dsysodisha.gov.in Sports Talent Scholarship Odisha : Department Youth Service

Organization :Department of Sports and Youth Service Odisha
Facility : Sports Talent Scholarship
Applicable State : Odisha
Home Page :http://dsysodisha.gov.in/

What is DSYS Odisha Sports Talent Scholarship?

Sports Talent Scholarship is provided by Odisha Department of Sports and Youth Service (DSYS).  School and College students having proficiency in Sports and games are provided with Sports Talent Scholarship to help them to pursue their career in Sports. The rate of Scholarship is Rs. 2,000/- and Rs. 3,000/- per annum for School and College students respectively.


To encourage the budding Sports Talents and to assist them for further development of their standard, it is necessary to extend financial assistance to the students both at the School and College levels for nutritious diet and purchase of playing kits, equipment etc.

Scholarships :
The Scholarship shall be of two types :
(a) Rs. 2,000.00 per annum for every eligible school student.
(b) Rs. 3,000.00 per annum for every eligible College student

(c) Maximum number of Scholarship for School and College students shall be 180
(i) 90 for School students
(ii) 90 for College students

(d) Provided further that, out of 90 nos. of Scholarship in each School & College category, 15 nos. of Scholarships including 5 girls, 20 nos. of Scholarships including 7 girls, 24 nos. of Scholarships including 8 girls and 31 nos. of Scholarships including 10 girls shall be reserved for SC, ST, SEBC and General/Un-reserved category respectively.


Scholarships will be awarded to the eligible students;
(a) Who must be studying in any recognised educational institution in the State of Orissa at-least for last one year or more.

(b) Who must have participated in the competitions as mentioned under Rule.
(c) Who shall not be receiving any other Scholarship/Stipend for his/her performance in Sports in the concerned year of Scholarship.

The student must have played in any one of the following Sports Competitions/Tournaments :
(i) State Level (Inter-District) Sports competitions which must be open in nature in Sub-Jr./Jr./Sr.Level age groups, organised by the concerned State Level Sports Association/Directorate of Sports & Youth Services, Orissa/ Orissa Council of Sports.

(ii) National level or Zonal Level (Inter-State) Inter-University/Inter State Schools/Inter State Rural Sports Competitions/Tournaments/National Women Sports Festivals.

Inter-State Open competitions on a particular discipline should have been organised by or organised under the auspices of concerned Federation at National level.

(iii) State Level Inter-District/Inter College (+2 level) Sports Competitions organised by the concerned State level Association and +2 Council of Sports, Orissa respectively.

(iv) State Level Women’s Sports Festival/State Level Rural Sports Competitions organised by Directorate of Sports & Youth Services or O.C.S.
(v) State Level Inter-District Schools Sports Competitions organised by State School Sports Association/State

Selection Process of Odisha Sports Talent Scholarship

DSYS Odisha Sports Talent Scholarship Selection Process. Preference will be given to the candidates securing positions in individual events followed by positions in Team events in different age groups.

(i) National level/Inter-State Open Sports Championship/Tournaments/Women Sports Festivals.
(ii) All India/National level/Zonal level/Inter University/Inter State Schools Sports Competitions/Rural Sports Competitions.

(iii) State level (Inter District Open)/Inter District Schools Sports/Inter District Rural Sports, Women Sports/ +2 Inter College State level Competitions. N.B : Invitation competition/Exhibition Matches will not be taken into consideration.

(iv) While selecting the candidates observing the above procedure, if the number of eligible candidates for scholarship with identical achievement exceed the allotted number than the candidates with lower age shall be given preference.

Mode of Payment of Sports Talent Scholarship

DSYS Odisha Sports Talent Scholarship Payment Mode

(a) On receipt of Government sanction and Selection of Scholarship holder the Director shall disburse the Scholarship to these students in shape of Bank Draft through the concerned head of Institution.

Scheme Details :https://www.scholarships.net.in/uploads/528-scholarship.pdf

Duration of Scholarship :
The Scholarship awarded under these Rules shall be for a period of one financial year.

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