National Scholarship Portal NSP : UGC 2020-21 PG Indira Gandhi Single Girl Child Scholarship

Organisation : University Grants Commission (UGC)
Scholarship Name : PG Indira Gandhi Scholarship For Single Girl Child 2020-21
Applicable For : Girl students who are admitted in the first year of PG courses
Last Date : 30-10-2020
Website :

UGC PG SGC Scholarship

UGC has introduced a Post Graduate Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child with an aim to compensate direct costs of girl education to all levels especially for such girls who happen to be the only girl child in their family.

Related / Similar Scholarship : NSP UGC PG SGC Scholarship 2021-22


The objectives of the proposed scheme are:
a) To support post graduate education of single girl child in postgraduate courses only.
b) To recognize the value of observance of small family norm.

Target Group

** Girl students who are admitted in the first year of PG courses in the following Universities / Colleges and happen to be the only girl child in the family:
** Universities/Institutions/Colleges included under section 2(f) & and 12(B) of UGC Act.
** Deemed to be Universities included under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 and eligible to receive grants-in-aid from UGC.
** Those Deemed Universities which do not receive funds from the Central/ State Government are not eligible institutions under the scheme.
** Universities/Institutions/College funded by Central/State Government.
** Institutes of National Importance.
** Girl students without having any brother or the girl student who are twin daughters/ fraternal daughter may also apply for scholarship under the aforesaid scheme.
** In a family if one son and one daughter is available then girl child will not be considered for scholarship under the scheme.


** Slots : 3000
** Age limit: Girl students up to the age of 30 years at the time of admission in first year of PG courses are eligible.
** The scheme is applicable to such single girl child who has taken admission in regular, full- time first year Masters Degree course in any designated university or a post graduate college.
** Admission to PG Course in Distance education mode is not covered under the scheme.

Procedure For Applying

** The candidates fulfilling the eligibility conditions are required to apply online on National Scholarship Portal after initiation of application process and notice to be published on UGC website.
** The host institution where the candidate is studying is required to verify the online application.
** It is expected from the institutions where student has taken admission in the first year PG course, no tuition fees will be charged by the institute from girl students to pursue PG degree course in Universities/Colleges/Institutions

Apply Online :

Selection Procedure

** 3,000 fresh scholarships will be awarded every year.
** The awardee can avail of other scholarship also during the tenure of this scholarship.

Duration of Scholarship

** After selection, the awardees will be paid scholarship on DBT mode on annual basis.


** The scholarship will be renewed for the next year of study on receipt of renewal.
** Students failing to get promoted to the next class/ level would forfeit the scholarship.
** Change in course of study will not be permitted.
** If the awardee changes the course of study, the scholarship will stand forfeited from the date of such a change.
** Scheme will be implemented and monitored by the UGC.
** The awardees of previous years will continue to follow the pattern of assistance through UGC/Canara Bank portal.

Notification :

Important Dates

Scheme Closing Date : Open till 30-10-2020
Defective Verification : Open till 15-11-2020
Institute Verification : Open till 15-11-2020

View Comments (15)

  • U G results have not yet been published in many universities, due to COVID 19. First-year PG courses admission is not completed, then is it possible to apply before 30 November 2021 ?. Kindly extend the application date for the single girl child scholarship date.

  • Sir due to covid the exam not happen nd till last date if my admision not happen so what can i do and i am applying for LLM in this course this scholarship is available

  • After submitting necessary details for SGC scholarship, it shows that there is no scheme available. Pl help.

  • how to find my college School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UTD, RGPV
    RAJIV GANDHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ,AIRPORT BY PASS ROAD, GANDHI NAGAR ,BHOPAL (M.P.) on the portal . I m not able to find it in the list. can please someone help me how to select this college in list to apply.

  • I have registered as fresher for PG SGC scholarship and i got my id and password. After filling the necessary details it is showing "for your submitted information there is no scheme available ". please help me.

  • I registered as fresher.i get the application id but i did'nt the bonafide from you till now. please help me.

  • while registering for "Indira Gandhi pg scholarship" in NSP portal,under scholarship category which should be selected "pre-matric " or "post matric/top class/ mcm"

  • due to covid admissions into college got postponed know. i've applied for my mba wrote icet waiting for counselling dates, then how can i apply here before oct 30th
    before joining into the college and knowing it. please help me on this © 2022

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