Miranda House Mrs.Vidya & Mr.Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship 2022 : University of Delhi

Organisation : Miranda House, University of Delhi
Scholarship Name : Mrs .Vidya and Mr. BashesharNathTaneja Scholarship 2022
Applicable For : For II Year Resident Scholars pursuing B.Sc. (H) Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Zoology B.Sc. Life Science, B.Sc. Physical Science
Last Date : 25th May 2022
Website : http://mirandahouse.ac.in/

What is Mrs.Vidya & Mr.Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship ?

Miranda House Mrs .Vidya and Mr. Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship was instituted in the Academic Year 2017-18 by Dr. PoonamTaneja who studied B.Sc. (H) Chemistry in the college, in memory of her parents.Resident Scholars currently in II Year, pursuing any science stream course as listed above may apply.The donor would like to support a student for two years.There is one merit-cum-need scholarship of Rs. 60,000 per year.

Eligibility Criteria

** Financial need cum merit
** Good Academic record in each semester
** Cumulative Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) of previous semesters with no academic backlog
** Cumulative Attendance Record with at least 75% attendance in each semester
** Active participation in co-curricular, extracurricular and department activities Application

How To Apply For Mrs.Vidya and Mr.Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship?

** Prescribed Application Form for Miranda House Mrs .Vidya and Mr. Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship is available with the Scholarship Desk, Accounts Section, and may also be downloaded from the website.
** Applications in requisite format should be duly verified and forwarded by the teacher-in- charge of the parent department/course before being submitted to the Scholarship Desk, Accounts Section.

Selection Process of Mrs.Vidya and Mr.Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship

Miranda House Mrs .Vidya and Mr. Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship Selection Process,

** The awardees will be chosen by a duly constituted Selection Committee for two years.
** In subsequent years, in case the recipient is unable to maintain the eligibility standards, fresh applications will be invited from the II Year Science Stream Resident Scholars.

Award of Mrs.Vidya & Mr.Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship

** The student awardee will receive these scholarship amount by 30 June 2022.
** The awardee will be given the Mrs .Vidya and Mr. Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship Award Certificate on the Founder’s Day of the college, celebrated on 7 March.

What is the Last Date of Mr.Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship?

** Students will be required to apply for Miranda House Mrs .Vidya and Mr. Basheshar Nath Taneja Scholarship in Odd Semester by 25 May 2022 (Last Date) on the basis of cumulative performance in previous semesters.

About Miranda House:
Miranda House MH has a rich legacy. Established at dawn of independence it provided a unique opportunity to young women for quality higher education. They set for themselves high goals and ideals. They worked for a new society in which women would enjoy equal opportunity with men in professional and public fields. In this, they were abetted by the founding faculty who were independent minded, and belonged to the select group of highly educated women in independent India with a deep concern for quality of education they imparted.

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