Narayana NSAT December 2020 Scholastic Aptitude Test :

Organisation : Narayana IIT/NEET Academy
Scholarship Name : NSAT 2020 December Scholastic Aptitude Test
Applicable For : Students studying in Classes V to XII
Exam Dates : 12th December – 20th December
Website :

Narayana NSAT

Fulfill your dreams of becoming a Doctor or an Engineer with NARAYANA. Take the first step towards your dream.

About NSAT

NSAT enhances creativity & reasoning skills and measures intellectual ability related to important concepts of Science & Mathematics within the prescribed syllabus of their respective classes.

NSAT not only helps students to assess, analyze and rate themselves among the students of other schools, but also it orients and provides early exposure of competitive world they will have to face in near future. Problems (questions) taken up in NSAT are test of understanding rather than mere cramming.


All the students studying in class V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X,XI and XII can appear.

How To Register?

NSAT seats are filling fast. Please follow the mentioned registration process to take the first step towards your success.

Step 1 : Submit Your Details
Fill in your details in the application form and submit.
Step 2 : Make Payment
Proceed towards payment to pay the exam fee.

Step 3 : Profile Completion
Fill the required details to complete your registration process & get access to Meritnation School Booster Course.
Step 4 : Admit Card
Get your NSAT Admit Card after completing your registration

Exam Details

** Exam Fee : Rs. 200/- (Including GST)
** Exam Date : 12th December – 20th December (Daily)
** Exam Mode : Online
** Exam Timing ( Daily: Online @ Home)
** Exam Login Window : 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM

Exam Pattern

NSAT exam will be conducted in two phases. First phase will be of 1 (one) hour and all registered students will be eligible to appear for it. They can avail scholarship upto 100% on tution fee.

Once student has submitted the paper of phase 1 and his/her score is more than 75% in it then he/she will be given option to appear in phase 2 which will be of 30 min.

Based on the performance of student in phase 2 he/she will be given additional scholarship on Infrastructure fee, books and periodicals fee. Also if performance is extraordinary they will be eligible for SPARK batch which is an exclusive batch for meritorious students.


Total scholarship and prize which a student can avail, Cash prize + Scholarship in Phase 1 Test + Scholarship in Phase 2 Test.

Terms & Conditions

1. Incomplete form will not be considered. It is compulsory to fill all the columns. Kindly attach all the required documents along with duly filled-in Enrollment Form.

2. It is compulsory to provide Mobile No. & E-mail ID of the student / parent / guardian. The result of tests or any other information by the Institute will be sent to the student via SMS and / or E-mail.

3. During the Classroom Programme at NARAYANA, student must meet the following requirements, failing which his/her free-ship program will be revoked with immediate effect. The decision of NARAYANA Management shall be final and binding to the students and the parents.

(a). ATTENDANCE: The attendance of the student in the coaching class should not drop below 85% throughout the Classroom programme. It is compulsory for a student under this programme to write all his/her CPTs conducted by the institution in his/her batch.

(b). TEST MARKS: The students will be required to maintain a minimum of 65% marks in their CPTs.

(c). Additionally, students other than free-ship programme or 100% scholarship must also maintain a minimum of 85% attendance throughout their Classroom programme and a minimum of 40% marks in their Phase Test on Monthly basis to continue their scholarship award in Forth coming Years of their 2/3/4/5 Year Programme.

(d). Any act of indiscipline by the student brought to the notice of the management of NARAYANA will not be accepted. A warning will be issued to such students, offering them another chance to improve their behaviour. Despite warning, if the student does not alter his/her attitude and commits another act of indiscipline, his/her candidature for the free-ship program will be revoked with immediate effect and can be struck off from role.

(e). In case a student misbehaves / gets involved in negative activities like teasing, theft, indiscipline, use of abusive languages, he/she can be rusticated by the Centre Director and fee paid shall not be refunded in such cases.

(f). If a student keeps himself/herself absent from the classes without prior permission from the Centre Director, then a warning letter will be issued against him/her. Despite the warning letter, if the student continues to default further and does not change his/her attitude, then the free-ship program of such student will be revoked with immediate effect.

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