jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in Scholarship Application Status : Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare

Organisation : JnanaBhumi Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Department
Service Name : Scholarship Application Status
Scholarship Name : Pre-Matric & Post-Matric Scholarship
Applicable For : SC,ST,BC and Disabled Welfare Students
Applicable State : Andhra Pradesh
Website : https://jnanabhumi.ap.gov.in/PrintScholarshipStatus.edu

JnanaBhumi Scholarship Application Status

To know your JnanaBhumi Scholarship Application Status, kindly follow the steps mentioned below.

How to Check Status?

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website of JnanaBhumi Andhra Pradesh through provided above.
Step 2 : Enter Your Application Id
Step 3 : Click on “Get Application Status” button.

Pre Matric Scholarship

Government with a view to support parents of SC /ST/ Disabled children for education of their wards studying in classes V and X so that the incidence of drop-out, especially in the transition fromthe elementary to the secondary stage is minimized, and to improve participation of SC /ST/Disabled children in classes V and X of the Pre-Matric stage, so that they perform better and have abetter chance of progressing to the post-matric stage of education.

Government has introduced this scheme for providing financial assistance to all SC /ST/Disabled students pursuing studies in schools run by the Government, local bodies suchas Mandal, Zilla Parishad and Municipalities or schools aided by the Government.

Who are Eligible?
** Students of SC/ST/BC/Disabled communities with an income ceiling of Rs.2.00 lakhs per annum.
** For 5th to 10th Class students belongs to community SC/ST/Disabled are eligible
** Students belongs to BC community are only eligible for applying 9th & 10th.

Post Matric Scholarship

The Government of Andhra Pradesh have decided to implementing the Post Metric Scholarships scheme, to all eligible students belonging to the SC, ST, BC, EBC (other than Kapu), Kapu, Minority, Differently Abled categories, on a saturation basis.

The disbursal of scholarship is categorised into two schemes;
Jagananna Vidya Deevena (RTF) :
i. To provide full fee reimbursement to every eligible student, i.e. Full Fee (Tuition Fee, Special Fees, Other Fees & Exam Fees) as defined in the G.O.Ms.No. 66 SW(Edn) Dept., dated 8-9-2010 and as fixed by the competent authorities is reimbursed to all eligible students.
ii. Full fee shall be credited to the respective College accounts on behalf of students.

Jagananna Vasathi Deevena (MTF) :
To provide Rs.10,000/- per person to ITI students, Rs.15,000/- per person to Polytechnic students, Rs.20,000/- per person for other Degree and above courses per year to every eligible student for food and hostel expenses.

Jagananna Vasathi Deevena shall be credited into the respective account of the mother of the eligible student. In case of the demise or absence of the mother, the amount shall be credited to the account of the natural guardian of the student.

JnanaBhumi Smart Education Portal

JnanaBhumi, a Student cum Educational Institution Management System is an extension of this aforementioned vision and an effort to provide swift, on time in full services seamlessly to the student community of Andhra Pradesh. This is a platform that will drive change by leveraging on the network of colleges, universities and students.

Categories Andhra Pradesh

View Comments (5)

  • Sir, I have passed out B.tech in 2021. but my 3rd years i.e.,2020 jaganannavidya devana and jagananna vasathi devana both did not credited.

  • Sir, I am from Andhra Pradesh. I want to join b-tech course. But we can't pay more money.so, I want to apply scholarship.

  • good afternoon sir,
    there is any scholarship scheme for the students who are studying in the out of states like BHOPAL, MAHARASTRA. if is there any scheme please help me for applying.

  • Iam a student who received prathibha award for getting 10 points in ssc exam held in 2018 but iam not received amount of thus award i dont how to get that so please help me

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