Sikshashree Scholarship to SC/ ST Student for Class V to VIII : West Bengal

Organization : Backward Classes Welfare Department West Bengal
Facility : Sikshashree Scholarship to SC/ ST
Applicable For : Students of Class V to VIII
Applicable State : West Bengal
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What is Anagrasarkalyan Sikshashree Scholarship?

Anagrasarkalyan Sikshashree Scholarship scheme is to provide financial assistance to improve their participation in Pre-matric stages and minimize the incidence of drop-out. There is a ceiling of annual family income not exceeding 2.5 lakh. The class wise rates of such grant paid through Bank Account only.

Related / Similar Scholarship : Pre Matric Scholarship

What is the Rate of Sikshashree Scholarship?

Rate of Sikshashree Scholarship

V Rs. 500/- p.a.
VI Rs. 650/- p.a.
VII Rs. 700/- p.a.
VIII Rs. 800/- p.a.

55,000 SC students have been brought within the fold of this scheme. Each student residing in the Hostel gets hostel grant for 10 months only AT Rs.750/- per month. Thus the total amount of grant for each students is Rs.750 x 10 = Rs.7,500/- only in a year.

Application Form Here :

There is a ceiling of Parents/Guardians income of Rs.36,000/- p.a. These hostels are attached to the Junior High or Secondary Schools, run and managed by the respective school authorities.

There are at present more than 1522 school attached hostels all over the State. The students are advised to communicate with the Hostel Advisory Committee through their respective Head of the Institution for admission into Hostel just after admission into new class.

How To Apply For Sikshashree Scholarship?

Step 1 : Visit the official website of Backward Classes Welfare Department West Bengal through provided above.

Step 2 : Then, Click Sikshashree Scholarship Application link in the right side of the home page.

Step 3 : After that you can Login with the following details and Click Login button
i. Select Your User Type
ii. Enter the User Id
iii. Enter the Password
iv. Enter the Captcha image

Note :
Application Id is mandatory for any type of changes required. So, while emailing please ensure that the Application Id of the student is correctly given, and in case of changes more than one, the change request must be in word or excel format.

Ashram Hostel

Ashram Hostels for both SC boy and girl students are set up by the BCW Department within the campus of the recognized schools. Students reading in Class I to X usually get admission into such hostels subject to availability of seats.

For maintenance, the students are paid at the rate of Rs. 750/- per month for the entire academic year. In addition, they are given cots, bedrolls, garments, soap, kerosene out of the fund made available by the Department. At present there are 98 such hostels with 3,131 seat capacity.

There is a ceiling of Parents / Guardian’s income of Rs.36,000/- p.a. The students intending to stay in Ashram hostels are to apply to their respective Head of the Institution for admission.

Note :
** Application form need not necessarily be obtained from Block / PO office and can be used by copying or downloading from the official website of the BCW Department.

** Attested copies of all documents in support of claims for scholarship to be furnished along with this application. Original documents will be required to be produced for verification at the time of submission.
** All column are to be filled up. No column should be left blank.

Categories West Bengal

View Comments (16)

  • I have forgotten Sikshasree school password. How can I get the forgotten password or how can I generate new password? Please help me.

  • I am a college student, how can I fill the form? please tell me. I am waiting for your reply.

  • There is no option for selection of District, Municipality/ Block, and School, what can I do now?

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      A new scheme named "Sikshashree" have been launcher for SC Day scholars studying In classes V to VIII implementation during 2014-15 by merging the existing schemes of Book Grant, Maintenance Grant.


  • I am an ITI student. I did not get yet the payment of stipend in the year of 2016.
    When will I receive it ?

  • How can I get various scholarship forms and how do I fill up these easily ? Where do I submit that form ?

    • APPLICATION FOR SIKSHASHREE SCHOLARSHIP TO SC / ST STUDENT STUDYING IN CLASS V TO VIII IN English and Bengali is available in the official website. © 2022

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