National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme NMMSS 2023 :

Organisation : Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam
Scholarship Name : National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) 2023
Applicable For : Students studying as regular students in class IX, X, XI and XII
Applicable State/UT : Assam
Last Date : 10.10.2023
Website :

What is National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme?

The Centrally Sponsored Scheme “National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS)” was launched in May, 2008. Students studying as regular students in class IX, X, XI and XII in a Government, Government-aided and local body schools for a maximum period of four years. State level NMMSS exam is conducted in the month of November in every state. There are 40 numbers of centers in all over Assam. Last Date of application is 10th October 2023.

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Eligibility of National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship

** Scholarships are awarded to the gifted or meritorious students whose parental income is not more than Rs. 1,50,000/- per annum.
** Students studying as regular students in class IX, X, XI and XII in a Government, Government-aided and local body schools for a maximum period of four years.
** The amount of scholarship will be Rs. 12000/- per annum @ Rs. 1000 per month.

How to Register for National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship?

To Register for National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) 2023 follow the bellow steps,To Register for National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme (NMMSS) 2023 follow the bellow steps,
i) Go to the website
ii) Click on the link “National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Examination, 2023”
iii) Fill all the details in Application form
iv) Click on the “Submit” Button.

Please go through the instructions for filling the online form :
1. Documents required for Online Form submission
Scanned copy of Candidate’s Photograph.
Scanned copy of Candidate’s Signature.
Scanned copy of Candidate’s Caste certificate (Only for OBC, SC and ST candidates).
Scanned copy of Candidate’s Disability certificate (Disabled candidates).
Scanned copy of Declartion.

2. Candidate must use either Mozilla Firefox OR Google Chrome for best results.
3. Applicants must have a valid Email id .
4. Before filling Online Application Form read the instructions carefully.
5. Fill the Online Application Form carefully and upload scanned photograph and signature (Size of photograph and signature should not be greater than 35KB, 30KB respectively. The photograph and signature should be either in ‘.jpeg’ or ‘.jpg’ format). It should be without cap or goggles. Spectacles are allowed. Candidates not complying with these instructions or with unclear photograph are liable to be rejected.
6. There is provision to make changes in the Online Application Form before submission. However, before clicking on Submit button candidate should verify the entries made in Application Form. There is no provision to make changes in the Online Application Form once Submit button is clicked.
8. After submitting the Online Application Form, you can make the Online Payment by Login
9. If any mistake is done during online submission by the applicant then he/she may fill up and submit another online application afresh before the deadline.
10. Please note that if you do any mistake in filling the online Application Form, it cannot be corrected by the Director Of Secondary Education Guwahati, Assam. The Director Of Secondary Education Guwahati, Assam will take no responsibility of any kind for such mistakes.
11. The Applicant’s email id and mobile number will be used for further communication.
12. After reading the above instructions to fill the Online Application Form, the Applicant has to click Next button to display the Online Application Form.
13. Technical Help Line Number : 8929207668 ; [ Monday to Saturday : 10 A.M TO 5 P.M ]
14. The department is not liable for any double of multiple payments of Examination fees. They can contact official No. 9435-77-67-67 for further assistance.

NMMSS Examination Pattern

** Mental Ability Test (MAT): 90 multiple-choice questions testing verbal and non-verbal meta-cognitive abilities like reasoning and critical thinking.
** Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT):90 multiple-choice questions covering subjects namely, science, social studies and mathematics as taught in classes VII and VIII.
** Minimum of 55 % marks or equivalent grade in Class VII examination is needed for appearing NMMSS examination (5% less for SC/ST students).
** Children with disability will be given extra time, as applicable.

Selection Method of National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship

For selecting the students, the following conditions may apply:
(i) The students must pass both the tests i.e. MAT and SAT with at least 40 % marks in aggregate taken together for these two tests. (For the SC/ST students, 32% marks)
(ii) The student must have scored at least 55% mark or equivalent grade in Class VIII examination. (50 % for SC/ST students).
(iii) The state current quota of Assam is 2441.

Terms & Conditions of NMMSS Scholarship

** A student can avail only one Scholarship under any scheme.
** The awardees will be required to open bank accounts preferably in SBI, or any public sector bank or any scheduled bank which has core banking facility.
** The awardees should get minimum of 55% marks in Class IX and XI and 60% in Class X for continuance of scholarship (Relaxable by 5% for SC/ST candidates) in next higher classes.
** Students should not take up any job.
** No scholarship shall be available for studies abroad for any course.
** No claim for scholarship arrears will be entertained after the expiry of 12 months of the academic session for which one has applied for the claim.
** In case any Awardee leaves his/her course of study within one month of registration/admission, no scholarship shall be paid to him/her.
** In case Awardee is not able to appear at the annual examination due to serious illness, one should send the medical certificate through the Head of the Institution within three months of one’s falling ill.
** The Awardee must join the next class/desired course within 3 months of the declaration of the result of the previous class/course.
** Scholarship shall be deemed to be discontinued with any gap of one academic session in studies at any time due to any reason.
** The awardees should get clear promotion from class VIII to Class IX for being eligible for starting the scholarship.
** No scholarship at this stage is payable for studying diploma/certificate level courses.

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