National Scholarship Portal NSP : DOHE CSSS 2020-21 Central Sector Scheme of Scholarships For College & University Students

Organisation : Department of Higher Education (DOHE)
Scholarship Name : CSSS 2020-21 Central Sector Scheme of Scholarships For College & University Students
Applicable For : College & University Students
Applicable States/UTs : All Over India
Last Date : 31-10-2020
Website :

NSP DOHE Central Sector Scheme

To provide financial assistance to meritorious students from low income families to meet a part of their day-to-day expenses while pursuing higher studies.

Related / Similar Scholarship : NSP DOHE CSSS 2021-22


The scholarships are awarded on the basis of the results of Senior Secondary Examination. 82000 fresh scholarships per annum [41000 for boys and 41000 for girls] are awarded for pursuing graduate / postgraduate studies in colleges and universities and for professional courses, such as Medical, Engineering etc.

Allocation of Scholarships

The total number of scholarships are divided amongst the State Education Boards based on the State?s population in the age group of 18-25 years, after segregating share of CBSE and ICSE on the basis of number of students passing out from various Boards in the country. 50 % of the scholarship is earmarked for girls.

The number of scholarships allotted to a State Education Board is distributed amongst pass outs of the Science, Commerce and Humanities streams in the ratio of 3:2:1. In case of shortfall in the number of applications, the scholarship slots could be inter-changed.


Students who are above 80th percentile of successful candidates in the relevant stream from the respective Board of Examination in Class XII of 10+2 pattern or equivalent and pursuing regular courses (not correspondence or distance mode) in Colleges/Institutions recognized by All India Council of Technical Education, UGC Act, 1956, Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India and respective regulatory authorities and not availing benefit of any other scholarship scheme including State run scholarship schemes/Fee waiver and reimbursement scheme are eligible under the scheme. Students pursuing Diploma courses are not eligible under the scheme.

How To Apply?

1) National Scholarship Portal (NSP) will be opened for online application in the month of June-July every year.

2) Class XII pass out students of the current Academic Year, who are above 80th percentile of the respective State Education Boards (SEBs) are eligible under the scheme and can apply on National Scholarship Portal (, before the cut-off date. Physical application would not be accepted.

3) The online applications would be verified at two levels:
(i) By the Institute where the student is studying.
(ii) By the respective State Education Board.

4) Applicant is required to submit requisite documents, such as [ Class 12th mark sheet, Income Certificate] to the Institute.

5) Application which is not verified either by the institute or by the concerned State Education Board or by both will be treated as „Invalid?.

6) Merit list as per the State allocated quota would be generated from the verified applications.

Rate of Scholarships

The rate of scholarship is Rs.10000/- per annum at Graduation level for first three years of College and University courses and Rs.20000/- per annum at Post- Graduation level. Students pursuing professional courses, in case, where the duration of course is five (5) years/Integrated course would get Rs.20000/- per annum in the 4th and 5th year. However, students pursuing technical courses such as B.Tech., B.Engg would get scholarship up to graduation level.

Parental Income Ceiling

The parental/family income ceiling is Rs. 8 lakh per annum for all categories under the scheme and would be applicable from the Academic Session 2018-19. Income certificate would be required for the fresh applicants only.

Guidelines :


National Scholarship Division,
Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Department of Higher Education,
West Block 1, 2nd Floor, Wing 6,
Room No. 6, R. K. Puram, Sector 1,
New Delhi 110066.

Tel: 011-26172917, 26172491, 26165238

Important Dates

Scheme Closing Date : Open till 31-10-2020
Defective Verification : Open till 15-11-2020
Institute Verification :Open till 15-11-2020 © 2022

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