Pearl Academy Corona Warriors Scholarship 2021-22 :

Organisation : Pearl Academy
Scholarship Name : Corona Warriors Scholarship 2021-22
Applicable For : UG & PG Students
Applicable State/UTs : All India
Website/Apply Online :

Pearl Academy Corona Warriors Scholarship

PEARL announces a scholarship schemes for our students

** Wards of COVID warrior for those who are engaged in the frontline of this noble cause as detailed in the table – A below.
** Ward of the individual who lost his/her life due to COVID, being the sole breadwinner of the family and left behind said ward.


** The student must have enrolled at PEARL for any of its diploma of Undergraduate and Post-Graduate in the Academic Year 2021-22, this includes for new admission students and current students.

** The student must not intermit or defer at any point of registration with PEARL for his/her Studies.
** The student must have an attendance record of at least 85% in each of the semesters.

** The student have not been debarred for appearing in the end semester examination due to shortage of attendance, disciplinary grounds or any other action which is against the code of conduct stated by the Pearl.

** The student must pass all his/her courses in the first attempt.
** The student must have not appeared in any improvement exam for any of the courses for the entire duration of the program.

** Scholarship once discontinued during the entire duration of the program will be treated as discontinuation of the scholarship for the entire duration of the program.

Scholarship Details

The scholarship is being launched for students into diplomas of Undergraduate and Postgraduate during the academic year 2021-22, which shall be awarded for the one year of the program only.

The terms and conditions for the scholarship for the students during the academic year 2021-22 shall be as follows

Code Category Target Group Applicable to Scholarship
A Teachers Wards 20% Tuition Fee Waiver for one year
B Medical Staff/ Health Workers Doctors, Nurses, Para-Medical Staff, LAB Staff or any other staff working in any hospital Wards
C Police Personnel of all States/UTs, Paramilitary and Military Forces All ranks Wards
D Municipal Corporations/ Councils/ Nagar Panchayats or any other Municipal Body or equivalent Civic Staff and Sanitation workers only Wards (UG & PG only)
E Individual who lost his/her life due to COVID, being the sole breadwinner of the family and left behind said ward.   Wards (UG & PG only) 100% Fees Waiver for one year

Terms & Conditions

** The student shall be required to submit the valid proof (ID Card, Service certificate, Certificate from employer, Discharge Certificate from Hospital or any other document, death certificate, domicile certificate, as may be the case) certifying the proof of eligibility for the scholarship being applied.

** A certificate from the Head of the Institute may have to be submitted certifying the involvement of concerned employee in services stated in the Table – A during lockdown due to COVID-19.

** Scholarship is applicable in programs offered in regular mode only.
** Wards will include son/s and/or daughter/s who are dependents also.
** Scholarship is applicable for Indian citizens only.

** Grant of Scholarship in different phases is subject to prevalence of scheme at the time of receipt of application and is further subject to verification and authentication of the information, certificates and other documents as required by PEARL.

Corona Warriors Scholarship Scheme is applicable for the one year of the program only.

** Scholarship will be awarded to the candidate only after the verification of original documents. In case candidate is not able to provide the documents within the stipulated time as prescribed by the Pearl, subject to maximum of 6 months from the last date of admission, then scholarship will not be awarded or may be cancelled, if already awarded.

** In case, an applicant is eligible for this Scholarship, or other Scholarship as well as for any other monetary benefit under any other scheme or policy of PEARL, then the applicant will have to opt for only such scheme/s to restrict the overall limit up to 50% of the Tuition Fee for one year only.

** A candidate being admitted under Post Matric Scholarship or any other Government Scholarship for full program fee waiver can avail Scholarship offered by the Pearl subject to overall limit up to 50% of the Tuition Fee, otherwise stated in the table above.

** If at any stage, it is found that an applicant has concealed, suppressed, distorted any information or facts, which would have rendered him ineligible for admission and/or for the Scholarship; then the admission and/ or Scholarship will stand cancelled and action will be taken as per law of the land.

** If at any stage, it is found that the applicant has been admitted and/or the Scholarship has been awarded erroneously by the Pearl because of Staff mistake or otherwise, then the candidate will be entitled for actual Fee/ Scholarship/ Financial Aid as per the policy specified in the relevant Student Bulletin.

Any additional amount already awarded to candidate may be recovered from the student, accordingly.

Disclaimer : Pearl Academy reserves the right to refuse, limit or restrict the number of students (beneficiaries) or Scholarship percentage under COVID 19 Scholarship scheme at its sole discretion. © 2022

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