ST SC Odisha Post-Matric Scholarship To Students Prosecuting Higher Studies In National Institutes Under Financial Assistance Scheme

Organization : Odisha ST & SC Development Department
Scholarship Name : Post-Matric Scholarship To ST Students Prosecuting Higher Studies In National Institutes Under Financial Assistance Scheme
Applicable State : Odisha

Website :
Notification :

Post-Matric Scholarship :

The Scheme shall be known as Financial Assistance Scheme for ST students prosecuting their study in a National Level Institutes (Non exhaustive List of National Level Institutes enclosed for reference).

Related :
Odisha ST & SC Pre-Matric Scholarship 2015-16 For Minority Communities :

The State Govt. of Odisha have agreed to provide financial assistance to poor ST students who are continuing their higher studies in National Level Institutes in order to enable them to complete their higher education. Under the Scheme the total cost of course fee & maintenance fees and ‘other ancillary expenditure directly related to his/ her education are to be reimbursed-by the Government.

Out of total cost f the-course fees-A maintenance fee, in the first instance the amount admissible under Post-Matric Scholarship are to be sanctioned out of Post-Matric Scholarship provision and the excess amount (like hostel charges,Thess charges, non-refundable fees,-any other incidental education related expenses charged by the Institution) exceeding the maximum limit prescribed under Post-Matric Scholarship shall be sanctioned out of the Financial Assistance Scheme

Eligibility Criteria :
** ST students who are continuing their Post Matriculation Studies in any National Level Institute.
** The annual income of the family of the ST student from all sources should not exceed Rs.2,50,000/- per annum.
** He/ She should be a permanent resident of Odisha.

Application Process :

All eligible ST students those who are prosecuting their study in a National Level Institute situated inside the State of Odisha, they are required to fill up their application form online and Register themselves through e-scholarship (Post Matric Portal) PRERANA introduced by ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department: ( and obtain a printout copy of the duly filled application form and submit the same alongwith all supporting documents to the concerned Institutes, where they are studying for further processing.

Applicants have to be very careful while furnishing their bank account details such as Account No, IFS Code, Branch name etc in the specified box of the online application. Any wrong entry or mismatch in case of bank information the Department will not be held responsible for mis-credit and the applicant will also be held responsible in case of diversion of public money on this ground.

The students who are prosecuting their studies in a National Level Institutes situated outside of the State of Odisha, they have to download the Common Integrated Application form from the website as given above and fill up the same meticulously and submit the same alongwith all supporting documents to the concerned Institutes, where they are studying for further processing. They have to be more vigilant while mentioning their Bank Account details as Department will not be held responsible for mis-credit and the applicant will also be held responsible in case of diversion of public money on this ground.

Verification at the Institute Level:
On receipt of the application from the concerned students the Institute will verify all the details of the students like caste certificate, income certificate etc, along with the hard copies sulinitted by the students:Men- the Institute can reject/accept and lock the application and forward online in case of inside students and send the off-line application to DWO to which the student belongs in case of students of institute located outside the state

Verification at the District Office:
On receipt of proposal from different Institutes, the concerned DWO will verify the proposals in details. The DWO shall sanction the Post Matric Scholarship to eligible students as per the proforma enclosed and forward the sanction details in Excel Sheet to Government for drawal and disbursement of the scholarship amount.

Disbursement :
After receipt of Sanction details form the DWOs the Drawal and Disbursement shall be made in a centralised manner at Government Level

Categories Odisha

View Comments (7)

    • Information available from the Official Website :

      Pre-Matric, Post-matric and Merit-cum-Means Scholarship 2017-18 for students of Minority communities :
      Eligibility :
      1. Students must be permanent resident of Odisha.
      2. Minimum eligibility mark is 50% secured in the last final examination of the Board/ University.
      3. 30% scholarship is earmarked for girl students.
      4. Income ceiling of parents shall not exceed 1.00 lakh for Pre-matric, Rs.2.00 lakh for post-matric, and Rs.2.50 for Merit cum means Scholarships per annum.

  • I am Anipa Hansda the student of+2 first year Arts. When I update my account I saw that everyone get 10000 but I found only 1000 why. I am also the student of very poor family. If I could not get full scholarships then how can I study in higher education. So please send my full scholarship.

  • I am studying at NIT Durgapur,West Bengal but I am permanent resident of Odisha. Can I fill the form? © 2022

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