Post Matric ST Scholarship 2023-24 DHE Higher Education :

Organisation : Directorate Of Higher Education Nagaland DHE
Scholarship Name : Post Matric ST Scholarship 2023-24
Applicable For : ST Students
Applicable States/UTs : Nagaland
Last Date : 31st October 2023
Website :

What is Post Matric ST Scholarship DHE Nagaland?

It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) implemented by Ministry of Tribal Affairs to grant scholarship to eligible ST Students for pursuing higher education starting from class XI onwards. The Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India sponsors 90% of the scholarship while the Government of Nagaland sponsors the remaining10%

Eligibility of Post Matric ST Scholarship

A student should fulfil the following criteria to be eligible for this Scholarship.
1 The applicant must be pursuing post matric (above class X) studies and belong to Scheduled Tribe of Nagaland.
2 The Annual Income of the applicant’s parents/guardians from all sources must not exceed ₹ 2.50 lakh (Rupees Two Lakh Fifty Thousand).
3 Applicant must be from Institution with valid AISHE/UDISE code and empanelled with the Scheme Implementing Agency – Directorate of Higher Education, Nagaland.
4 The student should have a valid bank account in a Schedule Bank linked with Aadhar and Mobile number.
5 Students who have failed in their last examination (repeaters) are not eligible to apply.
6 Students who have availed this scholarship at one stage/level of their education but are currently studying in another stream/subject of the same stage/level are not eligible. Example, a student who is currently studying BCom but availed this scholarship while pursuing BSc course will not be eligible as BCom and BSc Course are of the same level.
7 Applicant must not be a beneficiary of any other scholarship scheme
8 Applicant must not be an employee of any government/semi government establishment.
9 Students pursuing Diploma/Certificate Course can also apply provided they fulfil the above criteria (1- 9) and their course duration is not less than two years.
10 Students studying in NIOS can also apply, provided they fulfil eligibility criteria 1 to 9 and have the following subject combination.
a) For class 11 and 12 level courses, the applicant must have pa ssed class 10 with the foll owing subject combination.
i) English ii). Alt English or MIL iii) Science iv) Maths and v) Social Science.

Documents Required for Fresh Application

1. Attested Xerox copy of class 10 Admit card.
2. Xerox copy of Admission Receipt.
3. Attested Xerox Mark Sheet (s) of the last class/year passed. For colleges with semester system, Marksheets of the last two semesters.
Note: For upload of multiple marksheets, marksheets should be merged/combined into
4. Attested Xerox Scheduled Tribe Certificate issued by competent designated authority.
5. Attested Xerox Indigenous Certificate issued by competent designated authority.
6. Original Income Certificate –Annexure I/Annexure II/Annexure III issued in the year 2023. All applicants whose parents/guardians are employed must furnish Income Certificate only in Annexure I format (certified by Employer/HoD/DDO) else the Application will be rejected.
7. Part B Form (only for applicants studying outside Nagaland)
8. Part C Form (only for MPhil/PhD Fresh applicant)

9. Hostel Form/Certificate (For hostellers only)
9.1 Applicants staying in recognized hostel outside Nagaland can produce a Hostel Certificate from the hostel warden.
9.2 Applicants staying in Registered Host e l s within Nagaland must use the Hostel Form issued by the Department to the hostel warden/proprietor.
9.3 Hostel Form will be issued by the Department to the Registered Hostels only on production of the NOC from the Institutions.

10. Xerox copy of the front page of Bank Passbook.
11. Xerox copy of the Aadhaar Card.
12. One recent passport photograph should be pasted on the printed form

How to Apply Post Matric ST Scholarship?

Applicants are asked to read and understand the Guidelines properly before applying for the Scholarship.

Provision to Delete Application and Re-apply to the same/different Scholarship Scheme:
This provision is provided till 31st October 2023 or until the Application is verified by the INO, whichever is earlier.

Applicant can delete his/her application and re-apply within the stipulated time in the following cases:
** In case of incorrect online details/documents submitted by the applicants. Applicants can delete and re-apply using the same Profile without having to Register again.
** In case the applicant wants to change the Scheme, he/she can delete the application and apply for the desired Scheme using the same Profile without having to Register again.
** In case where the INO rejected the Application, applicant can delete the application and re-apply with the correct details/documents.
** Applications Rejected by INO after 31st October 2023 cannot be deleted or re-apply. Hence, students are asked to thoroughly verify their online details/documents and submit the online application ahead of the due date.

Bank Account must be that of the applicant. Application form will be rejected if the Bank Account is not of the applicant. In case of minor, joint account should be opened and in allsuch joint accounts, applicant’s name should appear first in the passbook.

Students studying in Nagaland should submit the print out of the online submitted form along with the required documents to their respective institution for Online Verification by INO of the institution.

Students studying outside Nagaland should send the print out of the online submitted form along with the required documents via speed post/hand post to the address given below within the stipulated time. Only on receipt of the hardcopy form/documents, online
Verification/Approval for such applicants will be done.
Scholarship Section,
Directorate of Higher Education
Below New Secretariat Complex
Nagaland, Kohima-797001

The Department will not be responsible for non-receipt of scholarship amount due to wrong/inactive bank account details provided by the applicant.

Applicant is warned that if he/ she gives false statement/ declarations/ documents etc. or otherwise obtained scholarship through fraudulent means, he/she will be blacklisted and debarred from getting scholarship under this scheme or any other scholarship schemes for the entire period of his/her studies. The scholarship amount if already paid will also be recovered.

Incomplete/wrong entries in the e-form or incomplete enclosure of necessary documents will be subjected to rejection.

The Department reserve the right to reject payment of scholarship to any applicant/beneficiaries if at any stage ineligibility condition of applicant/beneficiary is found.

Important Dates of Post Matric ST Scholarship

Online application : 28th August to 31st October 2023
Last date of online verification by Institutions (within Nagaland : 30th November 2023
Last date of receiving hardcopy forms/documents from applicants studying outside Nagaland : 30th November 2023

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