Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC Students 2023-24 : Welfare of SC/ST

Organisation : Welfare of SC/ST Government of NCT of Delhi
Scholarship Name : Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC Students 2023-24
Applicable For : SC/ST/OBC students
Applicable State/UT : Delhi
Application Last Date : 31st March 2024
Website :

What is Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC Students Delhi?

Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC, Govt. of NCT of Delhi has started online applications in respect of following scholarship schemes for SC/ST/OBC category students on e-district portal Delhi. Applications are invited for scholarship for SC/ST/OBC students online through E-District Delhi Portal for the financial year 2023-24. The Last Date of apply online application form on e-district portal is 31st March 2024.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Higher Education Delhi Merit-cum-Means Linked Financial Assistance Scheme

Types of State funded scholarship schemes

1 Mukhyamantri Vidyarthi Pratibha Yojana Scholarship Scheme
2 Reimbursement of Tution Fees for Students Belonging to SC/ST/OBC Category
3 Post Matric Scholarship for OBC Students(PMS-OBC)
4 Pre Matric Scholarship for OBC Students(PMS-OBC)
5 Merit Scholarship to SC/ST/OBC Students of College/Professional Institutions
6 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar State Toppers Award for Students belonging to SC/ST/OBC Category
7 Post matric Scholarship schemes for SC
8 Pre Matric Scholarship schemes for SC

Reimbursement of Tuition Fees for SC/ST/OBC students

Attention: For SC/ST/OBC students with family income below Rs.3.00 lakh per annum for reimbursement of tuition and other compulsory fees in recognized public schools in Delhi.

Terms and conditions :
** Family income should not exceed Rs. 3.00 Lakh per Annum. Income certificate issued by competent authority of Delhi should be valid at the time of submission of application required.
** The applicant should upload Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC) issued in the name of student or his father’s name by SDM/Deputy Commissioner (Revenue), GNCTD, Domicile Certificate of Delhi if the caste (SC) certificate is not issued by the competent authority of Govt. of NCT of Delhi is required.
** The school in which he/she is studying should be recognize/affiliated with Dept. of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi / Municipal local bodies of Delhi.
** Repeaters in a particular class will not be eligible for such benefits.
** Students studying in classes I to XII will be entitled for reimbursement of tuition fees, Lab fee and Library fees will be reimbursed to only those scoring 50% and above marks and having not less than 70% attendance in the preceding year.
** Tuition fees, lab Fess & Library Fees (Maximum Reimbursement amount Rs. 48,000/- or actual paid whichever is less) should be reimbursed.
** Bank Account should be in the name of the student (Joint Bank Account with parent/Guardian is also permissible), active and seeded with Aadhaar no of student. ** Original Fees receipts for the current academic session should be uploaded on the portal.

Mukhyamantri Vidyarthi Pratibha Yojna for SC/ST/OBC students

SC/ST/OBC students of class IX to XII of all Government/Aided/Recognized public schools affiliated to Directorate of Education/Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan/National Open School/Schools affiliated to NDMC/Delhi Cantonment Board, East Delhi Municipal Corporation, North Delhi Municipal Corporation and South Delhi Municipal Corporation
Terms and Conditions:-
a) The applicant should be resident of GNCT of Delhi.
b) The scholarship amount is Rs. 5000/- per annum for the students studying in class IX and X and have secured minimum 50% marks in the previous class and Rs. 10,000/- pdf annum for the students studying in class XI and XII have secured 60% marks in the previous class.
c) Family income should not exceed Rs. 8.00 Lakh as per with the EWS income limit, subject to exclusions notified by Government of India and annual income limit for students who secured minimum 75% marks in previous class, no income limit is applicable. The EWS certificate is to be issued by the competent authority of Govt. Of NCT of Delhi.
d) The applicant should upload Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC) issued in the name of student or his father’s name by SDM/Deputy Commissioner (Revenue), GNCTD, Domicile Certificate of Delhi if the caste (SC) certificate is not issued by the competent authority of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.e) Repeaters in a particular class will not be eligible for this scheme.
f) Bank Account should be in the name of the student (Joint Bank Account with parent/Guardian is also permissible), The account should be active and seeded with Aadhaar no of student.
Amount of Assistance:
a) IX & X Class : Rs. 5,000/- Per annum
b) XI & XII Class : Rs.10,000/- Per annum.
Documents required:
i. For SC/ST/OBC students, Caste certificate issued by the concerned office of the District Magistrate of Revenue Department, GNCT of Delhi.
ii. Annual family Income Certificate issued by the Revenue Department, GNCT of Delhi.
iii. Proof of studying in class 9th to 12th in the schools in Delhi.
iv. Mark sheet of previous year.

Post Matric Scholarship for OBC Students

Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC. is implementing centrally Sponsored Scheme of Post Matric Scholarship to the students belonging to OBC category for pursuing further studies at post matriculation/ post secondary (College/University) levels within India.

Terms & Conditions :
1. Scholarship is available to all OBC students whose parents/ guardians income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2.5 Lakh per annum who are pursuing post matriculation/post secondary (college/university) level studies in Govt. Recognized institution.
2. Regular attendance record not less than 75% in the previous year should be pre- requisite for availing scholarship.
3. Students pursuing C A. /I.C.W.A. /C.S. /I.C.F.A. shall be treated as day scholars for the purpose of academic allowance. Students studying through correspondence/online courses shall not be eligible for academic allowance.
4. Upload all relevant documents like Aadhaar, Bank details, previous year Mark sheet, original fee receipts, fee structure, income certificate & caste certificate.
5. A certificate from the institution to the effect that the student is not getting any other scholarship/stipend.
6. Date of admission in the course/commencement of class and completion of course.
7. Only two boys of the same parents/guardian will be entitled to receive scholarships. This restriction will, however, not apply to girls. Accordingly, scholarships availed by girls of same parents/guardian will not adversely affect admissibility of availing scholarship upto two boys of same parents/guardian.
8. Upload a copy of certificate, Diploma, Degree etc. in respect of all previous examination passed.
9. Income certificate issued by competent authority (SDM/Deputy Commissioner (Revenue), GNCTD) of Delhi should be valid at the time of submission of application.
10. Income Certificate is required to be taken once only, i.e. at the time of admission to courses.
11. For Institutes situated outside Delhi, the Institute Verification page and parent/guardian verification page should be uploaded by the applicant on E-district portal.
12. Upload a copy of Caste certificate issued by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
13. Incomplete application will be treated as cancelled without giving any information.
14. Fee structure should be on the official letter head of concerned institute with stamp and signature of the head of institute.
15. Candidates who after passing one stage of education are studying in the same stage of education in different subject e.g. M.Sc. After I.A. or B.Com. After B.A. or M.A. in other subject will not be eligible.
16. Students who, after having completed their educational career in one professional line, e.g., LLB after B.T/B. Ed will not be eligible.
17. Follow the guidelines of the scheme issued by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India.
18. Bank account of the student should be seeded with his/her Aadhaar.
19. All eligible OBC candidates will be given scholarship as prescribed in this scheme as well as capping fixed by the Ministry.
20. The provisions of this scheme can be changed at any time at the discretion of the Central/State Government.

How to Apply?

Applicants can be submitted their Application online on e-district portal for the Financial Year 2020-21.

Apply Online :

Steps :
Step 1 : Applicants can apply online through E-district Portal of NIC Delhi provided above.
Step 2 : If you are already registered user, Click Registered User Login link and Enter the details

What is the Last Date of scholarship?

The Last Date of apply online application form on e-district portal is 31st March 2024.

Detailed Scholarship Notification Download here :

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