SERB STAR 2020 Science & Technology Award For Research

Organization : SERB
Scholarship Name : SERB-STAR 2020 Science & Technology Award For Research
Applicable For : Research Students
Application Last Date : 27.07.2020
Website :


SERB Science and Technology Award for Research (SERB-STAR) is a prestigious award instituted by SERB to recognize and reward outstanding performance of Principal Investigators (PIs) of SERB Projects.


SERB has been supporting basic research in frontier areas of science and engineering through its various programs and schemes.

The number of researchers under the ambit of SERB has increased over the years and they contribute significantly towards the progress of science and engineering in the country through their research endeavour.


** The nominee should have completed individual-centric SERB project in previous three financial years with “Excellent” grading. Only the PI of such projects and not the Co-PIs shall be eligible.

** The applicant must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution or national laboratories or any other recognized R&D institutions.

** The age of the nominee should be within 40 to 50 years as on December 31 of the year in which the call is made.

** PIs who have an ongoing fellowship/honorarium such as JC Bose Fellowship, ShantiSwarup Bhatnagar Prize, Swarnajayanti Fellowship, etc. are not eligible.

** Individuals who are nominated for SERB STAR but are unsuccessful can be renominated for consideration in the following year subject to fulfilling other eligibility criteria.

Nature of Support

** Fellowship of Rs 15,000/- per month, research grant of Rs. 10 lakh per annum and Rs 1 lakh per annum as overhead charges for a period of three years.

** Up-to 30 awards per year and not more than 90 at any time.

Selection & Mode of Application

** The application would be by nomination which must be submitted online through the website
** Call for nomination would be made once in a year.
** Nomination shall be made by the Head of the Institution of the nominee.

** At Stage 1 – Preliminary Scrutiny, verification of eligibility criteria including “Excellent” grading will be carried out by SERB. Only those nominations found eligible, would be considered for Stage 2 – Award Selection Process.

** The selection by a competent committee will be based on performance of completed projects and other research work would carry a top up weightage.

Instructions for Online Submission

For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted
** PI need to register in SERB online portal.

Register Here :

** After log-in, PI need to fill all the mandatory fields in Profile Details section under User Profile which includes Bio data, Photo, Institution Address, etc.

** Under ‘Form Submission’, choose Scheme: STAR, and fill the STAR nomination form which includes details of completed project, other scientific contribution, nominator details, etc.

** After filling the details, PI should send STAR nomination form to Nominator.
** Nominator would receive intimation via email with a link to SERB online portal, to view the filled-in STAR Nomination form.

** Nominator has to submit the nomination to SERB.
** Once submitted, PI and Nominator will receive intimation regarding successful submission.

Documents Required

Documents required (in PDF) should be in prescribed format
** Project completion report (PCR).
** List of publications resulting from the completed project (if any).
** Reprints of publications (if applicable).
** Details of patents from the completed project (if any).
** Patent documents (if applicable).

** Documents related to technology transfer (if any).
** List of complete publications, patents and any other significant contribution.
** Certificate from PI Download Template
** Endorsement certificate Download Template
** Technical Document Download Template


1. Is there any age limit for PI to be eligible for the award?
PI should be within 40 to 50 years as on December 31 of the year in which call is made.

2. Am already implementing another project under CRG. Am I eligible for STAR?
Yes. STAR is an award of recognition and can be concurrently held with other SERB projects.

3. How is the “Excellent” grading of project determined?
The Project Completion Report (PCR) of completed project are evaluated by concerned Programme Advisory Committee (PAC), and the performance are graded based on quality of research work done in the project, its impact, publications, patents, manpower generated, etc.

4. I have completed an EMR project 5 years ago, and it was rated “Excellent”. Will I be considered for the award?
No. Only projects which have been completed in previous three financial years will be considered.

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