PEC Alumni Student Merit Scholarship Scheme : University of Technology

Organization : PEC University of Technology
Scholarship Name : Student Merit Scholarship Scheme
Applicable For : Students

Website : http://alumni.pec.ac.in/students-scholarships-scheme

Related :
PEC Alumni Research Scholar Travel Grant : https://www.scholarships.net.in/4896.html
PEC Alumni Young Fellow Scholarship : https://www.scholarships.net.in/4859.html

Student Scholarship Scheme :

Scholarships are given to students on merit and means basis or on merit basis to those excelling in academic, project work, leadership qualities, all-round performance, extracurricular activities, sports etc. PEC Chandigarh welcomes support of its Alumni in creating such Scholarships. An endowment fund is received and the scholarship accrues from the interest earned on the endowment.

Eligibility criteria for the scholarship :

** The donor is entitled to specify the area and the criteria, which should be non-political and non-denominational in character.
** The Committee under Dean Academic Affairs (for merit schemes) and Dean Student Affairs (for means schemes) selects the suitable candidates and inform the donor as well as the Office of Dean Alumni, Corporate and International Relations. The donor or his nominee is also a member of this committee.
** The lower limit of scholarship is Rs. 20000/- per annum, for which a minimum of Rs. 3.00 lakh is to be deposited with the Institute.
** For award of scholarship on means basis the family income of the student shall not exceed Rs. 3.0 lakh per annum.
** For the continuation of scholarship the awardee has to maintain the minimum CGPA and to satisfy the eligibility criteria as specified in each case.
** The Institute invests the money in a suitable manner and the interest earned on this is utilized for award of scholarship
** A student will not be allowed to take more than one scholarship either from the University or PEC Alumni.

Merit Scholarship :

Merit Scholarship in the form of full free ship on tuition fee would be provided to one student of each branch on the basis of branch-wise merit.

Criteria for Award of Merit Scholarships :

Merit Scholarships in the form of full free ship on tuition fee may be awarded to the students on the basis of JEE (Main) rank for the first year, and on the basis of CGPA of previous year in second, third and final year provided it is not less than 6.5. The broad guidelines to be followed are as below but the guidelines can be fine tuned as per desire of the donor.
** For UG Programmes, the students should have been admitted on the basis of JEE (Main) rank list.
** The student has cleared all the examinations of the previous semester/year in the first available opportunity except for co-curricular activities course.
** The student should not be on disciplinary probation.
** Free-ship would be discontinued if the student fails in any of the subjects in subsequent odd semester except in physical education and/or his/her CGPA in the subsequent odd semester is less than 6.5
** Free-ship may be discontinued if the student indulges in any act of indiscipline or violates the code of conduct. Regularity in attendance is also implied condition for the continuance of the scholarship both for UG and PG Programmes.
** Unauthorized absence from the Institute will result in forfeiture of scholarship in part or in whole for the period of absence or subsequent to such absence.
** A student who has not appeared in the End Semester Examination due to shortage of attendance or otherwise will be debarred from future payment of scholarship till he clears the Semester Examination in which he/she has not appeared. No scholarship will be payable for the intervening period.
** Unsatisfactory progress of a student during the course may result in discontinuation of scholarship.
** The other guidelines prevalent in the Institute for the award of merit scholarships will also be applicable on all such students who will get scholarships from the Alumni.

Student Scholarship Guidelines for Ph.D Programmes :
Our Alumni may award scholarships to full time PhD students on the basis of terms and conditions prevalent in the Institute.

Means Scholarships :
Our Alumni may award scholarships to the poor deserving students on the basis of the terms and conditions specified under Student’s Scholarships Scheme or as per desire of the donor.

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    • Below mentioned is the eligibility for UG program :
      For UG Programmes, the students should have been admitted on the basis of JEE (Main) rank list.

      Information as provided in the official website of PEC University of Technology.

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