SHE 2020 Scholarship For Higher Education : Department of Science & Technology

Organization : Department of Science & Technology
Scholarship Name : SHE 2020 Scholarship For Higher Education
Applicable For : Class XII Passed Students
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Application Last Date : 31.12.2020
Website/ Apply Online :

DST Inspire SHE

Applications for the year 2020 are invited from eligible candidates for INSPIRE Scholarship under Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE)

Related / Similar Scholarship : DST INSPIRE SHE Scholarship 2021

Who Can Apply?

1. Candidates with in age group of 17-22 years.

2. The eligible candidate must be already enrolled into a valid degree level course in natural / basic sciences at any UGC recognized College or University or National Institute in India.

3. The eligibility of candidates will be based on
a) performance in Board Examinations within the cut-off threshold for each State or Central Board Examination in the year 2020 at Class XII.
b) performance in any of the specified Competitive Examinations within stipulated cut off ranks and recipient of various scholarships and medals.

In the case of receiving more than 10,000 eligible applications in the given year, the selection will be on the basis of Board inclusive model within the available number of Scholarships in that year.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for the SHE 2020.

1. Go to the official website and ‘New User? Register Here’ link available on the right side of the home page.

2. Fill up the following required fields for New User Registration
Step 1 : Select Your Salutation [Mr./Mrs./Miss]
Step 2 : Enter Your First Name * [Karthick]
Step 3 : Enter Your Middle Name
Step 4 : Enter Your Last Name
Step 5 : Select Your Gender * [Male/Female]

Step 6 : Enter Your Mobile Number * [9999888877]
Step 7 : Enter Your Date Of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) *
Step 8 : Enter Your Login Email * []
Step 9 : Confirm Your Login Email * []

Step 10 : Enter Your Password *
Password Policy :
Password length must be min. 8 characters and max. 20 characters
It must contain at least :
** One upper case letter (say ‘A’)
** One lower case letter (say ‘a’)
** One digit (0-9)
** One special character(*,@,#,$,`,~,!,&,(,),{,},[,],|,\,;,:,.,?,/,+,=) Except[<,>,%,’,”,-,_,blank space]
Step 11 : Confirm Your Password *

Step 12 : Select Your Eligibility Criteria from the following*
Eligibility Criteria :
1. Internship : Completed 10th and Pursuing 11th (Top 1% in 10th)
2. Scholarship : Completed 12th (Top 1% in 12th)
3. Fellowship : Completed any one MSc, M.Tech, B.Tech, B.Pharma, BSc Agriculture, BVSc(Veternary Sc), MBBS,B.E, MSc, M.Tech
4. Faculty : Awarded PhD Degree or Submitted PhD Thesis

Step 13 : Select Identification Details *
Step 14 : Enter Your Aadhaar Card No *
Step 15 : Enter Captcha Verification * and Click Submit button

Note : Kindly check your junk and spam folder for registration Mail.
After successful registration, user id and password has been sent to your registered email id. Using that id you can login and activate your account.

Important :
The email ID used for registration must belong to the applicant. The email address must be valid and functional. There is no scope for changing the registered email address in future. All communications shall be sent only to the registered email address.

Sign In

After registration you will receive a email for your registered Id with User Id and Password. Please open up your email and click the activation link provided therein and activate your account.

Reset Password

Using your registered email id you can Recover your Password.
Step 1 : Enter Your Login Email * []
Step 2 : Enter the Captcha Verification
Step 3 : Click on the Submit button

Reset Login Id

If you forgot your Login Id, follow the below steps to recover it
Step 1 : Enter Your First Name * [Karthick]
Step 2 : Enter Your Last Name
Step 3 : Enter Your Date Of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) *
Step 4 : Enter Your Mobile Number * [9999888877]
Step 5 : Enter Your IVR Number [123456]
Step 6 : Click ‘Send Request’ button

Documents Required

1. Passport size photograph (Mandatory)
2. Community/Caste Certificate (only if the applicant belongs to OBC/SC/ST)
3. Eligibility Note/Advisory Note if provided by the State/Central Board (Not Mandatory)
4. Class XII Mark sheet (Mandatory)
5. Class X Mark sheet or Certificate, for proof of Date of Birth. (Mandatory)

6. Certificate specifying Rank or Award in JEE (Main)/ JEE (Advanced)/ NEET/ KVPY /JBNSTS/ NTSE / International Olympic Medalists [Only if the candidate is eligible under this criteria]
7. Endorsement Form/ Certificate signed by the Principal of the College/Director of the Institute/Registrar of the University. (Mandatory)
8. Any other supporting documents

Notification :

Value & Type of Support

Each eligible candidate will receive scholarship valued at Rs. 80,000/- annually. The cash value payable to the SHE scholarship holder is Rs. 60,000/- per annum along with a summer time attachment fee of Rs. 20,000/- which will be paid for undertaking summer time research project.

SHE Scholarship Last Date

The On-line application submission process shall commence from 1st November 2020 and shall end on 31st December 2020.

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