UPES Scholarships 2022-23 : University of Petroleum & Energy Studies

Organization : UPES University of Petroleum & Energy Studies
Scholarship Name : UPES Scholarships 2022-23
Applicable For :  Students seeking admission in UPES
Website : https://www.upes.ac.in/scholarships

UPES Academic Scholarship

Up to 100% merit scholarship, 50% reserved for girl students

Who will get Scholarship?

All students who have applied for admission for UPES courses and have taken UPES entrance examination shall be eligible for consideration for this scholarship. However, this Scholarship shall be awarded only to those students who has complied with below defined Scholarship Criteria for first semester and subsequent renewal, if applicable.

Scholarship Criteria

Scholarship will be awarded upto 10% Top performers of UPES Entrance Exam. UPES reserves the right to conduct multiple rounds of entrance examination and merit list of each round will be prepared separately. However, it is UPES sole discretion, to decide consideration of next in line of top 10 for said Scholarship, in case top performer does not accept the scholarship for any reason.

Total number of scholarships

Total number of scholarships available are up to 1900 (out of these 50% will be reserved for girls i.e., 950 scholarships and balance is for general category including boys and girls both).

Scholarship Benefits

Scholarship will be awarded in range from 20% to 100% on tuition fees of 1st semester only. Renewal of scholarships for rest of the semesters is at the sole discretion of UPES.


Scholarship Renewal Criteria

** Continuation of Scholarship in the subsequent semesters will be as per the University policy which may differ year on year basis. However, it will be subject to meeting of minimum eligibility criteria as below:
** Minimum SGPA/CGPA of 8.5 in each semester.
** Passed every semester at first try without any supplementary or improvement exam.
** Maintenance of 75% attendance in entire semester
** No disciplinary action initiated/ awarded against the student
** Exemplary behavior and compliance with all other norms as prescribed by the University from time to time
** If student fails to score minimum of 8.5 SGPA in any semester, the scholarship will not be renewed
** Scholarship will be awarded in form of Fee Concession; Fee Discount; Fee Waiver on tuition fees only. The decision of percentage of the Fee Concession; Fee Discount; Fee Waiver on Tuition fees shall be the sole discretion of UPES.
** It is the responsibility of the applicants to check their eligibility before submitting their applications. In case the applicant is found non-eligible at any stage, his/her submission or scholarship will be disqualified.
** Decision of the Scholarship Committee shall be final applicants and cannot be challenged.
** The Result shall be communicated to all shortlisted applicant though Email/SMS.
** UPES reserves the right to withdraw or amend any listed scholarship without prior notification and at any point in time at its sole discretion.
** If scholarship selected student chooses to decline the course offer, said students’ scholarship shall be void.
** The Scholarship amount will be adjusted against student fees. Awarded scholarships can’t be exchanged for cash/cheque or transferred to any other course or campus or academic year/semester etc.
** Awarded scholarships can’t be exchanged for cash or transferred to any other course or campus or academic year etc
** Applicant/student shall not be eligible to apply for any future year/semester scholarship under this category, if in any semester applicant/student fails to comply with Renewal Criteria.
** A student/applicant will be eligible for award of only one type / scheme of Scholarship in a given Academic semester/year.


** Notwithstanding anything under this Scholarship, UPES’s Management has sole discretion to edit, modify, change, update, continue or abandon this Scholarship going forward at any given point in time, without any prior written intimation. Vice Chancellor will be the final deciding authority for all scholarship decisions.
** There is no concept of automatic renewal for next semester. The Sponsorship Committee shall decide every semester on case-to-case basis.
** Please note that this communication is without prejudice to any rights of UPES and this communication should not be considered as waiver of any rights of UPES in applicants’ favour.

33% fee concession for Bonafide Uttarakhand students

In case you are an Uttarakhand Bonafide resident, you are eligible for 33% concession on tuition fee subject to fulfilment of the following conditions and submission of supporting documents:

** ‘Sthai Niwas Praman Patra’ certificate, along with the admission form.
** Income certificate proving that your gross family income is not more than Rs.12 lakh per annum, along with a copy of last income tax return filed

Free Ships

With the objective of access of quality education to all UPES is providing scholarship to the student who come from the economically weaker section but with high aspiration, commitment and caliber.

Eligibility Criteria

** Total number of 50 seats only for regular program be on the merit basis.
** Upper age limit for UG and PG programs- 20 and 25 years respectively (On the date of Registration).
** Minimum academic eligibility for the respective program at the time of admission should be met, as mentioned in the Admission prospectus.
** EWS certificate to be submitted which is issued by District Magistrate (DM) /Additional District Magistrate (ADM) / Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/ First Class Stipendiary/ Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate / Executive Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner.
** As per JEE notification EWS category income to be upto Rs.8 lakhs per annum.
** Renewal of free ships will be based on :-
** 6.0 SGPA / CGPA in last exam passed
** No disciplinary case registered or reported

Alumni Scholarship

Eligibility Criteria

** Applicable to all Alumni graduated from 2017 onwards. For any Alumni graduated before 2017,department of alumni relations will present the case to the scholarship committee for special approval.
** Alumni have to meet the notified eligibility criteria for AY 2022-23 for the respective programs.

Admission Criteria

** Alumni have to directly apply online and have to email his/her academic details. along with application number.
** Alumni have to go through the admission process of the applied program as per the notified selection process for AY 2022-23.
** Alumni will have to clear the selection process.

Offered Scholarship

** Applicable on only 35% tuition fee waiver for the full duration of the program. Rest all fee components to be charged as per the notification of AY 2022-23.
** No other scholarship will be offered or clubbed with this scholarship.
** No Alumni fee to be charged.
** Renewal of the scholarship for the subsequent year will be only based on attaining minimum 8 SGPA /CGPA with no back log and no disciplinary cases registered or reported against the student.
** In case of refund applied after admissions – refund policy will be applicable for AY 2022-23.

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