Gradeup GNST 2020 National Scholarship Test For UG Law

Organisation : Gradeup
Scholarship Name : GNST 2020 Gradeup National Scholarship Test for UG Law
Applicable For : Students preparing for their Law entrance exams
Online Exam Date : 21.06.2020
Website :

Gradeup GNST For UG Law

Gradeup National Scholarship Test for UG Law. First step to your dream NLU.

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Gradeup GNST NET Scholarship Test 2020

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About GNST

Gradeup National Scholarship Test (GNST) is a talent search cum scholarship exam, being conducted at a national level to appraise the right talent. The GNST will be conducted for Law entrance exams like CLAT.

GNST 2020 is an online-based exam for the students preparing for their Law entrance exams. Around 200 candidates will be shortlisted to be entitled to scholarships and other rewards & prizes.


If you are preparing for CLAT and other Law Entrances Exams, then you are eligible for this test.

How Can I Participate?

Simply scroll the page down & click on ‘Register Now’. Take the test online from the comfort & safety of your home.

Exam Details

Exam : CLAT & Law
Dates : 21st June, 2020

Slot Details :
Slot 1 : 11 – 12 PM
Slot 2 : 3 – 4 PM

Test Pattern

AILST will be a 60 minutes duration and of total 75 marks test.

** The total number of questions asked will be 75.
** Every correct answer will carry +1 marks, however, every incorrect answer will deduct -0.25 marks.
** Correct Answer = +1 Marks | Incorrect Answer = -0.25 Marks

Important Instructions

Stand a chance to win amazing scholarship awards

** The scholarship test will be conducted in a controlled environment i.e. it will be proctored. Hence, you are required to complete the test in the given time. Additionally, your device must have a Webcam.

** The result of the scholarship test will be declared on 22nd June at 6 PM.
** The marking scheme will be the same as the CLAT.
** Gradeup reserved right of declaring the winners on the basis of their test attempt data.


The Syllabus of GNST UG Law will be on the following lines

English Language :
Reading Comprehension, Para summary.

2. Current Affairs, including General Knowledge :
In this section, you will be provided passages based questions, which will be based on the following events

** Contemporary events of significance from India and the world;
** Arts and culture;
** National & International affairs
** Science & Technology
** Sports
** Awards & Honours
** Schemes
** Historical events of continuing significance.

3. Legal Reasoning :
In this section, you will be provided passages based questions.
** The passages may relate to fact situations or scenarios involving legal matters, public policy questions or moral philosophical inquiries.

Each passage would be followed by a series of questions that will require you to
** Identify and infer the rules and principles set out in the passage;
** Apply such rules and principles to various fact situations; and
** Understand how changes to the rules or principles may alter their application to various fact situations.

4. Logical Reasoning :
In this section, you will be provided passages based questions. Each passage will be followed by one or more questions that will require you to

** Recognize an argument, its premises and conclusions;
** Read and identify the arguments set out in the passage;
** Critically analyse patterns of reasoning, and assess how conclusions may depend on particular premises or evidence;

** Infer what follows from the passage and apply these inferences to new situations;
** Draw relationships and analogies, identify contradictions and equivalence and assess the effectiveness of arguments.

5. Quantitative Techniques :
This section will include short sets of facts or propositions, graphs, or other textual, pictorial or diagrammatic representations such as –

** Pie Chart
** Bar Graphs
** Line Graphs
** Tabular Presentation
** Caselet (Paragraph based DI)
** Mixed D.I.


Gradeup will announce the final result of Gradeup National Scholarship Test for CLAT Exam 2020 on 22nd June 2020 through the community blog and on the respective YouTube Session. The top 200 students who qualify will receive an assured scholarship for higher studies.

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