ICSSR Grants To Organise Research Methodology Course/SPSS For Ph.D. Students

Organization : Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
Grant Name : Grants To Organise Research Methodology Course/SPSS For Ph.D. Students

Website : https://www.icssr.org/

Grants To Organise Research Methodology Course/SPSS For Ph.D. Students:
1. General:
1.1 The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) under the above programmes provides grant to the faculty members of social sciences for organizing the above programmes on social science in general or discipline specific.

The broad disciplines within the domain of social sciences, would be as under:
(i) Sociology and Social Anthropology;
(ii) Political Science/Public Administration and allied;
(iii) Economics and allied;
(iv) International Studies;
(v) Social Geography and Population Studies;
(vi) Commerce and Management;
(vii) Social Psychology and allied;
(viii) Education and allied;
(ix) Social Linguistics/Socio-Cultural and allied;
(x) Law, International Law and allied;
(xi) National Security & Strategic Studies;
(xii) Any other (specify)

1.2 Despite the fact that the sanction of research grant under this programme is exclusively application based or demand driven, or ICSSR may advertise to obtain desired applications from the Course Directors.

2. Eligibility for Award:
2.1 Eligibility for Course Directors:
The Course Directors must be Professor or Associate Professor. However, under Special Component Plan for SC/ST Assistant Professor with the Ph.D. Degree may also apply. Under SCP there is a separate budget allocation for faculty members of the SC/ST categories and the Course Director should be SC/ST. However, the Course Director from General Category may also apply under this scheme, but the SC/ST participants must dominate in this Course. The Course Director may apply for research methodology course or discipline specific. The Course Directors should read the following Guidelines before submitting the application to ICSSR.

2.2 Eligibility for participants:
2.2.1Research Methodology Course/SPSS (For Ph.D. Student ) :
a. All those, pursuing their doctoral work, and college of university teachers, or members of recognized research institutions who are engaged in doctoral work or engaged in or planning to engage in research work (not necessary for Ph.D.) will be eligible to apply for these courses. Due care will be given to allocate in General Category to OBC and Minorities as instructions of Government of India. Recipient of Post Doctoral Fellowship from ICSSR/UGC, from State University may apply.
b. The applications of all these candidates should be forwarded by the sponsoring authorities, namely the Institution/ Employer/ Research Supervisors of the candidates concerned.
c. All the applicants will submit their biodata, present status of their research work duly recommended by the Supervisor, a copy of the Registration certificate, a synopsis/note on their research work along with their applications. The academic career of the candidate, as well as the recommendations of the supervisors in regard to their competence and motivation should be given due edge.
d. Scholars will be selected from the neighboring states/catchments area of the course organizing institute.
e. In SCP scheme the scholars will be selected from SC/ST category and they must dominate in the course. Some scholars from Other Categories preferably OBC category may also be selected.

2.3 Prio 2.3 Priority consideration will be given to proposals forwarded by public-funded institutions and only outstanding proposals from reputed NGOs, may be considered

3. How to apply:
3.1 All applications for financial grant have to be made on the prescribed application form for the above schemes as attached with these guidelines.
3.2 Course contents: The Course Director should submit a brief note about course contents including SPSS/objective of the course along with specific topics to be assigned to each resource persons/experts.

3.3 Course Directors are required to submit the following documents:
i) Forwarding letter from the Head of the Institutes/Registrar/Director of the Institute/Principals of the Colleges provided in the Application Form.
i) CV of the Course Director, as Annexure-II.
iii) List of Resource Persons (Experts)
(a) Local Resource Persons
(b) Outstation Resource Persons (Not more than five)
iv) A brief outlines of the course contents, Duration of the course and tentative programme, As Annexure- III

3.2 All application forms have to be submitted in soft copy either through e-mail or online application as the case may be and subsequently a hard copy of the proposal is also required to be sent, which must be duly forwarded on the prescribed format of the application form with signatures and seal of the Head of the Institution from where the project grant is to be financially administered.
3.3 Applications for research grant can be made throughout out the year. Applications received will be processed quarterly in April/July/October/January.
3.4 Incomplete applications and those not duly forwarded will not be considered for research grant.

4. Duration of the course/ Number of participants and Registration fees:
4.1 Minimum duration of the course is 3 days and maximum 10 days. The number of participants in this course may be 30-40.

4.2 Registration Fees:
Rs.1000/- for Lecturer or equivalent
Rs.500/- for Ph.D Scholars getting any fellowship
Rs.200/- for scholars without any fellowship

This registration fees may be utilised by the Course Directors as per the additional course requirements with the consent of head of the institutes

Categories Fellowship/Grants
Tags icssr.org

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    • From the Website :

      All proposals are to be considered by the Committee on Research Methodology Programme. The meeting of the Committee will be held in the month of April, July, October and January. The Course Directors are requested to submit the application three months in advance.

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