are also advised to check whether the student has given correct information in their online application.

(VII) The Institution shall verify the eligibility of its students on the basis of documents submitted by students. The Institution may ask for Certificates, Affidavits from students to ensure the eligibility and verify the information given by the students in their online application. These include Certificate issued by the competent authorities for Caste and or Category, under which student has applied.

(VIII) The institution shall retain all documents of its students for record purpose during the period of scholarship plus two years after the end of scholarship. UGC reserves the right to call for the documents of any student, any time.

(IX) After verifying the eligibility of its students for scholarship under the scheme, the institution shall verify the online application on NSP within the stipulated time. While verifying the online application, the institutions shall upload a scanned copy of certificate on the Portal. A format of the Certificate for verifying ‘Fresh’ applications is attached below. Original copy of Certificate shall be retained by institution with other record of student.

Selection Procedure for National Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies

The selection shall be made strictly as per the merit of candidates except in case of ‘Single/Twin/Fraternal Girl Child’. The slots shall be allocated as per Govt. of India reservation policy. However 30% slots will be reserved for the women candidates.

Further, 50% of slots under each category are earmarked for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Law, Management and other 50% are earmarked for Science, Engineering & Technology, medical, technical, agriculture, forestry programmes.

In case of tie/more than one candidate having similar marks in their UG examination, at the lowest level of merit list, the list shall be further short listed/segregated on the basis of marks obtained by them in Under-graduation (UG). In case, there are still more candidates in the merit list as compared to the desired/declared slots, further short listing shall be done on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in XII class.

The result shall be declared normally in the month of November/December of the same year by NSP. The candidates shall be able to check their result on the National Scholarship Portal by using their User ID and Password generated at the time of filing online application.

What is the Last Date of Scholarship?

Last Date of National Scholarship For Post Graduate Studies 2023-24 is 31st December 2023.

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