AWES Education Scheme for Army Personnel (ESSA) :

Organisation : Army Welfare Education Society (AWES)
Scholarship Name : Education Scholarship Scheme for Army Personnel (ESSA)
Applicable For : Wards of serving Army personnel
Last Date : 31st December 2021
Website :

What is AWES Education Scholarship Scheme for Army Personnel (ESSA)?

Education Scholarship Scheme for Army Personnel (ESSA) is provided by Army Welfare Education Society (AWES). Wards of serving Army personnel can apply for this scholarship. This scholarship is one time scholarship awarded as per cut off percentage of marks/grade on completion of class IX to PG level of education.The amount of scholarship varies from Rs. 1500/- to Rs. 10000/- per year, depending upon the level of education. Last Date to submit ESSA Online Application is 31st December 2021


** Wards of serving Army personnel including Defence Security Corps (DSC) and MNS Officers who have not attained 25 years of age at the time of completion of class/course from class IX to PG level of education.
** Wards of Retired Army Personnel, Territorial Army personnel (TA), battle casualty and deceased Army personnel are not eligible.

How To Apply for ESSA Offline?

As a one time measure, option is also being given to apply offline for ESSA for Academic Year 2020-21.

Step-1 : Download ESSA application form, affix photograph of student and fill along with required certificates.

Download Form Here

Step-2 : Send the form through post to AWES on the address mentioned below:

Army Welfare Education Society (AWES)
Education Scholarship Scheme for Army Personnel (ESSA)
Building No : 202, Shankar Vihar,
Delhi Cantonment, New Delhi – 110010, Delhi, India

Method of Selection

All subjects taken by the student in the class will be considered for calculation of percentage of marks. Scholarship will not be awarded on marks obtained in best four/five subjects. The cut off percentages/grades to receive applications for various classes and categories are as under :

Class Officers JCOs OR
IX to XII 90 85 85
Graduation 75 75 60
PG/Professional Courses 75 75 60

Once the applications are received based on above cut off percentages/grades, merit list will be drawn for award of scholarship based on allotment of funds for the particular year.

Award of Scholarship

The scholarship, based on the level of education for all categories are as under :
** Class IX and XI Rs 1500/- per annum.
** Class X and XII Rs 3000/- per annum.
** Graduation Rs 5000/- per annum
** Professional/PG courses Rs 10000/- per annum.

Merit certificate will be given to all eligible received applications.

Mode of Payment

Amount of scholarship will be transfer to the applicants based on bank details given in application form through online transaction.

What is the Last Date of AWES ESSA Scholarship Scheme?

The Last Date of AWES Education Scholarship Scheme for Army Personnel (ESSA) is 31st December 2021.


Call: +91 11 26151564, +91 11 26152642 (Ext. : 29)
Email: essa.aweshq [AT]

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