S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship 2022 : Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation

Organisation : Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation (S-ILF)
Scholarship Name : B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship 2022-23
Applicable For : Students Residing in Self-Settled Leprosy Colonies For Pursuing Nursing Studies
Last Date : 5th June, 2022
Website : http://scholarship.silf.in/

What is S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship?

Sasakawa-India Leprosy Foundation (S-ILF) is pleased to invite applications for financial support for students residing in self-settled leprosy colonies for pursuing nursing studies. The scholarship will be given for B.Sc. Nursing (Basic) & GNM. The scholarship will be available only for Institutes recognised by Indian Nursing Council. No capitation fee will be paid for admission. Last Date of Nursing/GNM Application is 5th June, 2022.

Related / Similar Scholarship : S-ILF HHDLS H.H Dalai Lama-Sasakawa Scholarship 2022-23

Who Can Apply For S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship?

Applicants of S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship? must fulfil the following conditions:
1) At least one parent or the applicant must have had leprosy and must be residing in a self settled leprosy colony.
2) Only one individual from a family can avail of the scholarship in any one year.
3) Only first year applicants beginning their studies/courses in in the academic year 2021-22 are eligible.
4) Applicants availing scholarships from other organizations/individuals will not be considered.
5) Applicant opting for B.Sc. (Basic Nursing) must have cleared her/his higher secondary education (10+2) from a recognized school with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.
6) For GNM, arts and commerce students can apply.
7) Applicant must not be less than 17 years at the time of application.
8) Applicant must have completed previous course in year 2022 or 2021.

Applications from students who do not meet the above requirements will not be considered.

How To Apply For S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship?

To apply for S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship, follow the below steps

1) Interested students are required to apply for the scholarship on the online MIS portal scholarship.silf.in. Link also given on S-ILF website (www.silf.in).

2) Application form should be completed and along with required attested documents should be uploaded on scholarship.silf.in latest by 5th June,2022.

3) In case the student has already gained admission, proof of admission in a government recognised institute is mandatory. Candidates can also submit an admission call letter issued by the institute to which s/he has secured admission. In case admission is still being sought, candidate must fill up Annexure I.

Apply Online : http://scholarship.silf.in/login

Documents Required For S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship

S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship Application forms must be accompanied by the following documents:

1. Passport size photographs of the applicant,

2.Self-attested copies of the following documents,
i) Birth certificate or proof of date of birth
ii) Mark sheets of the 10th, 12th Board Exam.

3. Leprosy certificate of parent/s (treatment certificate from place where treated or Certificate from District Leprosy Officer or Disability certificate mentioning Hansen’s disease/leprosy)
4. Admission letter/call letter issued by the institute to which she has secured admission or else applicant should provide the Annexure-I

Selection of Students

** All eligible candidates will be listed in the order of the set criteria of merit in the last Board examination.
** Meritorious students will be called for the personal interview and top candidates will be selected for the scholarship by selection committee.
** The scholarship fund will be given only if admission is secured in a government recognized institution
** In case, a candidate decides not to avail of scholarship or fails to secure admission in a government recognized institution, the candidate next in line will be eligible to avail of the scholarship.

Expectations from Selected Candidates:
** Regular attendance and dedication to learning.
** High performance.
** The candidates should adhere to all the rules, regulations, and discipline of the respective institution/hostel where they are studying. Any report from the institute/hostel which amounts to violation of the above would result in withdrawal of the scholarship.

What is the Last Date of S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship?

Last Date of S-ILF B.Sc. Nursing & GNM Scholarship Application is 5th June, 2022


For any further Information please contact:
1. Ms Charu Gaba : 9990503759
2. Mr Tanzeel Khan: 9891572290

Categories Foundation/ Trust
Tags silf.in

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