State Disability Scholarship 2023-24 Nagaland : Directorate of Higher Education

Organisation : Directorate Of Higher Education Nagaland
Scholarship Name : State Disability Scholarship 2023-24
Applicable States/UTs : Nagaland
Last Date : 30.11.2023
Website :

What is Nagaland State Disability Scholarship?

The Directorate of Higher Education, Nagaland, Kohima is implementing the State Disability Scholarship 2023-24. All eligible students of Persons with Disability from Class I to Class VIII.

Eligibility of State Disability Scholarship

A student should fulfil the following criteria to be eligible for this Scholarship.
1. Scholarship for Persons with Disability will be applicable for all the inhabitants of Nagaland.
2. Application must be from Institution which has valid AISHE/UDISE code.
3. The Annual Income of the applicant’s parents/guardians from all sources must not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh (Rupees two lakh fifty thousand)
4. Disabled Students should have the benchmark disability (40% and above) to be admissible under this scheme.
5. Scholarship for Persons with Disabilities will be applicable from Class I to Class VIII.
6. Students who have failed in their last examination (repeaters) are not eligible to apply.
7. Applicants must not be a beneficiary of any other scholarship scheme.
8. Scholarship will be provided to all types of disabilities as defined in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Rules 2017.

How to Apply State Disability Scholarship?

1. Fresh Application: – All eligible students of Persons with Disability from Class I to Class VIII shall apply as Fresh Applicant by furnishing photo copy of Progress Report of the last class/year passed.

2. Renewal Application: – Renewal of application is meant only for those beneficiaries of 2022-23 period who have passed the last examination by furnishing Xerox copy of Progress Report of the last class/year passed.

3. Bank Account must be that of the applicant. Application from will be rejected if the Bank Account is not of the applicant. In case of minor, joint account should be opened and in all such joint accounts, applicant’s name should appear first in the passbook.

4. The Department will not be responsible for non-receipt of scholarship amount due to wrong/inactive bank account details provided by the applicant.

5. Applicant is warned that if he/she gives false statement/declarations/documents etc. or otherwise obtained scholarship through fraudulent means, he/she will be blacklisted and debarred from getting scholarship under this scheme or any other scholarship schemes for the entire period of his/her studies. The scholarship amount if already paid will also be recovered.

6. Incomplete/wrong entries in the e-form or incomplete enclosure of necessary documents will be subjected to rejection. Correction/rectification after online submission will not be entertained.

Documents Required for State Disability Scholarship

Fresh Application:
1. Xerox copy of Progress Report of the last class/year passed.
2. Disability Certificate/UDID Card.
3. Xerox copy of the front page of Bank Passbook.
4. Original Income Certificate (Fresh applicants only) Annexure – I/Annexure – II issued in the year 2023. All applicants whose parents/guardians are employed should furnish Income Certificate only in Annexure I format (certified by employer) else the Application will be rejected.

Renewal Application:
1. Xerox copy of Progress Report of the last class/year passed.
2. Disability Certificate/UDID Card.
3. Xerox copy of the front page of Bank Passbook.

What is Late Date of State Disability Scholarship?

Online application: – 10th September to 30th November 2023.
Last date of online verification by District Welfare Officers: – 15th December 2023.
Contact details: – 8257866092/7005337521(Scholarship Section)

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