Post Matric ST 2020 : Directorate of Higher Education

Organisation : Directorate of Higher Education
Scholarship Name : Post Matric ST Scholarship 2020
Applicable For : ST Students
Applicable States/UTs : Nagaland
Last Date : 30th November 2020
Website :

DHE Nagaland Post Matric ST Scholarship

Online applications are invited for Post Matric ST Scholarship 2020

Related / Similar Scholarship : DHE Nagaland State Merit Scholarship 2020


A student should fulfil the following criteria to be eligible for this Scholarship.
1. The applicant must be pursuing post matric (above class X) studies and belong to Scheduled Tribe of Nagaland.
2. The Annual Income of the a p p l i c a n t ’ s parents from all sources must not exceed ? 2.50 lakh (Rupees Two Lakh Fifty Thousand).
3. Applicant must be from Institution which has valid AISHE/UDISE code.
4. Students who have failed in their last examination (repeaters) are not eligible to apply.
5. Students who have availed this scholarship at one stage of education and have passed but are studying in the same stage of education in different stream/subject e.g., BA after BCom or MSc after MA are not eligible to apply.
6. Students having study break of more than 2 (two) years (last exam passed before 2018) are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.
7. Applicant must not be a beneficiary of any other scholarship scheme
8. Applicant must not be an employee of any government/semi government establishment.
9. Students pursuing Diploma/Certificate Course can also apply provided they fulfil the above criteria (1- 8) and their course duration is not less than two years.

Application Procedure

Go to the link and apply online


1. Institutions are to inform/notify to the students about the scholarship and set a date line for receiving their Forms/Documents.
2. Institutions are to verify the form and documents and compile Annexure IV for eligible applicants. Transaction/Application ID of all Post Matric ST Scholarship forms start with the scheme code PMS. Excel format of Annexure IV can be downloaded from
3. Bank Account should be in the name of the applicant. If an applicant furnished Bank Account other than his/her own Account, Application Form of such student/applicant should be rejected.
4. Institution should see to it that it displays/publishes the list of the eligible/rejected applications for any claims/objection/correction before submitting the Annexure IV to this Office. This is required in order to avoid any undesirable issue/complaints after submission of Annexure IV.
5. The Department will not entertain any request for inclusion in Annexure IV or submission of Annexure IV after the last date.

Important Dates

Online application: 7th September to 30th November 2020.
Last date of submission of Form hardcopy/Annexure IV: 11th December 2020.

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