SHDF Scholarship 2015 : Sikh Welfare Council Delhi

Organisation : Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council Delhi
Announcement : SHDF Scholarship 2015

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SHDF Scholarships :

for Students pursuing Professional Courses
(Up to Rs. 27,000 per year per student plus Incentives up to Rs. 3,000 to Toppers / Position Holders)

Related / Similar Scholarship :

Sikh Human Development Foundation, U.S.A (SHDF) and Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.), New Delhi invite Applications for SHDF Scholarships from regular students studying in recognized Colleges and Universities for Professional Degree/Diploma Courses like Engineering, IT, Computer Science, Medical, Nursing, Home Science, Architecture, Agriculture, Business Management, B.Ed., Journalism, CA etc.

Eligibility Criteria:
(i) Minimum 60% marks in previous two examinations and
(ii) Total family income from all sources not exceeding Rs.1,50,000 per year.

Application Form and detailed instructions are available on Nishkam website Duly filled-in Application Form, together with documentary evidence of past academic performance, family income, paid tuition fee and other refundable and non-refundable charges paid must reach SHDF Division, Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.), Nishkam Bhawan, B-Block, Tilak Vihar, New Delhi – 110018 by 31st May, 2015 (Phone No. 011- 28333842/28334477).

Eligible students will be required to take a Written Test in Punjabi & Moral Science on Sunday, 26th July, 2015 at any of the six Centres namely New Delhi, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Faridkot, Moga and Amritsar (Details to be notified later).

[Note : Students who have appeared in Class XII Examination in March, 2015 can also apply and take the Written Test and Interview, but the scholarship will be granted, only on getting admission for a professional course in recognized Institute and if found eligible otherwise.]


Instructions / Guidelines / Eligibility Criteria For New Applicants :
Please Read The Following Instructions / Guidelines / Eligibility Criteria Before Attempting To Fill The Scholarship Application Form

Regarding Application Form:
1. Fill the application form clearly and completely in English in BLOCK LETTERS IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
2. Please fill in all the columns and DO NOT PUT DOTS AND DO NOT LEAVE ANY COLUMN BLANK.
3. INCOMPLETE APPLICATION FORMS WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED and no further correspondence will be entertained.
4. Report from College Authorities should be signed with date with college stamp/seal by the HEAD OF THE COLLEGE/INSTITUTE

Requirements Of Enclosures/Supporting Documents:
With the duly FILLED-IN and SIGNED Application Form., attach the following documents: –
1. Good quality colored passport size recent photographs (Paste TWO photographs at appropriate place in the Application Form and put ONE in an envelope and attach to the Form with your name on it).
2. Duly filled & signed Report from the College Authorities in the prescribed format.
3. Attested Copies of Mark sheets of 10th Class Examination and Sr. Secondary Examination.
4. Attested Gazette / DMC for Examinations passed during Apr. 2014 – Mar. 2015 of professional course.
5. Photocopies of fees receipts paid for the period from Jun. 2014-May 2015 (up to Sep.2015 for New admission).

6. Proof of family income:- Must provide attested copy of Income Tax Return, if the same has been filed. Otherwise, provide attested copy of Employer Certificate or Pension Certificate mentioning yearly income, original valid certificate from the Tehsildar or village Sarpanch (stating agriculture land’s acreage and annual income). For daily wage labourers, small shopkeepers (specify type of shop), self-employed persons (who have filed no income tax return) provide original affidavit, stating income from all sources as per the appropriate FORMAT enclosed herewith.

Important Instructions:
1 Duly filled-in Scholarship Application Form with all Enclosures should be sent to “Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.),Nishkam Bhawan, B-Block, Tilak Vihar, New Delhi-110018” by speed/registered post or courier marking, “SHDF Scholarships-2015” on the top of the envelope containing application and must reach Nishkam Office by 31 May 2015 (1700 Hrs.). Applications received after the last date will be summarily rejected.

2 Roll No. will be assigned by Nishkam to each applicant. Please always state your Roll No. and Contact Number while communicating with Nishkam.

3 Candidates will be required to appear in two Written Tests, one in Punjabi language and the other in Moral Science for which the book, “Naitik Sikhya” published by Literature Publication Department, Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle, Ludhiana, is prescribed. Tests will be followed by an Interview. Candidates will be required to bring their Admit Card and ID Proof while coming for the written tests and interview.

4 Please give TRUE & CORRECT information as Nishkam Volunteers may cross check the information submitted. Giving false information or suppression of any fact will result in termination of scholarship, if already granted and processing of other legal action. STUDENTS BELONGING TO ONLY NEEDY FAMILIES SHOULD APPLY.

5 If the applicant has received financial assistance (either on account of SC/ST/OBC/ Any other category OR from any other source) during previous year, full information must be provided in the Application Form as well as in the Report from College Authorities.

6 You may check the status of your Application at Nishkam website, “”.

7 Please immediately inform any change in your postal address or e-mail ID or phone number.

8 The management reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. Decision of management for scholarships shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Eligibility Criteria :
These scholarships are available only for pursuing professional diploma, degree or postgraduate courses in a recognized institution/University in India. The term professional course includes, but is not limited to, engineering, architecture, information technology, computer science, medical, nursing, pharmacology, home science, education, business management, agriculture, animal husbandry and the like. Students appearing in Class XII Examination (Academic year 2014-15) can also apply and take the Written Test and Interview, but the scholarship will be granted, if found eligible, only on getting admission for a professional course in recognized Institute

(i) The gross family income of the applicant must not exceed an average of Rs.12500/- per month (i.e. Rs. 1,50,000 per year).
(ii) The applicant must maintain an active e-mail account for correspondence with Nishkam.

How To Apply :

This is a five step process.
First Obtain the prescribed Application Form, which is available at Nishkam’s website . Nishkam’s postal address is : Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council (Regd.), Nishkam Bhavan, B–Block, Tilak Vihar, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi- 110018. For more details, contact 011-28333842, 011-28333377 (SHDF Division) or at e-mail address .

Second Obtain/Collect necessary documents to be submitted with the application as per the details given on first page.

Third Fill up the application, fully and completely (with no dots and blanks), and send it, together with attested photocopies of all certificates and receipt of fees paid, so as to reach Nishkam office in New Delhi (by mail or delivered personally) latest by 31st May, 2015. Incomplete Forms will be summarily rejected.

Fourth Appear, at your own expenses, in the written Punjabi and Moral Science test to be conducted by Nishkam (time and place will be notified separately) The admit cards for the written test will be sent on e-mail and not through post. Schedule of written test and venue will be intimated through said admit card.

Fifth Appear for interview, at your own expense, date, time and venue for the interview will be notified later on.


View Comments (18)

  • I received scholarship from this institution twice ₹22,000 or ₹ 24,000 during my college time. I really appreciate all the members of this society. I completed my study now. I like to become a part of this organisation.

  • I am a diploma pass out and admission for B. Tech are yet to open. The last date to apply for this year's Nishkam scholarship is by 30th June. So am I eligible for scholarship? I've read the brochure and college recommendation is mandatory for application of scholarship. The last date for application is really closed.

  • Just in case I am not proficient in Punjabi language, is there any other medium with which I can attempt the tests?

  • Just in case I am not proficient in Punjabi. Is there any other medium with which I can sit in the exam?

  • I want to apply for scholarship. When will be the application form come so that I can apply as soon as possible?

    • From the Website :

      On 22 September 2015, Nishkam volunteers interviewed needy students for Sikh Human Development Foundation Scholarship at National Convent School, Moga, Punjab. 78 needy students were interviewed for SHDF scholarships.

    • The written test consists of following two papers (in Punjabi language)
      Paper I Elementary test in Punjabi language -60 minutes -50 marks
      Paper II Religious & Moral studies- 60 minutes- 50 marks
      Paper I: elementary test in punjabi language will be set from general grammar and the students will have to prepare by selfstudy.
      Paper II: Religious and Moral studies will be set from a book ‘NAITIK SIKHIYA’ published by Guru Gobind Singh Study
      Circle, Ludhiana © 2022

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