BIPF Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship For Higher Education Scheme PGDS 2023

Organisation : Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation BIPF & IMFA
Scholarship Name : Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship For Higher Education Scheme PGDS 2023
Applicable For : Engineering, Medicine and Liberal Arts Students
Applicable State : All Over India
Application Last Date : 31st October, 2023
Website :

What is BIPF Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship?

The Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship For Higher Education Scheme has been instituted by IMFA in the memory of renowned historian Late Prof. Ghanashyam Dash. It is awarded by the Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation to facilitate higher education in the field of engineering, medicine and liberal arts at any Government College in the year of admission. The scholarship covers 90% of eligible expenses on actuals subject to a maximum of 1.5 lakhs per annum. Last Date of Scholarship is 31st October 2023.

Eligibility Criteria of Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship

i. The combined annual income of the parents of the applicant must not exceed 8,00,000/- (INR eight lakhs only) per annum.
ii. Preference may be given to SC, ST and Divyang applicants.

Payment of Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship

Upon selection, scholarship payment will be made directly to student’s bank account through RTGS/NEFT.

How to Apply for Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship?

Applications can be submitted either by post to the Scholarship Committee, Bansidhar & Ila Panda Foundation, IMFA Building, Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar -751010, Odisha in the prescribed format available both at BIPF website ( and IMFA website ( or online can be submitted at or and must include self-attested copies of the following documents:
i. Mark sheet of 10th and 12th/+2 examinations.
ii. Income certificate of Parents from the Tahsildar / Competent Authority.
iii. Domicile certificate from the Tahsildar / Competent Authority.
iv. Caste certificate (in case of SC/ST) from the Tahsildar / Competent Authority.
V. Certificate of Divyang, if applicable, from the District Medical Board/Competent Authority.
vi. Aadhar Card
vii. 2 recent passport size colour photographs.
viii. Cancelled Cheque/bank passbook of the student.
ix. Rank card of qualifying entrance examination.
X. Admission documents from the College.

Selection Procedure for Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship

The Scholarship Committee will evaluate all applications which shall normally be ranked on the basis of rank/percentage of marks secured in the 10th and 12th/+2 examinations. However, the Committee will also take into account the financial status of the applicants, quality of the institute in arriving at the final decision.

The decision of the Committee shall be final & binding and cannot be challenged in any Court of Law. After being chosen as a recipient, the applicant has to submit relevant supporting documents at the end of every semester or half yearly/annually depending upon the payment terms of the Institute.

Terms and Conditions of Prof. Ghanashyam Dash Scholarship

i. The decision of the Scholarship Committee with respect to any aspect of the scholarship such as eligibility of the candidate, continuation of scholarship after the initial acceptance, submission of documents as mentioned above or as may be asked later, etc. shall be final.

ii. The performance of the scholarship recipient shall be reviewed every year/academic session for continuation of the scholarship.

A minimum of 7.0 SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average)/SPI (Semester Performance Index) shall be required for continuation of the scholarship in an engineering course while a medical student should rank in the 80th percentile; at the time of selecting a recipient admitted to a course other than Engineering / Medical i.e. Liberal Arts, the Scholarship Committee will specify the continuing qualification requirement.

While under normal circumstances the scholarship will permanently lapse if the specified standards are not met, the Scholarship Committee may at its sole discretion consider extenuating circumstances. The decision of the Committee in this regard shall be final & binding and cannot be challenged in any Court of Law.

iii. The scholarship recipient must promptly notify the Scholarship Committee of any changes in his/her academic status that occurs during the year. Any break in studies will normally lead to discontinuation of the scholarship unless it is approved by the Institute and prior permission is granted in writing by the Scholarship Committee.

iv. The Scholarship Committee may also decide to discontinue the scholarship in case of an adverse report from the institute about his/her conduct or under extreme circumstances such as conviction by a Court of Law, etc.

V. The payment of scholarship amount is at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee and cannot be challenged in any Court of Law.

vi. The Scholarship Committee has the express right to modify and/or substitute any part of the scheme or the whole scheme and/or withdraw the scheme in totality without prior notice or assigning any reason whatsoever. All decisions of the Scholarship Committee shall be final & binding and cannot be challenged in any Court of Law.

vii. This scheme supersedes any existing scheme in force.

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