KSSM Snehapoorvam Scholarship 2020-21 Kerala : socialsecuritymission.gov.in

Organization : Kerala Social Security Mission
Scholarship Name : Snehapoorvam Scholarship 2020-21
Applicable For : Students (Classes 1st To Degree)
Applicable State : Kerala
Application Last Date : 31st October 2020
Website : https://socialsecuritymission.gov.in/index.php

KSSM Snehapoorvam Scholarship

The Snehapoorvam applications academic year 2020-21 students registration portal opened


** To identify the orphaned children in the community.
** To assess and prioritize children in the greatest need
** To provide social protection to highly vulnerable groups of orphans by strengthening traditional family and community systems for protecting and absorbing orphans.
** To improve the basic education, social integration and nutrition of the most vulnerable groups of orphans towards the levels of other children in the community.
** To encourage families to live their children within the family set up rather than sending them to orphanages.
** To extend a helping hand to these orphan’s families by way of providing financial assistance to the education of children.

Eligibility Criteria

** Children who have lost either father or mother or both.
** Students from first standard to degree classes.
** Children below 5 years.
** Children who belongs to BPL category.
** For children belonging to APL category, annual income should be below Rs. 20,000 in rural areas (Local body / Grama Panchayat) and Rs. 22,375 in urban areas (Corporation / Municipality).

Amount of Assistance

** Children below 5 years and class I to V @ Rs.300/pm
** For class VI to class X @ Rs 500/pm
** For class XI and class XII @ Rs 750/pm
** For degree courses / professional degree @ 1000/pm

How To Apply?

The application with necessary documents should be submitted to the head of Aided/Govt. institutions (School and Colleges) before 31st October of every year.

The head of institution will verify and submit the application through online portal to Executive Director, Kerala Social Security Mission. Children below 5 yrs. can directly apply to Executive Director, Kerala Social Security Mission through the respective child welfare committees.

Apply Online : http://kssm.ikm.in/

Scheme Details

The statistics reveals that in Kerala, around 75,000 children below 18 years are living in orphanages.

Around 1500 orphanages are functioning in Kerala. Almost 80- 90% of the children in orphanages have families and relatives. Many orphans and vulnerable children slip further into poverty once the family’s main bread winner stops working or dies.

There is nothing more traumatic for a child than to see a parent die. Added to this tragedy is the loss of adult guidance and protection. Children without proper adult care are more likely to be abused & exploited.

Children in this category include orphans, abandoned children, children who have lost their parents in war, communal riots, natural disaster, accidents etc. They are not properly fed; they have no shelter, nutritious food, health care, education or any recreation.

Most of them are facing economic and social exploitation. They are deprived of love and affection of the family and are often unwanted by the family members.

Children are the greatest assets of our nation. Investing in them is investing for a better future for our country & for our world.

Considering all the reality of the present situations faced by some children (orphans) in our society, Kerala Government has launched a noble initiative “SNEHAPOORVAM” to provide financial assistance to orphans who are living in the family, with their relatives, friends, or the support of the community under the Social Welfare Department implemented through Social Security Mission.

The mission has initiated the project that aims at bringing these children to the main stream of the society.

Short Description

Children are the greatest assets of our nation. Investing in them is investing for a better future for our country & for our world. Considering all the reality of the present situations faced by some children (orphans) in our society.


Email : snehapoorvamonline@gmail.com
Number : 1800 120 1001

Categories Kerala

View Comments (1)

  • Those who have applied for the scholarship in our school for the last year did
    not get sixteen students ,already forwarded the documents properly but nothing get. please convey the reason for the objection.

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