Ravenshaw University Prof. Pran Krushna Parija Scholarship 2015-16

Organization : Ravenshaw University, Cuttack
Scholarship Name : Prof. Pran Krushna Parija Scholarship 2015-16
Applicable For : 2015-2016 Batch PG First Year Students

Website : http://www.ravenshawuniversity.ac.in
Application Form : https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/5603-Notice.pdf

Related :
Ravenshaw University Scholarship For Students :  https://www.scholarships.net.in/2417.html

Prof. Pran Krushna Parija Scholarship 2015-16 :

Students who have taken admission to the first year of post-graduate study in any subject in Ravenshaw University in the academic year 2015-2016 are entitled to apply for ‘Prof. Pran Krushna Parija Scholarship” awarded by Prof. Pran Krushna Parija Charitable Trust (Orissa), Cuttack.

The last date for receipt of application is 15.12.2015 at the above noted address.

The trust will offer one time assistance (the quantum of assistance will depend on the financial resources of the Trust, but it will not, in any event, be less than Ten Thousand Rupees to each candidate) this year to the students selected by the Trust. The decision of the trust in this regard will be final & Cannot be challenged in any forum what so for.

Eligibility :

An applicant should have secured at least 65 percent of marks in all Examinations beginning from H.S.C./I.C.SE./C.B.S.E. up to +3 Examination

Application Procedure :

Students desirous of availing this assistance may apply in the prescribed form which is available at “Auto Fast, Near LIC Building, Link Road, Cutack-753012, between 11:00 AM to 05:00 PM” on payment of a non-refundable amount of Rupees Twenty through a Bank Draft or a Crossed postal order in the name of the Trust. Or application in a plain paper addresses

“Prof. Pran Krushna Parija Charitable Trust”
Auto Fast, Near LIC Building,
Link Road, Cutack-753012,

along with the Bank draft or crossed postal order of Rupees Twenty and a self addressed and stamped envelope of size 11″ X 4″ can be sent to receive the application form by post on or before 15th December, 2015 (15-12-2015).

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