PEC Alumni Research Scholar Travel Grant : University of Technology

Organization : PEC University of Technology
Scholarship Name : Research Scholar Travel Grant
Applicable For : UG,PG & Ph.D Students

Website :

Related :
PEC Alumni Student Merit Scholarship Scheme :
PEC Alumni Young Fellow Scholarship :

Research Scholar Travel Grant :

Objective :
To create a corpus so that we can assure International conference travel to our eligible UG,PG & Ph.D students. This provision to the researcher is in addition to the provision of the Iinstitute for National conferences.

Preamble :

One of the clear long term vision for PEC Chandigarh is to significantly enhance its research output. This can be achieved only if we are able to increase both the quantity as well as quality of our Ph.D intake. With this in view, we are targeting increasing the Ph.D strength. A number of initiatives are on to make our Ph.D programmes attractive. This is one of those initiatives that would make our Ph.D programmes visibly attractive.

A visible presence of number of our research students at top conferences would also give our research programmes considerable visibility and would be a step towards even attracting International students and visitors.

Support Scheme :

It is proposed to approach the Alumni and Industry to contribute towards the RSTA corpus. The corpus funds so generated will be used to provide travel support to research scholars.

The scheme envisages three levels of international conference support for the students:
** Rs. 70,000 for a conference in Asia
** Rs. 1,00,000/- for a conference in Europe
** Rs. 150,000/- for a conference in USA or other continents

A process of ensuring quality of the conferences for which such award would be considered would be undertaken by the committee at Institute level.

Administration of the grant :

All these awards are given through the office of Dean Academic and is monitored by an Institute level committee.

Guidelines for Research Scholar Travel Grant :

Our Alumni may award financial assistance to UG/PG/Ph.D students for attending international conferences on fulfilling the following conditions
** The student’s application must be supplied with evidence in support of acceptance of paper for presentation in conference.
** The application should normally be submitted immediately after acceptance of paper. In any case the applications for financial aid must be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to commencement of conference.
** The application has to be recommended by research supervisor or faculty advisor and respective Head of Department.

Raitonale :

In order to encourage the students to present their research work, it is recommended that PEC should support the students financially. To start with, it will be appropriate to earmark funds for financial support

A. Funds :
** A sum of Rs. One lac for presenting papers in India (National Conferences).
** A sum of Rs. Five lacs for presenting papers outside India (International conference).

B. Applicabilty:
The financial support can be extended to UG and PG students as well as Ph D scholars.

C. Limit of Support:
** For the international conference, the financial assistance should be restricted to Rs 25000/- per student. This assistance can be used for registration, travel and visa fee etc.
** For the national conference, the financial assistance should be restricted to Rs 5000/- per student. This assistance can be used for registration, travel and any other related expenditure.

D. Restrictions:
** This financial grant may be given to assist one UG student per department and one PG student/Ph D scholar per department per year, both for national and international conferences.
** The grant will be made available only once to a student during his/her stay at PEC.

E. Procedure For Applying:
** The student’s application must be supplied with evidence in support of acceptance of paper for presentation in conference.
** The application should normally be submitted immediately after acceptance of paper. In any case the applications for financial aid must be submitted at least 8 weeks prior to commencement of conference. The application has to be recommended by research supervisor or faculty advisor and respective Head of Department.
** Undertaking, in the form of affidavit, is to be given to return back to PEC after presenting paper.
** The papers based on the work carried out in PEC under formal/informal guidance of faculty shall be given preference in funding.

F. Release of Funds:
** The expenditure incurred shall be reimbursed to the students after they have made the expenditure on the recommendation of Research Supervisor/Faculty Advisor and Head of concerned Department.
** The student availing such grant will submit on return:
** One page summary of his paper presented at the conference.
** A financial statement giving particulars of amount received from various funding agencies and amount spent on various heads like travel, visa fee, and registration fee etc.
** A statement of accounts with all bills/vouchers for reimbursement of expenses © 2022

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