Bansal Classes Kota BOOST 2021 Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test

Organisation : Bansal Classes
Scholarship Name : BOOST 2021 Bansal Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test
Applicable For : Class V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI & XII Students
Test Dates :March to June 2021
Website :

Bansal Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test

BOOST is a National level Scholarship cum Real Time Aptitude testing platform for the upcoming Global leaders. Enroll yourself for the most prestigious scholarship examination of India for getting admission in Bansal Classes,Kota and study centres across India.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Boost Bansal Open Opportunity & Scholarship Test 2022

With his dedication and positive attitude, Bansal Classes produced wonderful results each year which challenged themselves to produce even better results.

Bansal Classes Kota, The Most Popular Brand in JEE Coaching. The only classroom coaching to deliver Five Times AIR-1 (All India Rank-1) in the JEE since its inception

Who Can Participate?

Class V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI (Engineering and Medical) and XII (Engineering and Medical) .

How To Participate?

** Fill the form online
** Select Payment Mode as Online and
** Download Application Form after making online payment.

** Fill the form online by clicking on Apply Now
** Select Payment Mode as Demand Draft (DD) / Cash and Download Application Form.
** Registration fee for appearing in BOOST is Rs. 300/-.
** Make a DD of Required Amount in favour of “Bansal Classes Pvt. Ltd.”
** payable at “Kota (Rajasthan)” and write the DD details by hand under the Payment Details section of downloaded application form.
** Please write Control No. and Name at the backe side of Demamd Draft.
** Kindly send Application Form duly signed by Student and Parent alongwith Demand Draft to the following address.

Bansal Classes Kota
A-11 (A), Bansal Campus,
Road No. 1,
Kota-324005 (Rajasthan)

Test Dates

SUNDAY – 21 March 2021
SUNDAY – 04 April 2021
SUNDAY – 18 April 2021
SUNDAY – 02 May 2021
SUNDAY – 13 June 2021
SUNDAY – 20 June 2021
SUNDAY – 27 June 2021

Exam Instructions

Please read the instructions in Question Booklet before answering the question paper.

1.The question paper has’14’printed pages. Please ensure that the copy of the question paper you have received contains all pages.
2.Before starting the paper, fill up the required details in the blank space provided in the answer sheet.
3.Write your name and Seven digit Reg. the space provided at the top of this booklet.
4.The question paper consists of ’80’objective type questions. Each question carry4marksand all of them are compulsory.
5.Each question contains four alternatives out of which only ONE is correct.
6.There is NO NEGATIVE marking.
7.Indicate the correct answer for each question by filling appropriate bubble in your answer sheet.
8.The answers of the questions must be marked by shading the circle against the question by dark Black Ball point Pen only.
9.For rough work, use the space provided at the bottom of each page. No extra sheet will be provided for rough work and you are not supposed to bring the same.
10.Use of blank papers,clip boards,log tables,calculator,slide rule,mobile or any other electronic gadgets in any form is “NOT PERMISSIBLE”.
11.You must not carry mobile phone even if you have the same, give it to your Invigilator before commencement of the test and take it back from him/her after the exam.
12.The Answer Sheet will be checked through computer hence the answer of the questions must be marked by shading the circles against the question by dark Black Ball point Pen only


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