Manipur Merit Scholarship Scheme For Class X & XII Students : Department of Education

Organisation : Department of Education(S), Manipur
Scholarship Name : Merit Scholarship Scheme For Class X & XII Students
Applicable For : Class X And Class XII Passed Students
Applicable State/UT : Manipur
Website :

What is Merit Scholarship Scheme For Class X & XII?

The merit scholarship will be awarded to those students who passes class X examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur(BSEM) and class XII examination conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur (COHSEM).

Eligibility Criteria of Merit Scholarship

Class X passed students:
To provide scholarship@Rs.6000/-per annum to the first 300 students who passed class X examination i.e. High School Leaving Certificate Examination (HSLC) conducted by the Board of Secondary Education Manipur for a period of 2 (two) years provided they do not fail and leave studies. In addition to the above 300 students another 50 students will be kept in the waiting list for possible refusal/ineligible cases or other students getting other scholarships etc.

Class XII passed students:
To provide scholarship@Rs.12000/-per annum to the first 125 students of Science, 125 students of Social Sciences and 50 students of Commerce who passed class XII examination, conducted by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur (COHSEM) for a period of 3(three) years provided they do not fail and leave studies.
In addition to the above 300 students another 50 students (25 from Sc. and 25 from Arts) will be kept in the waiting list for possible refusal/ineligible cases or other students getting other scholarships etc.

(i) A student in full time employment will not be eligible for award of the scholarship.
(ii) A student should not receive any other scholarship/stipend for a course of study for which he/she is in receipt of the said merit scholarship.
(iii) Candidate who have passed qualifying examination in a year prior to the year of award of scholarship will not be eligible for consideration.
(iv) A scholarship under the scheme is renewable from year to year within the same stage of education. For example, the scholarship awarded to a student in class XI can be renewed for the XII class. Similarly, the scholarship awarded to students on the basis of XII class of (10+2) pattern can be renewed in the second year and subsequent year/years within the same stage of education.
(v) Good conduct and regularity in attendance are also required for continuance of the scholarship. The decision of the State Government will be final and binding in all such matters. Scholarship once cancelled will not be revived in any circumstance.
(vi) Where a scholar has shifted to another course instead of continuing with the course for which the scholarship was originally granted.
(vii) The duration of scholarship provided in the meritorious persons passing Class X & XII shall be for a maximum period of 2 years and 3 years respectively.
(viii) Applicants should fill up the form in full correctly.
(ix) Upload Photostat copy of mark sheet.
(x) Incomplete entries, wrong entries, non-furnishing of required documents and absence of applicant’s/head of institution’s signature will be rejected.
(xi) The decision of the awarding authority is final.

How to Apply for Merit Scholarship?

To follow the below steps to apply for the Manipur Merit Scholarship Scheme For Class X & XII Students
New User Registration.
Students are required to register before applying for scholarship (sign up for new user account).
Sign in Link Click New User | Register
(a) Enter your desired UserID.
(b) Click on Check Availability to see if the userid is available or already taken.
(c) Set your Password according to the password policy listed therein. (include one Capital Letter, one Numeric in your password).
(d) Enter your Full name and Contact No.
(e) Click Sign Up.
* Remember your User id and Password for future reference. After successful registration, Student can now login to their account.

After signing in, for Fresh Scholarship, Click the link “APPLY FOR MERIT SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME FOR CLASS X AND CLASS XII PASSED STUDENTS (Fresh)”
After signing in, for Renewal of Scholarship, Click the link “RENEWAL OF MERIT SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME FOR CLASS X AND CLASS XII PASSED STUDENTS”
Fill the application form properly and submit.
Click on “Upload Enclosures”.
Select your “Scholarship Type” from the list and Upload all the necessary enclosures. (* Enclosures Format can be downloaded from the Guideline Page)
Click on “View/Print Application”. Select your “Scholarship Type” and Take Print out of the application.
Click on “Check Status”. Select your “Scholarship Type” and view status of your application and uploaded enclosures.

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