WBMDFC AIKYASHREE 2020-21 Scholarship Application Status : wbmdfcscholarship.in

Organisation : West Bengal Minorities’ Development & Finance Corporation
Scholarship Name : AIKYASHREE State Scholarship Scheme 2020-21
Service Name : Scholarship Application Status
Applicable For : Minority Students
Applicable States/UTs : West Bengal
Last Date : 15th November,2020
Website : http://www.wbmdfc.org/


“Aikyashree” – West Bengal State Scholarships for Minority Students in West Bengal

Related / Similar Scholarship :

WBMDFC Aikyashree West Bengal State Scholarship Scheme 2023-24

WBMDFC Pre Matric Scholarship 2021-22

Scholarship Types

** Pre-matric Scholarship (for meritorious students from Class-I to Class-X)
** Post-matric Scholarship (for meritorious students from Class-XI to Ph. D), and
** Merit-cum-Means Scholarships (for pursuing technical & professional courses).
** Talent Support Stipend (TSP)
** Swami Vivekananda Merit Cum Means Scholarship Scheme For Minorities

Scholarship Application Status

To track Aikyashree Scholarships 2020-21 application status, just follow the simple steps mentioned below

Step-1 : Go to the link http://wbmdfcscholarship.in/
Step-2 : Click on ” Track Application” link

Step-3 : Select the District of Your Institute ( Where your institution is located )

Step-4 : Select the “Year of Registration”
Step-5 : Select the “District”
Step-6 : Enter the Application User ID
Step-7 : Enter the Date of Birth
Step-8 : Enter the Captcha and
Step-9 : Click on submit button to track status.

Selection Process

Scholarships will be provided to eligible students in order of merit and subject to the budgetary allocation provided by the State Government. For renewal, the applicant will be eligible for the scholarship if he/she has obtained 50% marks in his/her previous examination.

Nodal Organisation

The West Bengal Minorities’ Development & Finance Corporation (WBMDFC) will be the Nodal Organization for this scheme.

Conditions For Scholarship

** The applicant has to submit a certificate regarding family income at the time of application.
** For ‘renewal’ applicants, the continuance of scholarship will be subject to securing 50% marks in the previous year examination.
** Maintenance allowance will be provided to hostellers and day scholars.
** Students should be regular in attendance, for which the yardstick will be decided by the competent authority of the school.
** If a student violates school discipline or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship, scholarship may be suspended or cancelled.
** The State Government can also directly cancel the award if duly satisfied of the reasons of violation of these regulations governing the scheme.
** If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement, his/her scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid will be recovered.
** The course/tuition fees and maintenance allowance will be credited to the student’s bank account directly under Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) mode.

Scholarship Last Date

** Pre Matric – Fresh & Renewal (15th November,2020)
** Post Matric – Fresh & Renewal (15th November,2020)
** Merit-cum-Means – Fresh & Renewal (15th November,2020)
** Swami Vivekananda Merit-cum-Means – Fresh & Renewal (15th November,2020)
** State Govt. Sponsored Stipend Under Talent Support Programme (TSP) – Fresh & Renewal (15th November,2020)


Toll Free Helpline 1800-120-2130

Categories West Bengal

View Comments (42)

  • Hi sir / ma'am
    When will we get the amount of our scholarship for the session 2021 ? It's already have been a year and more waiting for the amount

  • Respected sir/madam,
    With due respect I would like to say that I am Afreen Shah. I am currently a student of class 12 studying at Acme Academy, Kalna, Purba Burdwan. I applied to Aikyashree scholarship the 2021-22 academic year. My application I'd - SSP202102070XXXXXXX . My scholarship is pending till date(17th October, 2022). I couldn't communicate with the college much because of the incidence of coronavirus (Covid19) the last year. So I can't even say if the scholarship has been pending for a long time. The financial situation of the house is very bad due to the pandemic situation . And it's already a year I'm waiting for it. If i try to track my application it's showing " can't track application" and this year when I'm trying to renew it the same thing is happening. Therefore, it would be very useful if I could get this scholarship. So if I get it, what method do I have to resort for the scholarship?

    Kindly, grants my scholarship which will help me in my studies and my future course of action. I'll be obliged to the state government.
    Thanking you

    Yours sincerely
    Name- Afreen Shah
    Class 12, Acme Academy,
    Kalna, Purba Burdwan.

  • SK JAKIR HOSSAIN Sep17/09/22 at 9:35pm To sir madam I am jakir hossain from purba Medinipur my application ID ssp2020020300287551 season 2020-21 I don't receive my scholarship i check my status so the Awaiting for lot generation so please help me when my scholarship amount

  • To sir,madam,my name is barkat gulam murtuza,my application id is SSP2020011800123924,my payment is pending kindly look for my problem reply as soon as possible

  • To respected sir /madam
    My name is sazia naaz, My application id is SS20211021800366670 , I have cleared all my level. But haven't receive my scholarship yet. I request to please look forward to my sir...

  • I am Rojana Parvin from Malda District. My aikyashree I'd is SSP2021050101XXXXXX season 2021-2022.I don't receive my scholarship amount.I check my status show "Not mached, Manual verification pending".Then I have correction my account name so Please sir give me my amount transfer to my account.

  • To,
    The Sir madam
    I am Md Samim Aktar Hossain from Jalpaiguri SUKANTA COLLEGE. My application I'D SSP2021051300219962 season 2021-2022.
    I don't recived my scholarship amount . I check my status show the manul verification pending.
    please take a look at my case.

  • my application is still verified pending in district level and i am waiting from 5months still not verified my application I'd number SSP2021021300206381

  • My aikyashree I'd is SSP2021020700663107.my name is Naznin Sultana.My district level is pending from the first.

  • I am Naznin Sultana.My aikyashree I'd is SSP2021020700663107.My district level is pending from the first.Pleade what is the problem tell me.i had not got the money.please look about that .My district level is pending.

  • To The sir madam. I am Md Ammaruddin Mallick from Hooghly district pre matric scholarship Application I'd SSP2020011000226314 season 2020-21 I don't receive my scholarship payment I checkmy status show the under process for amaunt So please help me when my scholarship amaunt

  • To,
    The sir madam
    I am Tauqeer Alam from North 24 Parganas application I’d SSP2020020100571809 season 2020-2021
    I don’t receive my scholarship amount I check my status show the Awaiting for amount
    So please help me when my scholarship amount

  • To
    I've applied for scholarship but whenever I tried to check my track/status it's showing my application is 'does not found'what can I do in that case.

  • Respected sir/madam,
    With due respect I wish to you say that I am Miraj Sk. I am currently a student of Bidhannagar Government College in Bachelor's degree course. I applied to Swami Vivekananda merit-cum- means scholarship the 2019-20 academic year. My application I'd - SSP2019050100078005 . I have crossed the level of scholarship college and district but the state level has been pending for a long time. I couldn't communicate with the college much because of the incidence of coronavirus (Covid19) the last year. So I can't even say if the scholarship has been pending for a long time. The financial situation of the house is very bad for me in pandemic situation . Therefore, it would be very useful if I could get this scholarship. So if I get it, what method do I have to resort for the scholarship? There are many benefits from studying at the state government scholarship.

    Kindly, grants my scholarship which will help me in my studies and my future course of action.
    Thanking you

    Yours sincerely
    Name- Miraj Sk
    BA 2nd year student

  • I still did not get the money .
    Showing here
    Awaiting for lot generation . But all my friends got the money .

  • Respected sir
    I Md Asif Afzal Ansari , scholarship id is SSP2020031800233679. In my status it is showing that my application is successfully verified from several levels but payment process is not completed yet. My bank's IFCS code has changed from ANDB0001225 to UBIN0812251. Please help me sir, I shall be highly obliged for this work,

  • Dear sir/madam
    my aplication Id:SSP2020050401194939
    amar IFSC&BANK NAME Cheng hoy kintu A/C Numbre same ache:se jonyo amake update korte bola hoy,nirdesh moto ami IFSC CODE Update kori passbook scan o kori kori vul basoto BANK NAME update kora hoyni,akhon track application status bolche note mach: veryfication is pending,

  • Respected sir,
    I am not getting my scholarship amount till now .My id is SSP2020051800176808.
    District level is verified.state level is verified.Institute level is verified.But in my bank validation it still showing 'awaiting for response'.
    Please help me for this matter.

  • Respected sir maam my name is heera parvin..my status for imps SPA0000160211506202101000001 for last 1 month..but payment is not done yet..

  • Application id Spp20200211700949985
    name sohidul.mia

    (bank account validation status)Invalid
    A/c blocked or frozen(errorcode:68)

    Invalid bank Account details update: YES (help me plz)

  • To,
    The sir madam
    I am Md Abu obudafrom North 24 Parganas application I'd SSP2019030100329159season 2020-2021
    I don't receive my scholarship amount I check my status show the Awaiting for LOT GENERATION
    So please help me when my scholarship amount

  • Bank Status - Not matched but checked and approoved by District..... Scholarship abhi tk aya nhi kbtk ayega koi information ?

  • My scholarship amount is not credit my bank account. Iam in big trouble. I cannot track my application.

  • I have recieved only 6600 for b.ed category whereas it should be more than 10000... Plz help ke out

  • The sir madam
    Amer application Id-SSP2020020100537994
    sir amer bank account status dakaca KYC documents panding ..
    Sir ami ki korbo ?

  • To,
    The sir Madam
    I am abu bakkar siddik from Murshidabad application I'd SSP2020020601917479 season 2020-2021
    I don't receive my scholarship amount I check my status show the Awaiting for response
    So please help me when my scholarship amount

  • To,
    The sir Madam
    I am sk Rasidul Rahaman from paschim Medinipur application I'd SSP2020051100245719 season 2020-2021
    I don't receive my scholarship amount I check my status show the Awaiting for LOT GENERATION
    So please help me when my scholarship amount distribute

  • Sir why I can't track my akiyashree scholarship status my application I'd is SSP2020021800192119

    • To,
      The sir madam
      I am ANISUR RAHAMAN from North 24 Parganas application I'd SSP2019040100357710 season 2020-2021
      I don't receive my scholarship amount I check my status show the Awaiting for LOT GENERATION
      So please help me when my scholarship amount

    • Sir amar name Husen Ali Khan. My application id-SSP2020050900124145 amar account ar IFSC code login karechi but akhono taka asheni account a from bankura

    • To
      The sir madam
      I am ARJINA khatun murshidabad application id ssp2020020601855613 so season 2020-2021 I dont receive my scholarship around I check my status showAwating for respond so please help me when my scholarship amoud. Ipm

    • To,
      The sir madam
      I am Md Abu obudafrom North 24 Parganas application I'd SSP2019030100329159season 2020-2021
      I don't receive my scholarship amount I check my status show the Awaiting for LOT GENERATION
      So please help me when my scholarship amount

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