Jagananna Civil Services Prothsahakam Scheme 2023 JCSP Andhra Pradesh : jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in

Organisation : JnanaBhumi Government Of Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Department
Scholarship Name : Jagananna Civil Services Prothsahakam Scheme 2023
Applicable For : UPSC Civil Services Passed Students
Applicable State : Andhra Pradesh
Website : https://jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in/

What is Jagananna Civil Services Prothsahakam Scheme?

Government sanction new scheme Jagananna Civil Services Prothsahakam to provide financial assistance as cash incentive to the aspirants of socially, educationally and economically weaker/backward sections of Andhra Pradesh, who qualified in the Preliminary and Mains Civil Services Examination conducted by the UPSC for an amount of Rs.1 lakh and Rs.50,000 respectively in order to increase the representation of A.P in the Civil Services.

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Who are Eligible for Jagananna Civil Services Prothsahakam?

1. Applicant must be a permanent resident/ native of Andhra Pradesh belonging to Socially, educationally and economically weaker/backward sections.
2. Candidate must have qualified for the UPSC Civil Services preliminary or Mains examination.
3. Submission of proof of qualifying UPSC Civil Services pre -examination or mains examination is mandatory to avail the benefits of the scheme.
4. The cash incentive under the scheme can be availed by a candidate, irrespective of the number of attempts, for clearing the Preliminary examination and for clearing Mains examination.

5. The annual family income of the applicant shall not exceed Rs.8 lakhs per annum. The applicant shall declare the following:
a. Self declaration of family income.
b. Salary certificates of the employee in the household.
c. Latest Tax Assessment (if applicable).

6. The data shall be verified by the Tahsildar before certifying the annual income of the family duly satisfying the following conditions:
a. The total land holding of the family to be less than 10 acres of wet or 25 acres of dry or 25 acres of wet and dry land together.
b. A family which owns no property or less than 1500 sft of built up ara (residential or commercial) in urban areas is eligible.
c. No member of the family should be a regular government employee/ pensioner (all sanitary workers irrespective of their salary/recruitment, are eligible).
d. No member of the family should own a four-wheeler (Taxies/Tractors/Autos are exempted).

7. Domicile certificate issued by the competent authority should be submitted by the applicants. In case of caste, the details regarding the caste of the applicant shall be submitted at the time of online application.

How to Apply for Jagananna Civil Services Prothsahakam?

Candidate should file online application at https://jcsp.apcfs.in

The following documents required for filing of applications.
1. Eligible candidates shall apply online through the website of the Department of Social Welfare along with all requisite documents. Applications received after the prescribed date and time will be considered invalid. No application will be accepted by any other means and such applications will be rejected. The list of documents to be submitted are as follows.
a. Self attested copy of photo.
b. Signature-scanned copy.
c. Admit card of the UPSC examination/ Roll number slip.
d. Self decalration of family income.
e. Domicile certificate.
f. Photo copy of Aadhaar Card.

2. Aadhar has to be linked to candidate’s bank account as per NPCI portal.
3. All the information submitted online by applicants should be entered correctly. The responsibility of any kind of error in online application will be of the applicant.
4. If the benefit of the scheme has been obtained by the candidate by giving false information, legal action will be taken against the candidate.

Detailed Scholarship Notification Download here : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/pdf2023/60210-jc.pdf

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