IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes 2022 :

Organisation : Institution of Engineering and Technology
Scholarship Name : IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes
Applicable For : 1st,2nd ,3rd and 4th year B.Tech programmes
Application Last Date : August 01, 2022
Website :

What Is IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes ?

IET India Scholarship Awards is an initiative designed by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET). This is the 6th edition of the award that will be given to undergraduate engineering students to reward their creativity, innovation, leadership and excellence. The students who are in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of their engineering programme will compete for scholarship prizes worth INR 10,00,000.The last date of the scholarship is August 01, 2022.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Rolls-Royce Unnati Scholarships For Women Engineering Students 2022

Eligibility Criteria For IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes

IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes Eligibility Criteria :
The IET India Scholarship Awards will be open to students of 1st,2nd ,3rd and 4th year B.Tech programmes. Scholarship is also open for lateral entry students who join the B.Tech programme in 2nd year.

Eligibility Guidelines:
** Any first, second, third year and fourth year full time regular UG Engineering student from an AICTE/UGC approved institution.(open to all engineering students from all engineering fields)

** All regular credit courses must have been cleared in a single attempt by the applicant.

** UG marks should be at least 60% in aggregate for the semesters cleared so far or corresponding to CGPA of at least 6.5 in a 10 point scale

** There is no age limit for the applicant.

** Application is open for all IET members and non- members and for all branches of engineering as recognised by the AICTE/UGC.

** Students from AICTE/UGC approved Institutions and national institutes are eligible to apply for scholarship.

How To Apply For IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes?

To Apply For IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes, Follow the below steps
Steps-1 : Go to the above link
Steps-2 : Click on “Award process” read about the IET India Scholarship Awards Process
Steps-3 : Click on “Register” button
Steps-4 : In Registration form
Steps-5 : Enter your Personnel information
Steps-6 : Click on “Submit” Button

IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes Process

The evaluation of IET India Scholarship Award 2022 will be done across 4 different stages/ levels

Stage 1: Online Application
** Students should apply for the IET India Scholarship Award 2022 online through this microsite.
Note: Only those candidates who clear the eligibility criteria as set out by the IET India Scholarship Award will be considered in the Online Application
** Weightage
** Academics – 60%
** Extra & Co-Curricular – 20%
** Outreach – 10% (Activities other than institutional activities like; coordinating or organising industrial visits, organising lectures/seminars etc.)

** Professional – 10% (Membership in professional bodies, coordinating activities of the professional bodies, office bearer of any professional body/student chapter, contributing to professional bodies through papers presentations etc.)

Stage 2: Online test
** Candidates shortlisted from Stage 1 will take an online test. The online test is to assess the applicants’ knowledge in engineering subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science

** The total number of questions will be approximately 50 with multiple choice options.

** A cut off mark/score will be decided for each regional level by the national jury. Based on the cut–off, the applicants will be shortlisted for the next level.

Stage 3: Regional Level Assessment
** In the Regional Level Assessment, the contestant will be required to give a presentation on the topic that will be given by the Jury members.

** The topic will have current relevance and is focused on solving a current societal challenge in that region. The topic will be communicated to the contestants at least 10 days in advance to enable the student to prepare. This round will happen in person on the scheduled date of the presentations as indicated here.. The venue details and timings will be communicated to the shortlisted students in advance.

** The Regional Assessment will be conducted across 4 regions
** Regional South
** Regional North
** Regional East + North East
** Regional West

Stage 4: The National Finals
** The National Finals of IET India Scholarship Awards 2022 will be held tentatively in October 2022.
** Shortlisted candidates will make a presentation on their vision and solution, as they see it, for an engineering problem that is relevant to the society.
** The National Finals may also include a Group Discussion and the topic for this GD will be given by the jury on the day of the National Finals.
** The national finals will be held as a physical event in Bangalore. Venue details and timings will be communicated to the shortlisted students in advance.

IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes Prize Summary

There will be at least 4 regional rounds, and the scholarship awarded for regional rounds will be as follows :
** Regional Round: Winner – Rs 1,20,000 + Certificate + IET Membership
** Runner Up – Rs 60,000 + Certificate + IET Membership

Winners of the regional round will compete in the national finals:
** Winner: Rs 3,00,000 + Certificate + IET Membership
** 1st Runner Up: Rs 1,70,000 + Certificate + IET Membership
** 2nd Runner Up: Rs 1,50,000 + Certificate + IET Membership
If a student wins the scholarship both in Regional and National level he/she will be awarded Certificate for both the levels and the prize money for national level only.

What Are  Important Dates Of IET India Scholarship B.Tech Programmes?

** Applications open – June 06, 2022
** Applications close – August 01, 2022
** Announcement of shortlist for online test – August 03, 2022
** Shortlisted students pick their slots to appear for online test – August 5-6, 2022
** Online tests for shortlisted candidates – August 09-11 2022
** Announcement of shortlist for regional rounds – August 13, 2022
** Regional presentation round open – September 13- 16, 2022
** Announcement of regional rounds winners – September 23, 2022
** National finals – October 18, 2022
** Winner announcement – November 22-23, 2022 © 2022

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