2021 Welfare & Scholarship Scheme Online Application : CCB Combined Counselling Board India

Organization : CCB Combined Counselling Board India
Scholarship Name : Welfare & Scholarship Scheme Online Application 2021
Applicable For : SC/ST/OBC/Minority/ General Candidates of All States
Applicable States/UTs : All States & UTs
Website :

CCB Welfare & Scholarship Application

CCB has invited online Scholarship Applications 2021 from the students for various courses under Welfare and Scholarship Scheme for the reserved quota in Govt. approved colleges or Universities in India.

Application Process

CCB invites application from the students for higher education in Government approved courses. More than 80 courses are available under CCB Scholarship Scheme.

CCB provides scholarship in tuition fees of the courses selected by the candidates. To avail the benefit of this scheme, candidates must apply online on

** You should open the website and select your state. You should read the matter carefully and check all available courses.

** After reading all the details and courses available on the website, you should open the application form by clicking on “Apply Now”. Fill up the form carefully and enter the correct mobile numbers as it will be always required for downloading application receipt, counselling letter and Student login.

** Select your choice course from the list of the courses available on application form. If in future, you want to change your choice course, you can do so, by contacting on CCB helpline number or you can change yourself after Login in your page on website. Click on Student Login.

** After filling up the form completely, you can submit your application by clicking on “Submit Application Form”.

** You must download your application receipt just after submitting your form. All further process will be mentioned in your application receipt. To download, Click on Download Application Receipt and enter your mobile number and date of birth.

** After application, CCB will invite you for counselling process. For this, you should download your counselling letter from the website on or after 5th March 2021.

** To avail the benefit of CCB scholarship scheme, you must attend the counselling process.

Admission Process

Please read and understand the instructions mentioned below before you proceed. It is mandatory to appear for the CCB counselling online or offline for admission under Scholarship Scheme in CCB participating colleges/institutes.

Step I :
The candidates, who apply for CCB Scholarship Scheme, will be provided a Counselling Letter online by Counselling Department. The selected candidates would be invited for the counselling round.

A list of participating colleges/universities will be provided to the candidates at the time of counselling to choose any one college from their own choice. They can choose the college, course and branch from the list and get the Allotment Letter same day.

Step II :
Allotment Letter would be provided to the candidates after the completion of counselling round. It is compulsory to take the Allotment Letter to get the benefit of this scholarship scheme.

The selected candidates have to report to the college in person on the given date and time with the Allotment Letter of CCB and required original documents.

You must call or contact to the college director within 24 hours after your seat is allotted by CCB (Number will be given in the allotment letter). You must inform about selected course, branch, your educational qualifications, percentage and your reporting date.

Counselling Process

You are welcome in counselling process of CCB under scholarship scheme for reserved seats/quota.

** CCB will upload your Counselling Letter on website. You can download counseling letter from the website (Click the link “Download Counseling Letter”).

Date of counselling and address will be mentioned on the same letter. You have to come for the counselling on your particular date.

** During counseling, you will be given proper knowledge of CCB participating colleges, their Government approvals, courses, faculties, locations, hostel, facilities and placements.

** There are 10% seats are reserved for ST/SC/OBC/ Minority/ General Candidates of every states who are financially backward class.

** Students will get the benefit upto up to 100% scholarship (rupees 75,000 to 2.5 lakhs, depending upon the course and its duration) in whole course fee of the college under CCB scholarship scheme. Hostel is compulsory.

** Students, who are interested to take admission in their choice course and college from CCB list, can get allotment letter at the same day from CCB office. By this way one seat will be reserved under this scholarship scheme.

Allotment Process :
** Students have to deposit one or two months hostel fee (Approx 5000 to 10,000) of the college for fooding & lodging at the time of counselling and allotment.

This amount will be adjusted in the Hostel fee of the college. (CCB does not charge any fee from the candidates for Allotment letter).

** Students can take their Allotment Letter from CCB and directly report to the college individually or with their parents. They can deposit their hostel fee and all at the college counter by cash, DD or cheque.

** Once your seat is allotted by CCB, you will get the benefit CCB Scholarship Scheme in college fee every year. You do not need to apply for this scholarship every year.

** You must visit CCB Youtube Channel in the name of CCB Scholarship for more details.

Counselling Date :
** Date of counselling and address will be mentioned on the same letter. You have to come for the counselling on your particular date.
** Date of counselling will be informed by counselling letter, SMS and calls. If you do not receive your letter, please call on our helpline numbers.

Scholarship Process

** CCB offers scholarship upto 100% to all its applicants in their tuition fee of courses. To avail the benefit of CCB Scholarship Scheme, Candidates have to apply online on

** After online application, you must download your application receipt and counselling letter. You have to attend the counselling of CCB on your given date.

** List of Colleges will be provided to you at the time of counselling. You can select your choice course and college at the time counselling.
** You must take Allotment Letter from CCB to ensure your admission under scholarship scheme.

** Scholarship amount depends upon your course, college and course duration.

** After allotment letter, CCB will deposit your scholarship amount in your college or you can take the cheque of your scholarship amount and deposit in the college.

** Hostel fee and some miscellaneous fee will be paid by you. You have to deposit 1 or 2 months hostel fee at the time of allotment process. After deposit of 1 or 2 month hostel fees by you, your allotment letter will be valid under CCB scholarship Scheme.

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