: Pragati Scholarship 2020-21 Guidelines For Degree & Diploma Girls Students

Organization : All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
Scholarship Name : Pragati Scholarship 2020-21 Guidelines
Applicable For : Degree & Diploma Girls Students
Website :

Pragati Scholarship Guidelines

Guidelines For Aicte – Pragati Scholarship Scheme For Girl Students – (Degree & Diploma) for the year 2020-21.


Scheme being implemented by AICTE aimed at providing assistance for Advancement of Girls pursuing Technical Education.

This is an attempt to give young Women the opportunity to further her education and prepare for a successful future by “Empowering Women through Technical Education”


1) The girl candidate should be admitted to first year of Degree/Diploma level course OR Second year of Degree/Diploma course through lateral entry in any of the AICTE approved Institution of respective year.

2) Maximum two Girls Child per family are eligible.

3) Family income from all sources is not more than Rs. 8 lakh per annum during the current financial year. A valid income certificate issued by State/UT Government need to be enclosed.

Number Of Scholarships

1) A total of 10000 scholarships (5000 each for Degree and Diploma) are earmarked per annum under this scheme for pursuing first year of Degree/Diploma level course OR Second year of Degree/Diploma course through lateral entry in any of the AICTE approved Institutions. The number of scholarships are transferred into each other category (Diploma/Degree) if sufficient number of online applications are not received under one category.

2) State/Union Territory wise distribution of 10,000 scholarships for degree and diploma courses is as per Annexure A and B.

3) In addition to 10,000 scholarships at point number 2, all eligible girls who submit online scholarship form, from following 13 Union Territories and North Eastern States i.e. Andaman and Nicobar Islands (UT), Jammu and Kashmir (UT), Laddakh (UT), Dadra and Nagar Haveli & Daman and Diu (UT), Lakshadweep (UT), Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim & Tripura will be given scholarships by AICTE.

Amount Of Scholarship

Rs 50,000 per annum for every year of study i.e. maximum 4 years for Degree and 3 years for Diploma for first year admitted students and maximum 3 years for Degree and 2 years for Diploma for second year admitted students through lateral entry as lump sum amount towards payment of college fee, computer purchase, stationery, books, Equipment, Software’s purchase etc. No other additional grant will be payable in lieu of hostel charges and medical charges etc.

Mode Of Payment

After selection, the awardee will be paid scholarship through DBT mode on annual basis.

Procedure For Applying

1) The candidate fulfilling the eligibility conditions is required to apply online on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) after initiation of application process and notice to be published on AICTE website.

2) The host institution where the candidate is studying is required to verify the online application.
3) Department of Technical Education (DTE) of respective State/ UT will verify these applications as second level of scrutiny


1) The scholarship will be renewed for the next year of study on receipt of renewal through National Scholarship Portal by submitting passing certificate/ marksheet along with letter from the Head of Institution in the online portal.

2) Student failing to get promoted to the next class/ level would forfeit the scholarship.

Guidelines :

Terms & Conditions

1) Applications will be invited once in a year through National e-Scholarship Portal of the Government of India.

2) If a student is in reserved category and also qualified in general category merit list of scholarship then he/she will be counted under the General Category.

3) Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. Only verified online applications will be considered for the award of scholarship.
4) If a candidate failed/ drop out in subsequent year, she will not be eligible for further scholarship.

5) Scheme will be implemented and monitored by the AICTE. 6) For converting CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) to percentage, multiplying factor will be 9.5 i.e. to convert the CGPA into percentage, CGPA X 9.5 will give the percentage.

7) In case both CGPA & Total marks are given in the mark sheet, total marks will be considered for determining percentage.

8) If grades are given like A1, A2, B1, B2 etc in the mark sheet, first the grades will be converted into CGPA and then average CGPA will be calculated. This CGPA will be converted into percentage as given in point No. 2.

9) Provisional list of shortlisted candidates will be uploaded on the AICTE web portal. In case, candidate has any query about merit list of scholarship, they may raise their grievances within a month. No query regarding merit list will be entertained after one-month duration.

10) Query regarding non-payment of the scholarship due to invalid/wrong account number will be entertained only upto six months from the date of publishing of merit list on AICTE website.

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