TNAI Scholarships 2019-20 Trained Nurses’ Association of India :

Organisation : The Trained Nurses’ Association of India (TNAI)
Scholarship Name : TNAI Scholarships 2019-20
Applicable For : Candidates Should have 3 Years’ TNAI Membership
Application Last Date : 31.08.2020
Website :

TNAI Scholarships

The Trained Nurses’ Association of India invites applications for award of scholarship for higher studies in Nursing for the year 2019-20.

Related / Similar Scholarship : TNAI SNA Scholarship 2019-20

Available Courses

Scholarships are available for the following courses.
I. For General Nurses
a) Post-Basic BSc Nursing (Regular)
b) Master in Nursing

II. For Health Visitors And Auxiliary Nurse Midwives / MPHW (F)
(a) General Nursing and Midwifery course All the above mentioned courses should be recognised by the Nursing Council/ Regulatory body.

Eligibility Criteria

1. The candidates should have at least 3 years’ membership of the TNAI.
2. The proof of annual family income of the candidates (who wish to apply for scholarship) should be obtained from competent authority and attached along with the application.

3. The candidate should not be a recipient of any other scholarship or nancial help from any other source.
4. The candidate should not have received TNAI scholarship for at least last 5 years.

How to Apply?

Just follow the below steps to apply for TNAI Scholarships 2019-20.

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of TNAI through provided above.
Step 2 : Download the application form from the official website

or you can directly download it from below mentioned link.

Download Application Form :

Step 3 : Fill the application form with the required details and attach the necessary documents.

Step 4 : Completed Application form duly recommended by the Principal of School or College and President/Secretary/SNA Advisor of the State Branch, TNAI should be sent to the

Trained Nurses’ Association of India,
L-17 Green Park,
New Delhi-110016 before August 31, 2020.

Note :
** Incomplete applications will be rejected.
** There is no application fee, as per decision of EC & Council of TNAI in 2017.
** Enclose the bank account details of the applicant with front page of bank passbook (Xerox copy) and crossed cheque

** The address, Mobile No. and e-mail ID of the President/Secretary/SNA Advisor of the respective TNAI State branches are available in the TNAL website or send mail to sna [AT] and trai_2003 [AT]

Documents Required

1) Certificate of GNM / PC BSc / BSc / MSc.
2) Nurses & Midwives Council Registration Certificate.
3) Certificates of matriculation & higher Secondary examination, if passed.
4) Certificate of annual family income of the candidate from competent authority.
5) A letter from the Principal, College of Nursing seeking admission in the respective institution.
6) Photocopy of TNAI Life membership card.

General Instructions

1. Confidential reports from all the two referees mentioned in your application should be received timely.
2. The application should be recommended by the President or Secretary of the concerned TNAI State Branch.

3. Preference will be given to the candidate’s active participation in TNAI activities at National, State, District / Zonal and Unit level.

4. The completed application forms should be received in this office by August 31, 2020.
5. Completed applications received after the last date will not be entertained.

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