DST INSPIRE Scholarship SHE 2023 for Higher Education : online-inspire.gov.in

Organization : Department of Science & Technology DST
Scholarship Name : INSPIRE Scholarship SHE-2023 for Higher Education
Applicable For : Class XII Passed Students
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : 09-11-2023
Website : https://online-inspire.gov.in/

What is DST INSPIRE Scholarship SHE-2023?

The call for inviting applications under INSPIRE Scholarship SHE-2023 has been opened from 10th September, 2023 to 09th November 2023 (till 23:59 hrs. IST). Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) aims to enhance rates of attachment of talented youth to undertake higher education in science intensive programmes, by providing scholarships and mentorship.

Related / Similar Scholarship :

Department of Science & Technology SHE 2024 Scholarship for Higher Education

SAKSHAT 2024 Commonwealth Masters Scholarship tenable in the United Kingdom

The scheme offers 10,000 Scholarship every year at Rs 0.80 lakh per year for the talented youth in the age group 17-22 years, for undertaking Bachelor and Masters level education in natural sciences. The main feature of the scheme is the mentorship support provided to every scholar.

Eligibility of INSPIRE Scholarship

Only candidates who have completed their XII standard examination in the year and have enrolled in B.Sc., B.S., Int. M.Sc./M.S. degrees, in Basic and Natural Sciences (in subjects listed above) in the same year can apply.

(a) Meritorious Students with aggregate marks within top 1% of their Class XII examination of any State/ Central Education Board in India are eligible. In addition, the student must be pursuing courses in Natural and Basic Sciences at the B.Sc., B.S., and Int.M.Sc./M.S. level.
(b) Those students who have secured ranks in the JEE of IIT, AIPMT (within top 10000 ranks), and are presently pursuing Natural and Basic Science courses in India at the B.Sc., B.S., Int. M.Sc./M.S. level.
(c) Students with aggregate marks within top 1% of their Class XII examination of any State/ Central Education Board in India and pursuing Integrated M.S. courses in Natural and Basic Sciences at IISERs, NISER and Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Basic Sciences- University of Mumbai and Visva-Bharati, Shanti Niketan.
(d) Students who have been selected under Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) and pursuing Bachelor/Master level courses in Natural Sciences.
(e) National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) scholars, Jagadish Bose National Science Talent Search (JBNSTS) scholars and International Olympiad medallists pursuing Bachelor/ Master level courses in Natural Sciences are also eligible.

The following subjects under Basic and Natural Sciences are within the scope of INSPIRE Scholarship for pursuing B.Sc./B.S./Int. M.Sc./Int. M.S. courses:
(1) Physics (2) Chemistry (3) Mathematics (4) Biology (5) Statistics (6) Geology (7) Astrophysics (8) Astronomy (9) Electronics (10) Botany (11) Zoology (12) Biochemistry (13) Anthropology (14) Microbiology (15) Geophysics (16) Geochemistry (17) Atmospheric Sciences & (18) Oceanic Sciences.

Courses other than these subjects such as Engineering, Medicine, Military Science, Defence Studies, Agriculture, Psychology, Seed Technology, Home Science, Geography, Economics, Education (including B.Sc.-B.Ed. dual degree course), Biotechnology, Computer Science, Computer Applications, Bioinformatics, Instrumentation, Information Technology, Physical Education, courses in Distance Education mode at the Open Universities and other professional courses etc. are NOT supported.

How to Apply for INSPIRE Scholarship?

One can apply for the scholarship through online mode only. To apply online, please follow this link https://www.online-inspire.gov.in.
Step 1: LOG into the portal by entering the registered email id as user name and the registered password. If you are already logged in, go to Step 2.
Step 2: Upon logging in, a screen will appear where you have to click ‘Scholarship’ link.
Step 3: Click the Related Link icon at the right hand corner. To view and print the Offer Letter, please click ‘View Offer Letter’ link. Please read the Offer Letter carefully before going to Step 4.
Step 4: Fill in the State Bank of India Account details carefully in the respective fields. Upload scanned copy of first page of SBI passbook containing the account number and name.
Step 5: Press Submit button. After successful submission of bank details, a pop up message will appear stating that ‘Your bank details updated successfully’.
Step 6: Go to Related Link icon. Click ‘Documents for BSc/MSc’ icon.
Step 7: Upload your documents one by one by selecting ‘Documents for the year’, ‘Mark Sheets’ and ‘Performance Report’.
Step 8: Press Submit button. After successful submission of Performance Reports and Mark Sheets, a pop up message will appear stating that ‘Documents uploaded and submitted for approval. You will be notified if your documents are incomplete or needs further clarification’.
Step 9: Press Logout button.

FAQs on Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)
What is Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)?
Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) is a component of“Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE)”, which is a flagship programme of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

It aims to attract students to study basic and natural Science subjects at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and pursue research as a career by providing scholarships to interested and deserving students. Under SHE component, 12,000 scholarships, each valued at ` 80,000/- are announced annually to students pursuing Bachelors and Masters level courses in Basic and Natural Science areas.

What all Do I get if selected for INSPIRE-SHE?
The scholarship is valued at ` 80,000/- per annum. Each candidate will receive annual scholarship @ ` 5000/- per month with total value of ` 60,000/-. All the SHE scholars are required to undertake summer research projects under an active researcher in any recognized research centre across India.

A summer time Mentorship grant of ` 20,000/- will be paid every year. The scholars have to submit the Project Report and Certificate from Mentor after the completion of the project in due course of time.

What is the tenure of INSPIRE-SHE?
** Selected candidates will be supported for a maximum period of five years, starting from the 1st year B.Sc., B.S., Int. M.Sc./Int.M.S. or until the completion of the course, whichever is earlier.

** Continuation of the scholarship for the selected candidates is based on good academic performance ( i.e., within range as given in question no. 20) in the examinations conducted by the University and upon the recommendation by the Head of the Institution.

What documents should I submit along with the application form?
The following documents are to be submitted along with application form:
1) Class XII Mark Sheets(mandatory)
2) Class X Mark Sheet/Certificate (for proof of date of birth)(mandatory)
3) Endorsement Certificate in the prescribed format, signed by the Principal of the College/Director of the Institute/Registrar of the University (mandatory)
4) Eligibility Note/Advisory Note (if provided by the State/Central Board) (not mandatory)
5) Certificate specifying Rank or Award in JEE (Main)/ JEE (Advanced)/ NEET/ KVPY /JBNSTS/ NTSE / International Olympic Medallists (if the candidate is eligible under this criterion)(mandatory)
Please note that incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. No claims or representations will be entertained regarding the same.

When will I be intimated of my selection?
As the Department receives a large number of applications, selection process on an average takes at least four months from the last date of submission of the application. All selected candidates shall receive a Provisional Offer Letter on their web portal account informing that they are selected for the scholarship.

Provisionally selected students are required to log into the online portal to download the offer letter. List of selected and rejected students will also be displayed on home page of INSPIRE Web-Portal.Selected candidates will have to upload the required documents on their web-portal within prescribed time limit (time limit mentioned in the offer letter) for further consideration by the Department.

I am selected for SHE, but I have not received any official letter. What should I do?
Please Log in into your account on the INSPIRE Web-Portal. If you are selected, the offer letter will be available on your dashboard notification.

I am rejected for SHE, but I have not received any official letter. What should I do?

Please Log in into your account on the INSPIRE Web-Portal. If you are rejected, the rejection letter will be available on your dashboard notification.

In your letter you have pointed out that I should mention my registration number in all my correspondences. Where shall I find this number?
The Registration number here refers to the Scholar’s INSPIRE/SHE registration number provided by the DST (not the scholar’s B.Sc. or M.Sc. or University’s registration number). The INSPIRE/SHE registration number is indicated in the initial scholarship offer letter.

How will I receive my scholarship?
The scholarship will be transferred to the scholar’s State Bank of India (SBI) bank account directly through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode.

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