AICTE SWANATH Scholarship Scheme : All India Council for Technical Education

Organisation : All India Council for Technical Education
Scholarship Name : AICTE SWANATH Scholarship Scheme
Applicable For : Orphan Children
Applicable State/UT : All Over India
Website :

What is AICTE SWANATH Scholarship Scheme?

SWANATH Scholarship Scheme is being implemented by AICTE to provide encouragement and support to orphans, wards of parents died due toCovid-19, wards of Armed Forces and Central Paramilitary Forces martyredin action (Shaheed)to pursue education.

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Eligibility For Scholarship

1) The candidate should be from any one of the following categories:
(i) Orphan
(ii) Either or both parents died due to Covid-19
(iii) Wards of Armed Forces and Central Paramilitary Forces martyredin action (Shaheed)

2) Family income from all sources should not be more than Rs. 8 Lakh per annum during the financial year of the application. A valid income certificate issued by State/UT Government is to be enclosed.

3) The candidate should be currently studying in the AICTE Approved institutions and courses at Degree/ Diploma level in regular mode.

Number of Scholarships

A maximum of 2000 scholarships (1000 for Degree Students and 1000 for Diploma Students) will be awarded every year to eligible candidates as above.

Amount of Scholarship

Rs. 50,000/-per annum for every year of study i.e. maximum 4 years for first year admitted Degree students and maximum 3 years for Diploma Students as lump sum amount towards payment of college fee, purchase of computer, stationeries, books, equipment, software etc.
No other additional grant will be payable in lieu of hostel charges and medical charges etc.

In case student is currently studying in the 2nd/3rd/4thyear at degree level,the duration of the scholarship will be reduced to 3/2/1 year respectively. Similarly, for students currently studying in the 2nd/3rdyear at diploma level,the duration of the scholarship will be reduced to 2/1 year respectively

How To Apply For AICTE SWANATH Scholarship?

To apply for AICTE SWANATH Scholarship Scheme, Follow the below steps

1)The candidate fulfilling the eligibility conditions is required to apply online on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) after initiation of application process and notice to be published on AICTE/NSPwebsite.

2)The host institution where the candidate is studying, will be required to verify the online application. Department of Education (DTE) of respective State/ UT will verify these applications as second level of scrutiny.


1)The scholarship will be renewed for the next year of study on receipt of renewal through NSP by submitting promotion from the Head of the Institution on the NSP portal.
2)Student failing to get promoted to the next class/ level or those who are not applying in time for the scholarship, would forfeit the scholarship.

Mode of Payment

After selection, the awardee will be paid scholarship through DBT mode on annual basis.

What are the Documents Required for AICTE SWANATH Scholarship?

Following documents to be uploaded on National Scholarship Portal to apply for AICTE SWANATH Scholarship Scheme

A. For Orphan Candidates:
(i)Death Certificate of Father & Mother.
(ii) Notarized affidavit on Rs 100/-stamp paper mentioning details as per enclosed format.
(iii) Bonafide Certificate issued by the institution.
(iv) 10+2/equivalent and 10thMark sheet for Degree Level and 10th/equivalent for Diploma Level
(v)Category Certificate (SC/ST/OBC-NCL).

B. For Candidates whose either or both Parents Died dueto Covid-19:
(i)Death Certificate of Father/Mother or both explicitly mentioning that the death was due to Covid-19.
(ii)If one parent (Father or Mother) is alive, current year income certificate explicitly mentioning that income of family less than 8 Lakh.
(iii)Bonafide Certificate issued by the institution.
(iv)10+2/equivalent and 10thMark sheet for Degree Level and 10th/equivalent for Diploma Level.
(v)Category Certificate (SC/ST/OBC-NCL).(vi)Notarized affidavit on Rs 100/-stamp paper mentioning details as per enclosed format.

C. For Wards of Armed Forces and Central Paramilitary Forces martyredin action (Shaheed):
(i)Death Certificate.
(ii) Shaheed Certificate issued by the Armed Forces/ Central Paramilitary Forces.
(iii) Bonafide Certificate issued by the institution.
(iv) Current year income certificate explicitly mentioning that income of family less than 8 Lakh.
(v) 10+2/equivalent and 10thMark sheet for Degree Level and 10th/equivalent for DiplomaLevel.
(vi) Category Certificate (SC/ST/OBC-NCL)

Terms & Conditions:
1) Applications will be invited once in a year through National e-Scholarship Portal of the Government of India.
2) Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. Only verified online applications will be considered for the award of scholarship.
3) If a candidate fails/ dropsout in subsequent year, he / she will not be eligible for further scholarship.

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