UGC Dr S Radharkrishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship in Humanities & Social Science 2015 :

Organisation : University Grants Commission
Facility : Dr S Radharkrishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship in Humanities & Social Sciences

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Dr S Radharkrishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship

Post-doctoral research is an important enabling step in grooming young researchers for launching an academic/research career. This is a transition phase from a largely supervisor directed student at doctoral level to an independent researcher for leadership position, particularly in academia.

Related : UGC Post Doctoral Fellowship to SC/ ST Candidates 2015 :

A post-doctoral stint also provides an opportunity to acquire new skills, broaden one’s horizon and offers a platform for transiting into cross-disciplinary areas. Experience in other parts of the world has shown that university faculty is best inducted from among candidates who had a year or two of post-doctoral training and is generally considered an essential requirement.

Mentoring for independent research is an indispensable element of post-doctoral training. Top rated institutions in our country which value research also follow this practice but it has not permeated widely. Leading research groups around the world usually have a good mix of post-doctoral fellows and a doctoral student with the former bringing in a level of caught on and is practiced only sporadically in a few selected places. However, in our country post-doctoral research culture has not caught on and is practiced only sporadically in a few selected places. Ironically, Ph.Ds from leading institutions in India, particularly in Humanities and Social Sciences prefer seeking post-doctoral positions overseas. Within the country, a PDF position is mistakenly viewed as a mere parking opportunity while scouting for a regular appointment.

With our higher education system poised for rapid and massive expansion in the years ahead and the establishment of many new Universities and institutions on the anvil, requirement of potential faculty with PDF experience will be very substantial. Thus, a ‘home grown’ PDF program can be expected to partly redeem the expected short fall in trained faculty required for Higher Education Institutes. It is in this context that UGC initiative to launch a prestigious PDF initiative, named after an illustrious educationist and former President of India (1962-67) is important and timely and fills a widely felt void.

Objective :

The objective of this award is to provide an opportunity to carry out the advanced studies and research in Humanities and Social Sciences including languages in Indian Universities and Colleges recognized under section 2(f) and fit to receive assistance under section 12 (B) of the UGC Act 1956 and Institutes of National Importance established by the Central/State Government.

Eligibility :

** The candidate must have a doctorate degree in the relevant subject.
** General/open category, 55% marks at UG level and 60% of marks at PG level. For reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC/ PH) candidates, 50% at UG level and 55% at PG level.
** The fellowship is open for full time research work to young researchers below 35 years of age (Relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates).

Note :
Candidate must identify a Guide for his/her postdoctoral research work and obtain his /her consent for the guidance.

Nature Of Assistance Available Under The Scheme :
The numbers of slots available under the scheme are 200 per year.

The financial assistance available under the scheme is as follows :
** Fellowship AT Rs.38,800 – 1st year
** AT Rs.40,300 – 2nd year
** AT Rs.41,900 – 3rd year
** Contingency A AT Rs.50,000 p.a. for three years
** Escorts/Reader assistance AT Rs.2000/- p.m. (fixed) in case of physically disabled candidates


Post-Doctoral Fellowship provided with accommodation in hostel recognized/ maintained by the institutions may be reimbursed the hostel fee, excluding mess, electricity, water charges, etc. A certificate to this effect is to be furnished through the Registrar/Director/Principal (Annexure-II). If Post-Doctoral Fellow makes his/her own arrangements of accommodation, he/she may be entitled to draw HRA as per categorization of the cities by the Government of India. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will submit a certificate for this purpose to the UGC for claiming HRA through the concerned University/ Institution/ College

Categories Fellowship/Grants

View Comments (3)

  • I am Asha, having English, belong to general category. I want to apply for Postdoctoral but I have 58% in PG. May I apply for this fellowship?

  • Whether a commerce associate professor aged 50 years can apply for post doctoral research fellowship?

    • Eligibility :
      ** The candidate must have a doctorate degree in the relevant subject.
      ** General/open category, 55% marks at UG level and 60% of marks at PG level. For reserved categories (SC/ST/OBC/ PH) candidates, 50% at UG level and 55% at PG level.
      ** The fellowship is open for full time research work to young researchers below 35 years of age (Relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Women candidates). © 2022

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