SOF Girl Child Scholarship Scheme GCSS 2023-24 : Science Olympiad Foundation

Organisation : SOF Science Olympiad Foundation
Scholarship Name : SOF Girl Child Scholarship Scheme (GCSS) 2023-24
Applicable For : Girl Children
Applicable State/UT : All India
Last Date : 31.12.2023
Website :

What is SOF Girl Child Scholarship Scheme?

SOF is pleased to announce the “GIRL CHILD SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME” 2023-24. Under SOF GCSS, SOF awards education scholarships worth ₹ 5000 each to 300 girl children in India who are academically inclined and come from financially weaker section of the society.

Related / Similar Scholarship : SOF Defence Services Academician Scholarship DSAS 2023-24

Last Date of Application Submission is 31st December 2023.

SOF GCSS aims to provide financial assistance to girls from the economically weaker section, to enable them continue their school education. Upto 300 needy girls will be provided with an education scholarship amounting to Rs. 5000/- each for their education for a full year.

Girls will be selected from nominations received from schools in India. A nomination form is being sent to schools along with the Prospectus.

Salient Features of Girl Child Scholarship Scheme

1. The GCSS is an annual scholarship covering one academic year of a girl child.
2. Under GCSS, 300 deserving girl children will be selected from across India.
3. The selection of the GCSS students will be done from recommendations sent by schools.
4. Each selected girl will be awarded a scholarship of ₹5000 to support her school education.
5. The GCSS amount will be released by 31st March, 2024.
6. The scholarship amount will be deposited in the selected student’s Bank account as per details provided above.

Note: The e-mail IDs and/or phone numbers provided above will be used to communicate information related to SOF exams including registrations, preparatory material, schedule of exams, results, awards and other useful details.

Selection Criteria For Girl Child Scholarship Scheme

** School may send a proposal recommending a girl child for consideration for GCSS.
** Each school may recommend only one girl child.
** Recommendation should be signed by the school Principal / Headmaster / Headmistress only.
** Recommendation should be in the specified format (as above) and complete in all respects / with required attachments.
** The girl being nominated must be studying in the recommending school in India in class One to class Ten.
** She should have scored at least aggregate 60% marks or equivalent grade in previous class.
** The school should send a copy of her previous year’s report card duly certified by the Principal to SOF along with the GCSS application form.
** The marks criteria may be waived off for a child with major physical disability.
** Child’s parents’ combined monthly income should be less than ₹15000.
** All proposals received will be evaluated by a Committee set up by SOF.
** Qualifiers of GCSS will be notified individually and through respective schools.
** Decision of the SOF Committee will be final and binding.
** In case of any dispute, jurisdiction will vest with Delhi courts only.
** Recommendation under GCSS should be submitted by 31st Dec. 2023, at the Office of Science Olympiad Foundation.

How to Download GCSS Application Form?

Please click the links below for details of the Girl Child Scholarship Scheme (GCSS) and for downloading the nomination form.

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